SAS Board 2008-09 Officers

Rohan Balsaver, Martel '09
Darshan Patel, Brown '09

Ramya Ramanathan, Hanszen '10

Chaya Murali, Baker '10

Co-Publicity Reps
Karthik Soora, Will Rice '11
Miel Sundararajan, Sid Rich '11


Each of the SAS's committees works towards advancing the overall goals of the organization by focusing on a different aspect ranging from social events to campus action. This system allows members additional ways of getting involved and sharing ideas. Each committee is headed by an elected chair who works closely with an officer. The chair is in charge of the committee and its activities; he/she coordinates regular meetings to discuss important matters and upcoming events. Members are welcome and encouraged to contact the chair(s) of the committee(s) they are interested in joining because all input and help is greatly desired! Joining a committee is an excellent way of meeting new people and helping to spread South Asian culture across campus.


Chairs: Meena Awasthi (Baker '11)
The show committee is responsible for making sure many of the integral parts of our semesterly shows get done, such as procuring the relevant supplies and decorations.


Chairs: Khannan Athreya (Wiess '09) and Abhishek Nag (Will Rice '11)
The Technology committee oversees the lighting and sound for the shows and additionally assists with the CD and video production and distribution.

Community Service

Chair: Rashmi Kamath (Hanszen '11)
The Community Service committee organizes activities such as volunteering with Habitat for Humanity as a way for SAS members to give back to the community. The committee's responsibilities extend beyond service projects to include keeping SAS members abreast of events in the greater Houston area.

Fund Raising

Chair: Nicky Mehtani (Jones '11)
The Fundraising committee plans and coordinates ways to obtain money for SAS and club-sponsored activities. Past fundraising events have included working at football games, selling t-shirts and videos, and the Penny War.


Chair: Nupur Kikani (Jones '11)
The Historian committee records current club activities, maintains alumni contacts, photographs SAS events, and creates a yearly scrapbook.

Campus Action

Chair: Supriya Hattangadi (Lovett '09)
The Campus Action committee strives to promote discussion of South Asian culture within SAS and the Rice community by inviting speakers, creating the SAS newsletter, and working with the administration to offer language and culture classes.


Chairs: Arindam Sarkar (Lovett '11) and Abhishek Nag (Will Rice '11)
The Socials committee plans get-togethers such as movie nights, restaurant outings, and the spring Holi celebration to foster intraclub relations.


Chairs: Hari Athreya (Wiess '11) and Prashant Prasad (Sid Rich '11)
The Sports committee coordinates SAS participation in intramural activities and tournaments including flag football and basketball.


Chair: Sohum Misra
The webmaster is responsible for making and maintaining this website. Have any problems with the website? Thought something looked really good or really bad? Do you have any questions or comments? Email us!