Curriculum Vitae ‑ Carl Rau



Rice University, Dep. of Physics & Astronomy, MS61, Houston, TX 77251-1892, USA



(713) 348‑5417 (off.); (713) 721‑1392 (priv.);



(713) 348‑4150 (off.)









Baccalaureate, Max-Planck Gymnasium Nürtingen



Industry courses: C. E. Fein, Stuttgart



Technische Universität München (TUM): Physics: Undergraduate



B.S., Physics, TUM



M. S., (Diplom‑Physiker), Physics, TUM (ranked #1 in Germany): Physics: Graduate Thesis: Diffusion of Defects in Al, Institute Prof. Maier‑Leibnitz



Ph.D. (Dr.rer.nat.), Physics, TUM (ranked #1 in Germany)
Thesis: Magnetoresistivity and Hall Effect Measurements of the Annealing Kinetics in Al Quenched to 4K, Institute Prof. Maier-Leibnitz



Habilitation in Physics, Ludwigs‑Maximilians‑Universität (LMU) (ranked #4 in Germany); Theme: Electron Capture Spectroscopy: A new Tool in Surface Science and Ferromagnetism






Professor Emeritus of Physics, Rice University, Houston

Prof. Positions and Experience


Full Professor of Physics, Rice University, Houston



Associate Professor of Physics, Rice University, Houston



Research leave: Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill: Optical Spectroscopy at Surfaces



Research Scientist, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill:  Ion scattering, ion neutralization and optical spectroscopy (leave of absence)



Sen. Res. Scientist (Assoc. Prof.), LMU, Directive Head, Surface Physics



Member of the Board, Faculty of Natural Sciences, LMU



Head, solid state physics group, LMU



Assistant Professor, Phys. Dep., LMU



Research Scientist, TUM



Teaching of Physics courses, TUM



Assistant, Lecturer, TUM



Tutor, Physics Department, TUM




Honors and Awards


Graduated (M.S.) "summa cum laude" in Physics, TUM



Siemens ‑ Ring ‑ Stiftung Award for highest rank in excellence in Dipl.‑Phys. Examinations, TUM



Graduated (Ph.D.) "magna cum laude" in Physics, TUM (degree: Dr.rer.nat.)



Habilitation in Physics, LMU (degree: Dr. habil.)



Adjunct Professor, Northeastern University (NEU), Shenyang, China




Prof. Societies and Affiliations:


German Physical Society (DPG)



Member, German Research Society (DFG)



American Physical Society (APS)



Fellow, Rice Quantum Institute (RQI)



American Vacuum Society (AVS)



Member, Materials Research Society (MRS)



American Association of University Professors (AAUP)



Texas Faculty Association (TFA)



Fellow, Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology CNST) at Rice




Prof. Committees and Activities:


Organizer, Surface Magnetism, Intern. Coll. Magn. Films & Surfaces, Yokohama



Member, International Advisory Committee, Intern. Conf. on Magnetism



Member, Research Council, Rice Univ., Houston



Organizer, Exp. Techniques, Intern. Coll. Magn. Films & Surfaces, Asilomar



Organizer, Intern. Workshop on Magnetism of Surfaces, Laguna Beach, CA



Organizer, Ion and Atom‑Surface Interactions in Metals, APS, Indianapolis,



Organizer, Magnetic Interfaces, MRS, San Francisco



National Science Foundation Panel: Academic Research Infrastructure Program



National Science Foundation Panel: CAREER Programs




Review and Referee activities


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)(German Research Society), Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie (BMFT)(German Federal Department of Research and Technology), National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Energy (DoE), Welch Foundation, Petroleum Research Foundation (PRF), Research Corporation, Consultant to Spantran Services to provide expert opinions on foreign academic degrees, Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) of the Department of Science, Research and Technology in Singapur, Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), Netherlands, U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) for the former Soviet Union (FSU), U.S. Department of State (ISTC –Intern. Science and Technology Center, Moscow -  und STCU – Science and Technology Center in Ukraine, Kiev – Grants).

Zeitschrift für Physik, Physical Review Letters (PRL), Physical Review B (PRB), Nuclear Instrument and Methods (NIM), IEEE Transactions on Magnetism, Surface Science, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Canadian Journal of Physics, Review of Scientific Instruments, Comments on Solid State Physics, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology,  Acta Physicae Superficierum, Journal of Applied Physics, Modern Physics Letters, Physics Letters, Progress in Surface Science, Materials Research Society Symposia, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Scanning Microscopy, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Springer Proceedings in :Physics, Vacuum, Applied Physics, Journal de Physique.







List of publications - Carl Rau

C. Rau and H. Wenzl
Abschreckexperimente in Aluminium
Verh. d. DPG 1, 84 (1967).

C. Rau and H. Wenzl
Reaktionskinetische Analyse des Abbaus der Gitterleerstellenübersättigung in abgeschreckten Aluminiumdrähten
BMWF-FB K68-39, 82 (1968).

C. Rau and H. Wenzl
Reaktionskinetische und galvanomagnetische Untersuchungen an abgeschrecktem Aluminium
BMBW-FB K70-10, 89 (1970).

C. Rau
Galvanomagnetische Untersuchungen der Ausheilkinetik in abgeschrecktem Aluminium
Ph.D. Thesis, Technical University Munich (1970).

C. Rau
Reaktionskinetische und galvanomagnetische Untersuchungen an abgeschrecktem Aluminium
Verh. d. DPG 9, 642 (1971).

C. Rau
Galvanomagnetic Measurements of the Annealing Kinetics in Quenched Aluminium
phys. stat. sol. (a) 13, 207 (1972).

C. Rau and R. Sizmann
Measurement of Predominant Electron Spin Orientation at Single
Crystal Surfaces of Ferromagnetic Nickel
Lett. 43A, 317 (1973).

C. Rau and R. Sizmann
Bestimmung der Elektronenspinrichtung in Einkristalloberflächen von ferromagnetischem Nickel
Verh. d. DPG, 3, 375 (1973).

C. Rau
Galvanomagnetic Measurements of the Annealing in Deformed Aluminium
Stat. Sol. (a) 25, K27 (1974).

C. Rau and R. Sizmann
Elektronenspinpolarisation an Oberflächen von ferromagnetischen Nickeleinkristallen
Verh. d. DPG 8, 727 (1974).

C. Rau and R. Sizmann
Electron Spin Polarization at Ferromagnetic Nickel Surfaces Determined Through Electron Capture by Scattered Deuterons
In: Atomic Collisions in Solids, edited S. Datz et al.
Press New York, 1975), Vol. 1, p. 295.

C. Rau and R. Sizmann
Elektronenspinpolarisation an ferromagnetischen Einkristalloberflächen
In: "Wechselwirkungen und Folgeerscheinungen von energiereichen
Teilchen in Festkörpern," (Garching, 1975) p. 189.

