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Organizations, Community Groups, and Support Groups in Houston

Astro Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf, Inc.
Call 713.869.4369 for more information.

Gay Men's Chorus of Houston
With a membership of over 100 performers supported by over 40 volunteer staff, GMCH represents the finest collective talent in Houston’s GLBT community. Over the years, GMCH has performed in Denver, New Orleans, Vancouver, Austin, and most recently San Jose, at the international GALA choral festival. For more information visit http://www.gmch.org/.

U of H Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual Alliance. GLOBAL serves as the social, political, and support organization for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community and its supporters at the University of Houston. For more information visit http://www.uh.edu/global/.

Helping TransGenders Anonymous
Our H.T.G.A. groups are fellowships of transgender individuals and those who are affected by transgender behavior, who share their experiences, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems. We believe gender presentation is an outward expression of an inner essence of our total being and as such is natural for us. We believe we can find happiness and a productive place in society, not by confrontational behavior or aggressive promotion, but by our being positive and productive citizens. Call 713.721.3MSB (3672) for more information.

Houston Area Motorcycle Society (HAMS)
The Houston Area Motorcycle Society is a nonprofit group of lesbians and lesbian-friendly women whose primary focus is on riding motorcycles, socializing and having fun in a safe and casual environment. There are occasional socials at local coffee shops and restaurants, group rides and overnight or weekend outings. Come ride with us! Visit www.hamsclub.org for more information.

Houston Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
Find out more about the HGLFF, as well as how you can submit a movie, donate money, volunteer, etc. Visit http://www.hglff.org/hglff/submissions.htm.

Houston Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus
Founded in 1975, the Caucus is the South's oldest gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered civil rights organization. Our group educates elected officials and the public on GLBT equality and social justice. Visit www.hglpc.org for more information.

Houston GLBT Community Center
A non-profit organization dedicated to serving as a centralized resource for Houston's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered communities. Visit www.houstonglbtcommunitycenter.org for more information.

Houston Pride Band
The Houston Pride Band is a local community band that provides a fun musical and social experience for Houston's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender musicians. We perform regularly at concerts, parades and other community events. Musicians of all skill levels and instrumentation are welcome. Visit www.houstonprideband.org for more information.

Lesbian & Gay Immigration Rights Task Force
A coalition of citizens, lawyers and other activists that addresses the widespread discriminatory impact of immigration laws that prevent U.S. citizen and permanent residents from sponsoring their foreign partners for immigration purposes. This group also addresses the impact of current laws on the GLBT/HIV positive immigrant community. This is done through education, outreach and advocacy, and by providing legal services, information, referrals and support. Contact LGIRTF-Houston@yahoogroups.com for more information.

People For the American Way Foundation
A progressive social justice organization committed to the advocacy and protection of First Amendment rights and the civil rights of all Americans, including gay men and lesbians. The organization is a premier source of information for policymakers, scholars and activists providing expertise in areas such as civic participation, public education, constitutional liberty, civil rights, religious freedom and judicial independence. For more information, please visit www.pfaw.org.

Pride Committee of Houston
The Pride Committee of Houston is an energetic group of committed volunteers who meet year-round to develop, coordinate, promote and organize the annual Pride events for our community. The result of this hard work is one of the largest month-long Pride Celebrations in the Southwest and the nation's original nighttime Pride Parade. For more information visit http://www.pridehouston.org/.

Q-Patrol is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the prevention of hate crimes against lesbians and gays and is affiliated with the Houston Police Department's Citizens On Patrol (C.O.P.) Program. Volunteer members patrol the Montrose bar areas primarily on the weekends and provide security for special events within the community. Contact qp-callouts@hotmail.com for more information.