RASA General Meeting Minutes(10/08/2009)
I. Voting/Results
II. Shirt colors—looks like green and black
   a. -yay! But only two people voted…womp, womp
III. T-shirt designs
   a. Topic was skipped due to technical difficulties
   b. Came back to the topic after discussing the grad students
      i. Looked at three t-shirt designs: 2 designs by Sherry’s sister, 1 design from Jacob
      ii. The designs were on point!!! Good job!!!
   c. Heated debates on color of shirt
   d. First design won by an overwhelming majority for the front of the shirt
      i. Will have design on the side of shirt
   e. Third design won as the design of the back of the country
   i. Shade the colors we represent
      ii. “We represent Africa…” as quote on back
      iii. Rice African Student Association on top
      iv. faded owl in the background
   f. will vote on this matter later
   g. Some creative ideas….some were funny
IV. Movie Choice
   a. There were 10 movie choices
   b. Date-looks like the Oct. 23rd
   c. The time will be at 6:30, bring your dinner
V. Volunteer translators for the Houston International Health Foundation
   a. Email from HIHF looking for translators since a lot of their patients don’t speak English
      i. They have over 150 countries, lots of African countries
      ii. Don’t have to be extremely fluent, but enough to translate between patient and doctor
      iii. Very low key
      iv. Give Haruka and Siju an email if you are interested
VI. Involvement of grad students in RASA
VII. Undergrads and grads are not as cohesive, but have been making effort to get to know each other
   a. Grad students decided to throw barbecue and invited us.
   b. Date: Oct. 17th at 6:00 at Rice Grad apartments (will email everyone with more details
   c. Bring $5 and your own drink
VIII. Considering doing a tutoring system between grads and undergrads, but won’t do it if there is not enough expressed interest
IX. Debate on why do we have to pay to eat if we were invited….Africans always trying to get something free or save a buck

Meeting Adjourned at 6:53