C. Rau and R. Grosskopf
Ausheilkinetik von Punktfehlstellen in abgeschrecktem Platin aus galvanomagnetischen Messungen
Verh. d. DPG 7, 639 (1976).

S. Eichner, C. Rau and R. Sizmann
Elektronenspinpolarisation ESP an orientierten Oberflächen von ferromagnetischen Einkristallen
Verh. d. DPG 9, 1010 (1976).

S. Eichner, C. Rau and R. Sizmann
Untersuchung der Elektronenspinpolarisation (ESP) an ferromagnetischen Einkristalloberflächen mit der Elektroneneinfangmethode
In: "Wechselwirkungen und Folgeerscheinungen von energiereichen Teilchen in Festkörpern," (Würzburg, 1976) p. 61.

S. Eichner, C. Rau and R. Sizmann
Spin Distribution of Electrons at a Ferromagnetic Nickel Surface Determined with Electron Capture Spectroscopy
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 6, 204 (1977).

S. Eichner, C. Rau and R. Sizmann
Influence of Hydrogen Adsorption on the Electron Spin Polarization at a Ferromagnetic Ni(110) Surface
J. Magn.
Magn. Mat. 6, 208 (1977).

S. Eichner, C. Rau and R. Sizmann
Spinspektroskopie an ferromagnetischen Einkristalloberflächen
In: Wechselwirkung und Folgeerscheinungen von energiereichen Teilchen in Festkörpern (Ebermannstadt, 1977) p. 155.

S. Eichner, C. Rau and R. Sizmann
Spin Distribution of Electrons at Oriented Surfaces of Ferromagnetics Determined by Electron Capture Spectroscopy
Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 39, 269 (1978).

M. Campagna, D.M. Edwards, W. Eib, L. Kleinman, R. Meservey, D.R. Penn, C. Rau, H. C. Siegmann and R. E. Watson
Polarization of Electrons Emitted from Ferromagnets
Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 39, 276 (1978).

C. Rau
Erholungskinetik von Fehlstellen in abgeschrecktem Al: Experimente und Simulationsmodelle
Verh. d. DPG 1, 244 (1979).

S. Eichner and C. Rau
Elektronenspinpolarisation ESP an Gadoliniumoberflächen oberhalb der Curie Temperatur
Verh. d. DPG 1, 183 (1979).

C. Rau and S. Eichner
Temperature Dependence of the Electron Spin Polarization ESP at Polycrystalline Gd Surfaces Determined with Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS
Proceedings of the International Conference on Magnetism ICM79, Munich, Germany
(1979) p. 214.

A. J. Freeman, H. C. Siegmann, D. T. Pierce, R. Feder and C. Rau
Symposium on Surfaces and Magnetism: Recent Developments and Future Opportunities
J.Magn. Magn. Mat. 15-18, 1070 (1980).

C. Rau
Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS: A New Tool in Surface Science and Ferromagnetism
Comm. on Sol. St. Phys. 9, 177 (1980).

C. Rau
Electron Spin Polarization at Ferromagnetic Surfaces
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 25, 234 (1980).

C. Rau
Elektroneneinfangspektroskopie ECS
Verh. DPG 5, 540 (1980).

C. Rau and G. Eckl
Spin Polarization of Electrons at Surfaces of Oligatomic Epitaxial Ni(100)-Layers
Nucl. Physics Methods in Materials Research, ed. K. Bethge et al. (Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1980) p. 360.

C. Rau and S. Eichner
Temperature Dependence of Ferromagnetism at Gd-Surfaces Determined with Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS
Nucl. Physics Methods in Materials Research, ed. K. Bethge et al.
(Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1980) p. 354.

C. Rau
Elektroneneinfangspektroskopie: Eine Neuentwicklung auf dem Gebiet des Ferromagnetismus und der Oberflächenphysik
Habilitationsschrift, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (1980).

J. C. Tully, N. H. Tolk, J. S. Kraus, C. Rau, and R. Morris
Polarization of Balmer Radiation from Grazing Incidence Collision of Protons on Surfaces
In: Inelastic Ion Surface Collisions, Springer Series in Chemical Physics 17, 196 (1981).

C. Rau and S. Eichner
New Experiments with Electron Capture Spectroscopy at Ni, Gd and Cr Surfaces
In: Inelastic Particle-Surface Collisions, Springer Series in Chemical Physics 17, 138 (1981).

J. S. Kraus, N. H. Tolk, J. S. Tully and C. Rau
Electric Field Induced Quantum Oscillations, A Means of Determining Polarized States of Hydrogen Arising from Grazing Incidence Collisions
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 25, 511 (1981).

C. Rau and S. Eichner
Electron Capture Spectroscopy at Cr(100) and Ni(100) Surfaces
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, Sydney 1981, ed. J. R. Bird and G. J. Clark (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1981) p. 433.

C. Rau and S. Eichner
Ferromagnetische Ordnung an (100)-Oberflächen von Cr Kristallen
Verh. d. DPG 3, 301 (1981).

C. Rau and S. Eichner
Ein neuer einfacher Detektor für Oberflächenmagnetismus
Verh. d. DPG 3, 301 (1981).

C. Rau and S. Eichner
Electron-Spin Polarization at Single-Crystalline Cr and Ni Surfaces Determined with Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS
Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 939 (1981).

C. Rau
Magnetic Surface Analysis with Electron Capture Spectroscopy
Applications of Surface Science 13, 310 (1982).

J. S. Helman, C. Rau and C. F. Bunge
Implementation of a Metastable-State X-ray Laser
Appl. Phys. B29, 144 (1982).

C. Rau
Invited Topical Review: Electron Spin Polarization ESP at Surfaces of Ferromagnetic Metals
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 30, 141-174 (1982).

J. S. Helman, C. Rau and C. F. Bunge
X-ray Laser Implementation by Means of a Strong Source of High-Spin Metastable Atoms
Phys. Rev. A27, 562 (1983).

C. Rau
Magnetic Order at Surfaces and Electron Capture Spectroscopy
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 31-34, 874 (1983).

C. Rau and S. Eichner
Electron Spin Polarization (ESP) on Surfaces and Thin Films of Ferromagnetic Materials
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 35, 25 (1983).

C Rau
Electron-Spin Polarization at Single-Crystalline Cr and Ni Surfaces Determined with Electron Capture Spectroscopy
Bull. Am.
Phys. Soc. 28, 441 (1983).

C. Rau
Magnetische Ordnung an Oberflächen und Elektroneneinfangspektroskopie
Verh. d. DPG 4, 704 (1983).

C. Rau, E. Umlauf, H. Kuffner, A. Schmalzbauer, C. Schneider
Electron Spin Polarization at Surfaces of Bulk V(100), Tb and Oligatomic fcc Fe(111) Films Determined with Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS)
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 29, 347 (1984).

C. Rau
Magnetic Order at Surfaces and Electron Capture Spectroscopy
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 29, 780 (1984).

