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Family Resources in Houston

Family Ties
An information source for the gay and lesbian parents in Houston. Visit http://familyties.20m.com/ for more information.

Houston Gay and Lesbian Parents
HGLP is a social and support group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents, their partners and kids, and prospective parents. Monthly events include a support group, family activity, parents night out, and newsletter mailout. Visit http://www.hglp.org/ for more information.

PFLAG Houston
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. PFLAG (p-flag) is a worldwide, non-profit, volunteer and community-based organization of parents, family and friends of sexual minorities. Founded in 1981 by 25 parents, PFLAG now represents more than 80,000 members and speaks for thousands of others. For more information, e-mail HelpLine@PFLAGHouston.org or call 713.467.3524.