Spring 2003
SKURA W 2:00-5:00


January 15 Introduction

January 22 Theater in Context: Government and University
Richard Mulcaster, The Queen's Majesty's Progress (1558/9)
Cox/Kastan Chap 9 "Wonderful Spectacles"
William Stevenson, Gammer Gurton's Needle (c 1560)
W.G. Ingram"GGN: Comedy Not Quite of the Lowest Order?"
Gail Paster, "Covering His Ass" (1993)
Anon, Robin Hood plays
Anon, Rowland's Jig
Cox/Kastan Chap 13 "Theatre and Popular Culture"

January 29 The Material Theater; Metatheater
Thomas Kyd, The Spanish Tragedy" (1588/9?)
G. K. Hunter, "Ironies of Justice in The Spanish Tragedy"
Jonas Barish, "TheSpT or the Pleasure and Perils of Rhetoric" (1966)
Peter Sacks, "Where Words Prevail Not: Grief, Revenge. . ."
Jonathan Bate, "The Performance of Revenge: Sp T and Titus
" (1992)
Cox/Kastan, Chap 17 "Audiences"
Cox/Kastan, Chap 18 ". . .Acting Styles"
Cox/Kastan, Chap 19 "Personnel and Professionalization"

February 5 Collaboration
Munday, Shakespeare et al, Sir Thomas More (1592/3)
Cox/Kastan Chap 16 "Censorship"
Cox/Kastan Chap 20 "Playwriting. . .Collaboration"
Cox/Kastan Chap 23 "The Revision of Scripts"
Introduction to the Revels edition of Sir Thomas More

February 12 Theater and Domestic Culture
Anon, Arden of Faversham (1592?)
Cox/Kastan Chap 10 "The Theater and Domestic Culture"
Lena C. Orlin, "Man's House as His Castle" (1985)
Richard Helgerson, "Murder in Faversham: Holinshed's
Impertinant History" (1997)

February 19 Theater and Homosocial Culture
Christopher Marlowe, The Troublesome Reigne and Lamentable
Death of King Edward the Second
Greg Brodbeck, "Writing Edward II" (1991)
Shakespeare, King Richard II (1595)
Derek Jahrman, Edward II (film)

February 26 Theater and Nationalism
Thomas Dekker, The Shoemaker's Holiday (1599)
Shakespeare, King Henry V (1599)
David Kastan, "Workshop and/as Playhouse: Comedy and Commerce in
Shoemaker's Holiday" (1987)
Richard Helgerson, Forms of Nationhood: the Elizabethan Writing of
(1992), Introduction, Chapter 5

March 5 Theater and Marriage
Thomas Heywood, A Woman Killed With Kindness (1607)
Anon, A Yorkshire Tragedy (1607/8)

March 12 BREAK

March 19 Theater, Law, and Appetite
Ben Jonson, Bartholomew Fair (1613)
Luke Wilson, Theaters of Intention: Drama and the Law in Early
England (2000), Introduction, Chapters 2 and 3
Bruce Boehre, The Fury of Men's Gullets: BJ and the Digestive Canal,
Introduction, Chapter 5 extract

March 26 Thomas Middleton, A Chaste Maid In Cheapside (1613)
Stephen Wigler, "TM's Chaste Maid: The Delicious and the
Disgusting" (1976)

April 2 Elizabeth Cary, Mariam Fair Queen of Jewry (1613?)
------------Cary, Biography

April 9 John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi (1614)

April 16 NO CLASS; annotated bibliography for your play due

April 23 NO CLASS; abstract of paper due


Any student with a documented disability needing academic
adjustments or accommodations is requested to speak with me
during the first two weeks of class. All discussions will
remain confidential. Students with disabilities should also
contact Disabled Student Services in the Ley Student Center.

Sign up for the class newsgroup:
First send mail to listserv@rice.edu
with no subject
with message <subscribe RenDram Firstname Lastname>
Then to send messages to all of us:
Send mail to RenDram@rice.edu
My office is in FL 608; office phone is x2467
Office hours are extremely irregular, though Monday afternoons are the best bet
BUT please email anytime to make an appointment (skura@rice.edu)

Arthur Kinney, ed. Renaissance Drama (1999)
Margaret Fergusson and , Elizabeth Cary, Mariam, Fair Queen of Jewry
John Cox and David Kastan, eds., A New History of Early English Drama (1997)
Bibliography (Xeroxed; to be distributed)
Xerox packet (can be purchased at English office)
Books on reserve (see below)

1. Weekly short (3 pages) papers (ungraded, unless the group as a whole decides
Due each week on the Wednesday of class meeting EXCEPT for
One online response due the Monday before class (you'll take turns)
One online reply due the Tuesday before class (you'll take turns)
2. Annotated bibliography for your play (see below)due April 16
3. Longer paper (c. 20 pages) about one of the plays read this semester and its relation to theatrical and if possible (some aspect of) cultural context during the two or three years surrounding its production.

Munday, Shakespeare, et al, Sir Thomas More (for introduction)
Revels editions of all plays (where available)
Renaissance Drama bibliography (through the 70's)
Yoshiko Kawachi, Calendar of English Renaissance Drama 1558-1642
G. Blakemore Evans, Annals, 1552-1616
G. B. Harrison, Elizabethan Diaries
Many anthologies of commentaries

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