C. Rau
Magnetic Order at Surfaces of Ferro, Antiferro- and Paramagnetic Materials Determined with Electron Capture Spectroscopy
Trends in Physics (1984), Vol. 2, Proceedings of the Sixth General Conference, European Phys. Soc., Prague, edited by J. Janta and J. Pantoflicek (Union of Czechoslovak, Mathematicians and Physicists, Prague, 1985) p.422.

C. Rau, F. B. Dunning, and G. K. Walters
The New Generation of Surface-Specific, Spin-sensitive Spectroscopies
Comm. Sol. St. Physics 12, 17 (1985).

C. Rau, H. Kuffner
Temperature Dependence of Ferromagnetism at Ni(111) Surfaces Determined with Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS)
J. Magn. Magn.Mat. 54-57, 767 (1986).

C. Rau, E. Umlauf, and H. Kuffner
Strong Temperature Dependence of Ferromagnetism at Ni and Tb Surfaces Determined with Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B13, 594 (1986).

C. Rau, and S. Eichner
Evidence for Ferromagnetic Order at Gadolinium Surfaces above the Bulk Curie Temperature
Phys. Rev. B34, 6347 (1986).

C. Rau
New Applications of Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS)
In: "Magnetic Properties of Low-Dimensional Systems", edited by L. M. Falicov and J. L. Morán-López (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1986) p. 90 (Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 14).

C. Rau, C. Liu, A. Schmalzbauer and G. Xing
Ferromagnetic Order at (100)p(1x1) Surfaces of Bulk Paramagnetic Vanadium
Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 2311 (1986).

C. Rau, C. Schneider, G. Xing, and K. Jamison
Ferromagnetic Order at Surfaces of Oligatomic Epitaxial Fcc g-Fe(111)p(1x1) Films on Cu(111)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 3221 (1986).

C. Rau and M. Robert
Surface Magnetization of Gd at the Bulk Curie Temperature
Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2714 (l987).

C. Rau, C. Liu, G. Xing and C. Jin
Magnetic Order at (100)p(1x1)-Surfaces of Bulk and Thin Film Vanadium
J. Vac. Sci. Tech., A5, 740 (1987).

C. Rau and A. R. Köymen
Spin Polarization Experimental Studies in Heusler Alloys
Proceedings of the SPIE-Conference on Optoelectronic Materials and Devices 836, 99 (1988).

C. Rau and K. Waters
Ion-Surface Interaction to Study Ion-induced Capture and Emission of Polarized Electrons: Novel Means to Investigate Surface Magnetism
Nucl. Instr. Methods B33, 378 (1988).

C. Rau, C. Jin, and M. Robert
Ferromagnetic Order at Tb Surfaces above the Bulk Curie Temperature
J. Appl. Phys. 63, 3667 (1988).

C. Rau, G. Xing, and M. Robert
Ferromagnetic Order and Critical Behavior at Surfaces of Ultrathin V(100)p(1x1) Films on Ag(100)
J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A6, 579 (1988).

C. Rau and C. Jin
Surface Enhanced Magnetic Order and Critical Behavior of Tb(0001) Films on W(110)
J. d. Physique C8, 1627 (1988).

C. Rau, G. Xing, C. Liu, and M. Robert
Two-dimensional Ferromagnetism of Ultra-thin Artificial Vanadium Films
Phys. Lett. A35, 227 (1989).

C. Rau, C. Jin and C. Liu
Magnetic Order at Tb Surfaces Determined by Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS)
Vacuum 39, 129 (1989).

C. Rau, C. Jin and M. Robert
Novel Magnetic Surface Anisotropies and Critical Behavior of Tb(0001)/W(110)
Phys. Lett. A138, 334 (1989).

C. Rau
Studies of Novel Magnetic Systems by Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS)
Hyperfine Interactions 49, 407 (1989).

C. Rau and G. Xing
Ferromagnetic Order at Surfaces of Ultra-Thin Fe(100)/Ag(100) and Tb/Fe(100)/Ag(100) Films Determined by Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS)
J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A7, 1889 (1989).

C. Rau and K. Waters
Emission and Capture of Spin-Polarized Electron during Ion Reflection at Magnetic Surfaces: A new Tool in Surface Magnetism
J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A7, 2217 (1989).

C. Rau and K. Waters
Novel Studies of Spin-Polarized Electrons Emitted during Grazing Incidence Ion Reflection at Magnetic Surfaces
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B40/41, 127 (1989).

C. Alexander, R. Bonometti, R. Brunswick, T. Burke, A. Hundyar, B. Lalevic, M. Moon, C. Rau, G. Vezzoli, and K. Waters
The High-Tc Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x Superconductor: Data on Hall Effect, Jc, and Magnetic Properties and Relationship to Excitonic and Spin Fluctuation Mechanisms
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 79, 146 (1989).

C. Rau
Invited Review Article: Ferromagnetic Order and Critical Behavior of Epitaxial, Ultra-thin Magnetic Films
Appl. Phys. A 49, 579 (1989).

C. Rau, C. Jin and G. Xing
Monolayer-Ferromagnetism and Critical Behavior of Fe(100)/Au(100), Fe(100)/Ag(100) and Tb/Fe(100)/Ag(100 Films by Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS).
Phys. Lett. A144, 406 (1990).

C. Rau, K. Waters, and N. Chen
Angle- and Energy-Resolved, Spin-Polarized Electron Emission Spectroscopy (SPEES) to study surface magnetic and electronic properties
Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1441 (1990).

C. Rau
Surface Magnetism of Novel Epitaxial Systems Determined by Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS) and by Spin-Polarized Electron Emission Spectroscopy (SPEES)
In: Magnetic Properties of Low-Dimensional Systems II,edited by L. M. Falicov and J. L. Morán-López (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990) (Springer Proceedings in Physics 50) p. 72.

C. Rau and K. Waters
Capture and Emission of Spin-Polarized Electrons to Study Surface Magnetism and Critical Behavior
J. of Electron Spectroscopy 51, 291 (1990).

C. Rau
Order out of Chaos Through Fluctuations and Instabilities
In: Organization and Change in Complex Systems, edited by M. Alonso (Paragon House, New York, 1990) p. 260.

K. Waters and C. Rau
Ion-Induced Emission of Spin-Polarized Electrons to Study Surface Magnetism
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 93, 534 (1991).

C. Rau and K. Waters
Emission of Spin-Polarized Electrons to Study Surface Magnetism and Particle-Surface Interaction
in: "Interaction of Charged Particles with Solids and Surfaces," edited by A. Gras-Marti, H.M. Urbassek, N.R. Arista, and F. Flores (Plenum Press, New York, 1991) p. 625.

K. Waters, M. Lu and C. Rau
Spin-Polarized Electron Emission Spectroscopy (SPEES) at Ni(110) and PtMnSb Surfaces
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B58, 342 (1991).

N.J. Zheng, G. Rau, C.F. Hazlewood and C. Rau
High-Resolution, Real-Space Imaging of Conformational Structures of Poly-L-Proline Helixes
J. Scanning Microscopy 5, 631 (1991).

