Stem Cells:  Saving Lives or Crossing Lines (November 20-21, 2004)
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Supplemental Information

Full Document (supplement.pdf)

Table of Contents

An Introduction to Stem Cells (ESC.pdf)
American Stem Cell Research Politics and Policies (Politics.pdf)
State Cloning Laws (State.pdf)
World Human Cloning Policies (World.pdf)
Case Study: The United Kingdom Regulation of Stem Cell Research (UK.pdf)
Glossary (Glossary.pdf)

Further Suggested Reading and Websites

Introduction to Stem Cells

  • International Society for Stem Cell Research
  • NIH, Stem Cell Basics
  • National Research Council and Institute of Medicine. (2002) Stem Cells and the Future of Regenerative Medicine. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press
  • Embryonic Stem Cell Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • National Parkinson Foundation
  • Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
  • Hwang, W.S., et. al. (2004) Evidence of a Pluripotent Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line Derived from a Cloned Blastocyst. Science 303:1669-74.
  • Wilmut, I., et. al. (1997) Viable Offspring Derived from Fetal and Adult Mammalian Cells. Nature 385:810-13.
  • American Stem Cell Research Politics and Policies

  • Thomas, Legislative Information on the Internet
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science Regulating Human Cloning
  • Proposition 71 – Official Title and Summary by the Attorney General
  • Research!America
  • Bonnicksen, A.L. (2002) Crafting a Cloning Policy, From Dolly to Stem Cells. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
  • Thomson, J.A. et. al. (1998) Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Derived from Human Blastocysts. Science 282:1145-7.
  • Wilmut, I., et. al. (1997) Viable Offspring Derived from Fetal and Adult Mammalian Cells. Nature 385:810-13.
  • State Cloning Laws

  • The Institute of Biotechnology & the Human Future
  • National Conference of State Legislatures
  • President’s Council on Bioethics
  • World Cloning Policies

  • The Database of Global Policies on Human Cloning and Germ-line Engineering
  • The Institute on Biotechnology and the Human Future
  • Stem Cells
  • Global Lawyers and Physician for Human Rights: North America, Asia , Europe, and New Zealand
  • Foreign Press Center (Japan)
  • International Society for Stem Cell Research
  • World Health Net
  • Wellcome Library Bioethics Web
  • Case Study: The United Kingdom Regulation of Stem Cell Research

  • The Department of Health
  • The Wellcome Trust
  • HFEA
  • MRC
  • UK Stem Cell Bank

    Rice University UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center UT Health Science Center Houston Baylor College of Medicine James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center UT Health Science Center Houston Baylor College of Medicine