Comparison Chart of College
Composting Programs
Type of Composting
Amount Composted
Maintenance Costs
Money Saved
Operational Since
Dartmouth College Off-campus:  formerly windrows, now hi-tech facility, jointly with city of Hanover Handles all food and compostable waste as well as sewage sludge from Hanover windrows=20,000 lb. for first 8 months windrows= Minimal, covered by Buildings and Grounds and Food Services windrows= net savings of $10,000 for first 8 months Windrows1992, Composting facility- 1998 
Ithaca College (NY) Off-campus: Pre-consumer waste only; aerated static piles Computerized temperature controlled off-campus facility 5 tons/week or about 160 tons/year Initial cost of machinery and setup = $67,000 Not available, but diverts about 13-15% of total waste stream 1993
Johnson College (VT) Passive pre-consumer waste, vermicomposting. Also, research on post-consumer composting by windrows and aerated windrows Small holding piles on concrete slabs aerated by pipe; 12 vermi-composting demonstration projects in community N/A






University of Waterloo-Ontario Windrows, Wooden Bins, Vermicomposting N/A Windrows compost about 10-15 tons/year N/A




Windrows since early 1970's wooden bins since 1996
Texas A&M University off-campus Animal Science facitiy (with close neighbors), in-vessel composting 7 EarthTubs, 7 Comp-tainers, using animal waste and bedding N/A


Equipment start-up Cost: ~$350,000 N/A




Tulane University 3+ Large Recycled, Wooden Bins Proposal Stage N/A N/A






Cornell Univeristy Off-campus windrows facility Agricultural waste, and pre- and post-constumer food 4151 tons/year (incl 700 tons of food) Provided from the tipping costs of food removal paid by food service product applied to college farm, will reduce tipping fees from food service 1992 for agricultural waste, 1998 for food waste
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Accessed (unknown) times since 9-2-99
Created by Ryan McMullan, Environmental Intern, for the Environmental Programs Steering Committee, creators of The Enviro-Web of Rice University