C. Rau, N.J. Zheng, M. Rösler and M. Lu
Ion-Induced Electron Excitation at Magnetic Surfaces
in: "Desorption Induced by Electron Transitions DIET V", ed. by A.R. Burns, E.B. Stechel and D.R. Jennison (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1993) (Springer Series in Surf. Science, Vol.31) p. 133.

C. Rau, N.J. Zheng, M. Rösler and M. Lu
Ion-Induced Electron Emission from Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Surfaces
in: "Ionization of Solids by Heavy Particles", edited by R. Baragiola et. al. (Plenum Press, New York, 1993) p. 313.

C. Rau, N.J. Zheng and M. Lu
Layer-dependent magnetic properties at Fe surfaces using spin-polarized electron emission spectroscopy (SPEES)
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 121, 163 (1993).

C. Rau, P. Mahavadi and M. Lu
Magnetic order and critical behavior at surfaces of ultrathin Fe (100)(1x1) films on Pd(100) substrates
J. Appl. Phys. 73, 6757 (1993).

C. Rau, N.J. Zheng and M. Rösler
Spin-polarized Electron Emission Spectroscopy (SPEES) to Study Particle-Surface Interaction Mechanisms
Nucl. Meth. in Phys. Res. B78, 247 (1993).

N.J. Zheng and C. Rau
Excitation of quasiparticles during grazing-angle particle surface interaction at Al surfaces
J. Vac. Sci. Techn. A11, 2095 (1993).

C. Rau and N. J. Zheng
Grazing-Angle Ion-Induced Electron Excitation at Metal Surfaces
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 5, 249 (1993).

J. Reif, C. Rau, and E. Matthias
Influence of Magnetism on Second Harmonic Generation
Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 1931 (1993).

N. J. Zheng and C. Rau
Scanning Ion Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SIMPA)
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 313, 723 (1993).

V. Florescu, C. Rau and N. J. Zheng
Strong Influence of Tb Concentration on Domain Structure and Kerr Effect of TbFe Thin Films
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 313, 327 (1993).

G. K. Walters and C. Rau
Probing the Surface-Vacuum Interface with Spin-Sensitive Metastable Atom Deexcitation, Electron Capture and Electron Emission Spectroscopy
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 313, 577 (1993).

C. Rau
Electron Capture and Electron Emission Spectroscopy to Study Surface and Interface Magnetism
Progress of Surface Science 46, 135 (1994).

G. Steierl, R. Pfandzelter and C. Rau
Ferromagnetism and Structure of Ru monolayers on C(0001) substrates.
J. Appl. Phys. 76, 6431 (1994).

C. Rau, M. Lu and N.J. Zheng
Surface and Interface Magnetism of Ultra-Thin Body-Centered-Tetragonal Fe(100)(1x1)/Pd(100) Films
in: "New Trends in Magn. Mat. and their Applications", ed. by L. M. Falicov and J. L. Morán-López (Plenum Press, New York, 1994), p.195.

R. Pfandzelter, G. Steierl and C. Rau
Evidence for 4d-Ferromagnetism in 2D Systems: Ru Monolayers on C(0001) Substrates.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 3467 (1995).

C. Rau, N.J. Zheng, C.F. Hazlewood and G. Rau
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Poly-L-Proline
Chem. Phys. and Med. NMR 27, 55 (1995).

C. Rau, P. Mahavadi, M. Lu, and N.J. Zheng
Magnetic Studies of bct Fe(100)p(1x1)/Pd(100) Films
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 148, 40 (1995).

C. Rau and M. Robert
Anisotropic XY Model for Two-dimensional Fe
Modern Physics Letters B 10, 223 (1996).

C. Rau and M. Robert
Magnetic Phase Transitions of Ultra-Thin Fe Films
IEEE Trans. Magn. 32, 4553 (1996).

J. Li and C. Rau
Magnetic Domain Structures of FIB-patterned Cobalt Films using SIMPA
J. Appl. Phys. 95, 6527-6529 (2004).

C. Rau
Exploring the world of artificial magnetism from thin films to nanostructures
Acta Physicae Superficierum VII, 63-72 (2004).

J.Li and C. Rau
Spin-resolved magnetic studies of bct Fe/Mn/bct Fe(100)/fcc Pd(100) films using scanning ion microscopy with polarization analysis
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 286, 473-478 (2005).

J. Li and C. Rau
Spin-resolved Magnetic Studies of Focused Ion Beam Etched Nano-sized Magnetic Structures
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B, 230, 518-523 (2005).

J. Li and C. Rau
Magnetic structure of vortex and antivortex states in patterned Co elements studied by using scanning ion microscopy with polarization analysis (SIMPA).
J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08H3021-3 (2006).

J. Li and C. Rau

Three-Dimensional, Spin-Resolved Structure of Magnetic Vortex and Anitvortex States in Patterned Co Films Using Scanning Ion Microscopy with Polarization Analysis

Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 1072011-4 (2006).


J. Li and C. Rau

Fabrication, Investigation and Modification of Magnetic States in Nano-scale Patterned Co Films by Using Scanning Ion Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SIMPA)

Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 256, 446 (2007).


J. Li and C. Rau

Reply to Comment on "Three-Dimensional, Spin-Resolved Structure of Magnetic Vortex and Antivortex States in Patterned Co Films Using Scanning Ion Microscopy with Polarization Analysis."

Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 179701 (2008).


J. Li and C. Rau

Manipulation and Propagation of Domain Walls in Ferromagnetic Nanowires Studied by Using Scanning Ion Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SIMPA).

(to be published).


J. Li and C. Rau

Focused Ion Beam Created Magnetic Logic Nanostructures Studied by Using Scanning Ion Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SIMPA).

(to be published).


List of Talks and Colloquia at Conferences, Universities and
Research Laboratories

(* = Invited Lecture)

March meeting DPG, Bad Nauheim, April 1967.

March meeting DPG, Münster, April 1971.

5th Intern. Conf. on Atomic Collisions in Solids, Gatlinburg,
, September 1973.

*New York University NY, September 1973: Electron Spin Polarization in Transmission and Reflection at Nickel Surfaces.

March meeting DPG, Münster, March 1973.

*Colloquium über Myonenfestkörperphysik, ETH Zürich, April 1974: Elektronenspinpolarisation und Magnetismus.

March meeting DPG, Freudenstadt 6, April 1974.

*Phys. Coll. FU Berlin, January 1975: Untersuchung der Elektronenspinpolarisation an Ferro-magnetischen Nickel-Einkristalloberflächen durch Elektroneneinfang bei Reflexion von Deuteronen.

*Intern. Conf. on Atomic Collisions in Solids, Amsterdam, September 1975: Electron Spin Polarisation ESP at Ferromagnetic Single Crystalline Surfaces of Metals.

