Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States


R e d i r e c t i n g    t o    n e w    w e b   s i t e . .


LACUS was founded to create a forum for the free flow of ideas and discussion on communication going beyond traditional grammatical studies in the various traditional modes. It holds an annual Forum at a university campus each summer, alternating between Canada and the United States. Participants come mainly from the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia.

LACUS publishes a selection of the papers presented at each Forum, with revisions based on questions raised at the conference and on recommendations of anonymous reviewers. The published volume usually appears within one year of the conference date.

Abstracts for each year's conference are due by January 15th of the year in which the conference will be held and are subjected to careful review. Authors of abstracts are commonly given recommendations by reviewers on ways to improve their quality. Please see the Call for Papers, posted on this web site each fall for the following year's conference.


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Association de Linguistique du Canada et des États-Unis