Chapter the Second: Survival Tips

Speak Loudly.
Especially if, like me, you don't want to use the microphone, you'll need to make sure that the audience can hear you, or they'll leave.


Ignore the Wise Guy Kid in the Front Row.

Maybe gently suggest that he not spoil the show for everyone else.  


Don't lose your temper, though.  C'mon, you were that kid.


Thou Shalt Not Set off the Smoke Alarm.

This is more about your PERSONAL survival, because Dan will kill you for this.


Develop Thy Own Style.

Do you like to tell bad jokes?  Make chemistry puns?  Have a more serious attitude? It's your platform; you make the call.  Just make it fun, even if you're not going for the stand-up.


Know the Demonstrations.

Every now and then, someone in the audience will have worked at DuPont chemical for the past 20 years.  Be ready to answer their question.  Also, familiarity makes your delivery much more smooth.



Sure, there are a lot of kids out there.  Don't worry!  You're the coolest thing to them since Bill Nye the Science Guy.  Just do what you know.


Know the Officers.

We're here to help you; we're not about to let you die out there.  If you're not comfortable, say so.  Plus we've been doing this forever and have more hints.


More tips to come . . .

Chapter I: Basics of the Museum


Chapter II: Survival Tips


Chapter III: Demonstrations



Last Modified on Saturday, September 22, 2001 07:21 PM

If you have any comments or suggestions, email Freddy Nguyen