*Conference on: Wechselwirkung und Folgeerscheinungen von energiereichen Teilchen in Festkörpern, Garching, December 1975.

*Institut für Theoretische Physik; Univ. Frankfurt, January 1976: Untersuchung der Elektro-nenspinpolarisation an ferromagnetischen Einkristalloberflächen durch Elektroneneinfang von Deuteronen.

March meeting, DPG, Freudenstadt, April 1976.

March meeting DPG, Eindhoven, June 1976.

*Intern. Workshop on Ion-Surface Collisions, Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, N.J., July 1976: Electron Spin Polarization in High Energy Ion Scattering from Surfaces.

*Gordon Research Conferences on Particle-Solid Interaction, Proctor Academy, NH, August 1976: Electron Spin Polarization at Oriented Surfaces of fcc, bcc and hcp Ferromagnetic Single Crystals.

*8th International Colloquium on Thin Films, University of York, Heslington U.K., September 1976: Electron Spin Polarization at Surfaces of Ferromagnetic Single Crystals.

*Institut für Theoretische Physik, Univ. Bochum, September 1976:Untersuchung der Elektro-nenspinpolarisation an ferromagnetischen Einkristalloberflächen.

*Conference on: Wechselwirkungen und Folgeerscheinungen von energiereichen Teilchen in Festkörpern, Würzburg, December 1976.

March meeting DPG, Münster, March 1977.

*Phys. Coll., Univ. Marburg, February 1977: Eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Elektronenspinpolarisation an ferromagnetischen Einkristalloberflächen.

*Phys. Coll., KFA Jülich, May 1977: Reaktionskinetische und galvomagnetische Unter-suchungen an abgeschrecktem Aluminium, Platin und Gold.

*Intern. Conf. on Physics of Transition Metals, University of Toronto, Canada, August 1977.

7th Intern. Conf. on Atomic Collisions in Solids, Moscow State Univ., USSR, September 1977: Spin Polarization of Electrons at Oriented Surfaces of Ferromagnetic Single Crystals Determined with Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS.

*Conference on: Nukleare Festkörperforschung, Ebermannstadt, October 1977.

*Physikalisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, LMU München July 1977: Eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Elektronenspinpolarisation an ferromagnetischen Einkristalloberflächen.

*Colloquium, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., USA March 1978: A novel method for the investigation of the electron spin polarization at single crystalline surface of magnetized ferromagnetics by capture of polarized electrons during small angle scattering of deuterons.

*Gordon Research Conference on Particle Solid Interactions, Proctor Academy, New Hampshire, August 1978: Deuteron Tensor Polarization and Polarized Light Emission Using Electron Capture Spectroscopy at Ferromagnetic and Nonferromagnetic Materials.

Second Intern. Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface, Collisions, Hamilton, Canada, 1978.

*Phys. Coll., Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politechnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico, August 1978: New experiments with Electron Capture Spectroscopy.

*Phys. Coll., FU Berlin, 1979: Elektroneneinfangspektroskopie an Oberflächen.

*Intern. Conference on Magnetism, Munich, 1979.

Ninth Intern. Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, Aarhus, Denmark, 1979: Production of Deuterium Nuclear Polarization using Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS at polycrystalline Cu-Surfaces.

Eighth Intern. Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids, Hamilton, Canada, 1979: Electron Spin Polarization ESP at Gd-Surface using Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS.

*Lectures and Colloquia on Electron Capture Spectroscopy in the US, 1979.

*Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ

*Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.

*Argonne National Laboratories, Argonne, IL.

*State University of New York, Albany, NJ.

*Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

*National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC.

*University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.

*New York University, NY.

*Phys. Coll., Tech. Univ. Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 1979: Untersuchung der Elektronenspinpolari-sation an ferro- und antiferromagnetischen Einkristalloberflächen.

*Phys. Coll., ETH Zürich, 1980: Elektroneneinfangspektroskopie:Eine neue Methode zur Untersuchung der Elektronenspinpolarisation.

*March meeting DPG (At. Physics), Bielefeld 1980:
Elektroneneinfangspektroskopie: Elektronenspinpolarisation ESP an ferromagnetischen Einkristalloberflächen.

*March meeting APS, New York, 1980: Electron Spin Polarization at Ferromagnetic Single Crystalline Surfaces.

*Phys. Coll., Univ. of Michigan at Ann Arbor, 1980: Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS.

Eighth Intern. Vacuum Congress, 4th Intern. Conf. on Solid Surfaces, 3th Europ. Conf. on Surface Science, Cannes, 1980: Temperature Dependence of Ferromagnetism at Gd Surfaces.

Seventh Div. Conf. on: Nuclear Physics Methods in Materials Research, Europhysics Conference, Darmstadt, 1980.

Third Intern. Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collision, Feldkirchen- Westerham, 1980.

*Phys. Coll., Gesamthochschule Kassel, 1980: Den Magnetismus besser verstehen: Elektroneneinfangspektroskopie.

*Phys. Coll., Univ. of Osnabrück, 1980:
Elektroneneinfangspektroskopie: Eine neue Spektroskopie.

*Phys. Coll., FU Berlin, 1981: Elektronen-Einfang-Spektroskopie.

*Third Intern. Conf. on Ion Beam Analysis, Sydney, 1981.

March meeting DPG Münster, AG Magnetismus, March, 1981.

*Symposium on Surfaces, Kassel, 1981:
Elektronen-Einfang-Spectroskopie: Eine neue Methode in der Oberflächenphysik.

*Phys. Coll., Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Instituto de Ciencias, 1981: Electron Capture Spectroscopy.

*March meeting DPG, 1981: Magnetische Ordnung an Oberflächen.

*Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, 1981: Untersuchung der Elektronenspinpolarisation an ferro- und antiferromagnetischen Einkristalloberflächen.

*Phys. Coll., Univ. Duisburg, 1981: Elektronen-Einfang-Spektroskopie.

*Phys. Coll., Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 1981: Untersuchung der magnetischen Ordnung an antiferro- und ferromagnetischen Einkristalloberflächen.

*Colloquium, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Institute f. Low. Temp. Res.,1981: Elektroneneinfangspektroskopie.

*Phys. Coll., Universität Düsseldorf, 1981: Magnetische Ordnung an Oberflächen.

*Intern. Workshop on Ion Beam Studies, Newcastle, Australia, 1982: Polarized Electrons from Magnetic Materials.

Ninth Intern. Conference on Atomic Collision in Solids, Lyon, France, 1982: Two-electron charge exchange, a new fundamental way to investigate electron spin polarization at ferromagnetic surfaces-

*Perkin-Elmer, Eden Praerie, USA, 1982: Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS.

Twelfth Intern. Conf. on Quant. Electr., Munich, 1982: Implementation of a metastable-state X-ray laser.

*Phys. Coll., Centro de Investigation y Estudios Avanzados del PN, Mexico City, 1982: Magnetic Order at Surfaces and ECS.

*Intern. Conf. on Magnetism, Kyoto, 1982.

*Intern. Coll., on Magn. Thin Films and Surfaces, Yokohama, 1982.

*Phys. Coll., Rice Univ., Houston, 1982: Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS and Applications.
*Phys. Coll., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, 1982: Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS and Applications.

*Phys. Coll., Univ. Regensburg, 1982: Neue Experimente mit Elektroneneinfang-spektroskopie.

*National Bureau of Standards, Washington, 1982: New Experiments with Electron Capture Spectroscopy and Future Applications.

*Phys. Coll., Univ. Kassel, July 1983: New Experiments with Electron Capture Spectroscopy.

X. Intern. Conference of Atomic Collision in Solids, Bad Iburg, July 1983: Implementation of a Metastable-state X-ray Laser.

*Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Solids and Liquids, Wolfeboro, N.H. August 1983: Polarized Electron Pick-up at Magnetic Surfaces.

*Phys. Coll., Rice Univ., September 1983: Applications of Electron Capture Spectroscopy.

*Phys. Coll., UT at Arlington, October 1983: Magnetic Order at Surfaces and X-ray Lasers.

*Phys. Coll., UT Austin, February 1984: Magnetic Order at Surfaces and X-ray Lasers.

March meeting APS, Detroit March 1984: ESP at Surfaces of Bulk V(100), Tb and Oligatomic fcc Fe(111) Films Determined with ECS.

*Phys. Coll., UT at El Paso, May 1984: Magnetic Order at Surfaces and X-ray Lasers.

*APS Division of Electron and Atomic Phys., Storrs, Conn., May 1984: Magnetic Order at Surfaces and Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS).

*Sixth Gen. Conf. Eur. Phys. Soc., Prague, Czech., August 1984: Magnetic Order at Surfaces of Ferro-, Antiferro- and Paramagnetic Materials determined with Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS).

*Phys. Coll., Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, B.C. Canada, March 1985: Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS) and Applications: 1. Magnetic Order at surfaces; 2. X-ray Lasers.

*Phys. Coll., Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada,March 1985: Electron Capture Spectroscopy and Applications: Magnetic Order at Surfaces; 2. X-ray Lasers.

*Physics Department, UT Austin, October 1985.

*Physics Department, UC Irvine, December 1985.

Int. Conf. on Magn. ICM, San Francisco, August 1985: Temperature Dependence of Ferro-magnetism at Ni(111) Surfaces Determined with Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS.

*Eleventh Intern. Conf. on Atomic Coll. in Solids, Washington, August 1985: Strong Tempe-rature Dependence of Ferromagnetism at Ni and Tb Surfaces Determined with Electron Capture Spectroscopy ECS.

Eleventh Intern. Colloquium on Magn. Films and Surfaces ICMFS-ll Asilomar, September 1985, Discussion-Leader and Chairperson.

*Physics Department, UT Austin, October 1985: Magnetic Order at Surfaces.

*Fourteenth Intern. Conf. Unity of Sciences, Houston, November 1985: Selforganization and Evolution through Fluctuations and Instabilities.

*Intern. Workshop on Magn. Properties of Low Dimensional Systems, Taxco, Mex., January 1986: New Applications of Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS).

*March Meeting APS, Las Vegas, March 1986: Transfer of Polarized Electrons from Magnetic Substrates.

Tenth Intern. Vacuum Congress, Sixth Intern. Congress on Solid Surfaces, 33rd Nat. Am. Vac. Soc. Symp., Baltimore, October 1986: Magnetic Order at (100)p(1x1)-Surfaces of Bulk and Thin Film Vanadium.

*Conference on Integrated Optical and Opto-electronic Logic Devices, Dover, NJ, December 1986: Spin Polarization and Magneto-optic Studies of Half-Metallic Ferromagnetic Materials.

*Conference on Integrated Optical and Optoelectronic Logic Devices, Dover, NJ, December 1986: Session Chairman : Passivation of Semiconductor Structures.

Annual Meeting of the APS, New York, 1987: Temperature Dependence of Ferromagnetic Order at Surfaces of Polycrystalline Tb Determined by Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS).

Annual Meeting of the APS, New York, 1987: Ferromagnetic Order at Surfaces of Ultra-Thin V/Ag(100) Films and of Bulk V(100) Determined by Electron Capture Spectroscopy.

*International Symposium and Conference on Opto-electronic Materials and Devices, San Diego, CA, 1987: Spin Polarization Experimental Studies in Heusler Alloys.

International Symposium on Applications of Ion Beams produced by Small Accelerators, Jinan, PR China, 1987: Magnetic Order at Tb Surfaces Determined by Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS).

*12th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids, Okayama, Japan, 1987: Ion-Surface Interaction to Study Ion-Induced Capture and Emission of Polarized Electrons: Novel Means to Investigate Surface Magnetism.

*Physics Department, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 1987: New Experiments with Electron Capture Spectroscopy: Applications in Surface Magnetism and X-Ray Lasers.

First International Workshop on the Magnetism of Surfaces, Laguna Beach, CA, 1987: Organizer of Workshop and Discussion Leader.

32nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Chicago, IL, 1987: Ferromagnetic Order at Tb Surfaces above the Bulk Curie Temperature.

34th National Symposium and Topical Conference of the American Vacuum Society, Anaheim, CA, 1987: Ferromagnetic Order and Critical Behavior of Ultra-thin V(100)P(1x1) Films on Ag(100).

*Colloquium, Physics Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, 1987: New Applications of Electron Capture Spectroscopy: 1. Surface Magnetism, 2. X-Ray Lasers.

*Annual Meeting of the APS, New Orleans, 1988; Capture and Emission of Polarized Electrons from Magnetic Surfaces: Novel Means to Study Surface Magnetism.

*Colloquium, Physics Department, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1988: Electron Capture Spectroscopy and Applications: Novel Means to Study Surface Magnetism.

*Colloquium, Physics and Chemistry Department, University of Liverpool, UK, 1988.

*Colloquium, Physics Department, University of Münster, 1988.

*Colloquium, Physics Department, University of Duisburg, 1988.

*Colloquium, Physics Department, University of Aachen, 1988.

Intern. Conference on Magnetism, Paris, 1988.

*12th Intern. Coll. on Magn. Films and Surfaces, Le Creusot,
France, 1988.

*Seminar, Max-Planck Institut, Garching, F.R.G., 1988

*Intern. Conf. on Nuclear Methods in Magnetism Research, Munich, 1988.

*Seminar, Laboratorium für Festkörperphysik, ETH Zürich, 1988.

*Colloquium, Max-Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, 1988.

35th National Symposium and Topical Conference of the American Vacuum Society, Atlanta, 1988.

35th National Symposium and Topical Conference of the American Vacuum Society, Atlanta, 1988.

Conference on the Applications of Small Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, 1988.

*Seminar: University of California at Irvine, 1989: New Applications of Electron Capture Spectroscopy.

Conference: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Dallas, TX, 1989: A new spin-polarized Auger electron microscope.

March meeting APS, St. Louis, 1989.

March meeting APS, St. Louis, 1989.

March meeting APS, St. Louis, 1989.

*Colloquium, Department of Physics, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, 1989: Electron Capture Spectroscopy and Spin-Polarized Electron Emission Spectroscopy: New Tools in Surface Science and Ferromagnetism.

*Second International Workshop on the Magnetic Properties of Low- Dimensional Systems, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 1989.

*International Workshop on Monolayer Magnetism, Berkeley Springs, VA, 1989.

*Colloquium, Department of Physics, Ruhr University, Bochum, 1989.

*Colloquium, Department of Physics, University Duisburg, 1989.

Fourth Intern. Conference on Electron Spectroscopy, University of Hawaii, Manoa, Hawaii, 1989.

Spin-Polarized Electron Emission Spectroscopy (SPEES): A New and Sensitive Tool for Surface Magnetic, Electronic and Chemical Studies, Anaheim, March meeting APS, 1990.

Magnetically Related Properties of Bismuth Containing High Tc Superconductors, Anaheim, March meeting APS, 1990.

*Physics Colloquium: Electron Capture Spectroscopy and Spin-Polarized Electron Emission Spectroscopy", Arizona State University, Tempe, 1990.

*Physics Colloquium: Study of New Electronic Materials with ECS and SPEES, University of Houston, Houston, 1990.

*Physics Colloquium: Magnetism of Novel Epitaxial Systems, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1990.

*Physics Colloquium: New Applications of ECS and SPEES, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1990.

*SPEES, A new Spectroscopy in Surface Physics, NATO Conference on Particle-Surface Interactions, Alicant, Spain, 1990.

Conference on Ultra-thin Magnetic thin Films, European Materials Research Society Conference, Strassbourg, France, 1990.

*Physics Colloquium: Magnetic Order and Critical Behavior of Artificially Structured Magnetic Thin Films, University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 1990.

*Seminar: New Spectroscopies in Surface Physics and Ferromagnetism, Physics and Chemistry Department, University of Nancy, Nancy, France, 1990.

*Physics Colloquium: New Experiments using Particle-Surface Interactions to Study Surfaces, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, 1990.

*Physics Colloquium: Electron Capture Spectroscopy and Spin-Polarized Electron Emission Spectroscopy, Krakow University, Krakow, Poland, 1990.

Conference on Particle-Solid Interaction, Wiener Neustadt, Austria, 1990.

37th National Symposium and Topical Conference of the American Vacuum Society, Toronto, Canada, 1990.

March meeting APS, Cincinnati, 1991.

March meeting APS, Cincinnati, 1991.

*Conference on Scanning Microscopy, Chicago, USA: Conformational Structures of Poly-L-Proline Helixes studied by STM. (with C.F. Hazlewood, G. Rau and N.J. Zheng)

*International Conference on Diffusion and Defects in Solids DD-91, 1991, Moscow, USSR: Electron Capture and Electron Emission Spectroscopy: New Techniques in Surface Science and Ferromagnetism to Study Novel Electronic Materials

*Seminar: New Experiments with electron capture spectroscopy (ECS) at surfaces of ultra-thin, artificially-structured magnetic materials, FU Berlin, Berlin, Germany

*Seminar: Spin-Polarized Electron Emission Spectroscopy (SPEES): A new Tool for Surface Magnetic, Electronic and Chemical Studies, FU Berlin, Berlin, Germany

*Physics Colloquium: Novel magnetic materials, Department of Physics, University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany.

*Seminar: Spin-Polarized Electron Emission Spectroscopy (SPEES) to Study Particle Surface Interaction Mechanisms, IGV, KFA Jülich, Jülich, Germany.

*Physics Colloquium: New Applications of Electron Capture and Emission Spectroscopy, Department of Physics, University of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany.

38th National Symposium and Topical Conference of the American Vacuum Society, Seattle, USA, 1991: Magnetic, Electronic and Chemical Surface Structures Studies by SPEES. (with N.J. Zheng, K. Waters and M. Lu).

38th National Symposium and Topical Conference of the American Vacuum Society, Seattle, USA, 1991: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study Of Poly-L-Proline. (with G. Rau, N.J. Zheng and C.F. Hazlewood).

March meeting of the APS, Indianapolis, USA, 1992: Magnetic and Electronic Surface Structures Studied by Spin-polarized Electron Emission Spectroscopy (SPEES). (with N.J. Zheng, M. Lu).

March meeting of the GPS, Hannover, Germany, 1992: Second Harmonic Generation at PtMnSb Surfaces: Second Order Magneto-optical Kerr effect. (with J.C. Zink, J. Reif and E. Matthias)

Fifth Workshop on Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions, DIET V, Taos, NM, 1992: Ion-induced Electron Excitation at Magnetic Surfaces.

Nato Conference, Taormina, Italy, June 1992: Ion-induced Quasiparticle Emission from Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Surfaces.

*Colloquium University of Stuttgart, Germany, 1992: Exploring the World of Artificial Magnetism.

Conference on Magnetism Ultra-Thin Films, Multilayers and Surfaces, at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France, 1992.

Ninth International Conference at the Centre Paul Langevin, Aussois. France, 1992.

39th National Symposium, American Vacuum Society, Cincinnati, 1992 (with N. J. Zheng).

*7th Latin-American Symposium on Surface Physics (SLAFS 7), Bariloche, Argentina (1992): Excitation of Quasiparticles at Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Surfaces.

*Colloquium at the Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisica (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro,Brazil1992: Exploring the World of Artificial Magnetism: New Experiments with Electron Capture and Emission Spectroscopy.

*Colloquium at the Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1992: Novel magnetic materials and systems studied with nuclear techniques.

37th Annual Conference on Magn. Magn. Mat. : Magnetic Order on critical behavior at Surfaces of Ultra-Thin Films Fe (100)BCT(1x1) films on Pd(100) Substrates, Houston, 1992 (with M. Lu).

*Seminar LSU nd CAMD at Baton Rouge, March 1993: New experiments with ECS and SPEES.

*Colloquium UC at Irvine, April 1993: Magnetism of artificial structured systems.

MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco , CA, 1993: Element-Specific Interface Magnetism of BCT Fe(100) (1X1)Pd(100)Films Studied by Spin-Polarized Electron Emission Spectroscopy, (with M. Lu)

MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco , CA, 1993: Domain Structures of Metal Overlayers on Fe(110) Studied by Scanning Ion Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SIMPA), (with N. J. Zheng).

MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA 1993: Strong Influence of Tb Concentration on Domain Structure and Kerr Effect of TbFe Thin Films , (with V. Florescu).

MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA 1993: Probing the Surface-Vacuum Interface with Spin-Sensitive Metastable Deexcitation, Electron Capture and Electron Emission Spectroscopy, (with G.K. Walters).

*II. Latino-American Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and Their Applications, Guanajuato, Mexico, August 1993: Surface and Interface Magnetism of Ultra-Thin Body-Centered-Tetragonal Fe(100)(1x1)/Pd(100) Films

*V1-th Symposium on Surface Physics, Chlum, CFSR, 1993: Electron Capture and Emission Spectroscopy to Study Surface Interface Magnetism.

*Phys. Coll. University of Münster, Germany (1993): "Electron Capture and Emission Spectroscopy: New Tools in Surface Science and 2 D-Magnetism,"

*University of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory, UK (1993): "New Physical Phenomena in Two-dimensional Magnetism,"

*University of California at Berkeley (1993): "Exploring the world of artificial magnetic nanostructures".

*University of California at Davis (1993): "New experiments with electron capture-emission spectroscopy (ECS-SPEES) and with scanning ion microscopy with spin analysis (SIMPA)".

* Phys. Coll., ETH Zürich 1994: Surface and Interface Magnetism, Magnetic Domain Structure of Ultra-Thin Film Systems.

*Max-Planck Institute Munich-Garching, Germany (1994): "New Experiments with ECS, SPEES and SIMPA".

*Intern. Coll. Magn. a. Films ICMFS '94, Düsseldorf, Germany (1994): "Magnetic Studies of BCT Fe(100)p(1x1)/Pd(100) Films".

*APS, Texas Section, Austin (1995): "Surface, Interface and Micromagnetic Studies of New, Magnetic Materials and Systems".

*Sol. State Seminar. University of Texas at Austin, 1995: "Exploring the World of Artificial Magnetism".

*Phys. Coll., Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 1995: "Exploring the World of Artificial Magnetism."

Intermag 95, San Antonio, TX, 1995: "Phase Transitions of Ultra-Thin Fe Films".

*Intern. Conf. Scanning Microscopy, Houston, TX, 1995: "Fundamental Magnetic Properties of Novel Magnetic Systems".

*ARPA/NRL/ONR Magnetic Materials and Devices Workshop, Arlington, VA, 1995: "Scanning Ion Microscopy with Spin Analysis (SIMPA) and Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Technology to Fabricate and Characterize in Situ New Magnetic Materials and Devices".

Intern. Conf. Appl. Mat. ICAM95, Cancun, Mexico, 1995: "Scanning Ion Microscopy with Spin Analysis (SIMPA) to Study Domain Structures in Thin, Artificially Structured, Magnetic Films."

*Physics Colloquium at the University of Texas at Arlington, TX, 1995: "Exploring the World of Artificial Magnetism."

42nd. Natl. Sym. of the AVS, Minneapolis, MN,1995,:"Surface- and Interface-Magnetism of Ultra-Thin Mn Films on Fe(100)/Pd(100)". (w. G. Steierl)

*Colloqu. at Purdue University, IN, 1995: "Exploring the world of artificial magnetism at nano-scales."

43nd. Natl. Symp. of the AVS, Philadelphia, 1996: "Magnetic Depth Profiling and Domain Imaging of Patterned Magnetic Films using Scanning Ion Microscopy with Spin Analysis (SIMPA)." (w. G. Steierl)

41st Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Atlanta, 1996: "Magnetic Depth-Profiling of exchange-coupled Fe/Mn/Fe/Pd(100) trilayers." (w. G. Steierl and Z.Z. Zhou)

*Colloquium in Honor of Sotero Prieto at the Department of Physics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México City, 1996: "Exploring the World of Artificial Magnetism at Nanometer Scale."

*Physics Colloquium at Colorado State University at Ft. Collins, CO, 1997: "Exploring the World of Artificial Magnetism."

*Exploring the World of Artificial Magnetism,Lecture, Advanced Materials Research Institute (AMRI) , University of New Orleans, LA (November 2000).

*Scanning Ion Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SIMPA) and Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Technology to Fabricate and Characterize in situ New Nano-Magnetic Materials and Devices,Oaxaca, Mexico (January 2000).

9th joint MMM/Intermag Conference, Anaheim, CA, 2004: "Magnetic Domain Structures of FIB-patterned Cobalt Films using SIMPA." (w. J. Li).

*Physics Colloquium at the Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2004: “Exploring the world of artificial magnetism from thin films to patterned nanostructures.”

*Physics Colloquium at the Department of Physics, Southeastern University (SEU), Nanjing, China, 2004: “Exploring the world of artificial magnetism from thin films to patterned nanostructures.”

*Keynote speaker at the National Vacuum Metallurgy and Surface Engineering Conference (VMSEC), Northeastern University (NEU), Shenyang, China, 2004: “Magnetic Surface Engineering: Exploring Artificial Magnetism from Thin Films to Patterned Nano-Structures.”

Lecture at the Department of Materials Science, NEU, Shenyang, Chinga, 2004: “Exploring the world of artificial magnetism from thin films to patterned nanostructures.”

* Zhong-Guan-Cun Forum Lecture at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Semiconductors, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2004: “Exploring the world of Artificial Magnetism from Thin Films to Patterned Nano-Structures.”

5th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers (MML "04), Boulder, CO, 2004: "Spin-resolved magnetic studies of bct Fe(100)/Mn/bct Fe(100)/fcc Pd(100) films using scanning ion microscopy with polarization analysis". (w. J. Li)

Intern. Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS21), Genova, Italy, 2004: "Spin-resolved Magnetic Studies of Focused Ion Beam Etched Nano-sized Magnetic Structures."

*Keynote Speaker at the Topical Conference: “From Thin Films to Nanostructures” at the Department of Physics of the University of Lodz, Poland, 2004: “Exploring Artificial Magnetism from Thin Films to Nanostructures.”

Second Conference on Nanoscale Devices and System Integration NDSI 2005, Houston, TX, USA, 2005: "Spin-Resolved Structure of Magnetic Vortices in Patterned, Ultrathin Cobalt Films." (w. J. Li).

Annual Workshop Rice Quantum Institute, Houston, USA, 2005: "Spin-Resolved Magnetic Domain Structure in Nano-sized Magnetic Films using SIMPA". (w. J. Li).

Annual Conference Texas Section of the APS, Houston, USA, 2005: "Exploration of Three-dimensional Magnetic Vortex Structures by using Scanning Ion Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SIMPA)." (w. J. Li).

50th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, San José, CA, USA, 2005: "Magnetic Structure of Vortex and Antivortex States in Patterned Co elements studied by using Scanning Ion Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SIMPA)."

Intern. Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS22), Berlin, Germany, 2006: "Fabrication, Investigation and Modification of Magnetic States in Nano-scale Patterned Co Films by Using Scanning Ion Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SIMPA)."

*Lecture at the Center for Nanomagnetic Systems, University of Houston, TX, USA, 2007: "Exploring the World of Artificial Magnetism from Thin Films to Patterned Nanostructures and Applications."

*Colloquium at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland, 2010: "Exploring the World of Artificial Magnetism from Thin Films to Patterned Nanostructures and Recent Applications."