Last updated on 01/01/2003

23. F. Niu, H. Kawakatsu, and Y. Fukao, A slightly dipping and strong seismic reflector at mid-mantle depth beneath the Mariana subduction zone, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, 2002.

22. D. Suetsugu, T. Saita, H. Tanaka, and F. Niu , Thickness of the mantle transition zone beneath the South Pacific as inferred from analyses of ScS reverberated and Ps converted waves, PEPI, in review, 2003.

21. F. Niu, P.G. Silver, R.M. Nadeau, and T.V. McEvilly, Stress-Induced Migration of Seismic Scatterers Associated with the 1993 Parkfield Aseismic Transient, Nature, in review, 2003.

20. D.E. James, F. Niu, and J. Rokosky, Crustal formation in the Archean: Constraints from the Southern Africa Seismic Experiment, Lithos , in revision, 2003.

19. L. Wen, and F. Niu, Seismic velocity and attenuation structures in the top of the Earth's inner-core, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 10.1029/2001JB000170, 2002. [PDF]

18. F. Niu, and D.E. James, Fine structure of the lowermost crust beneath the Kaapvaal craton and its implications for crustal formation and evolution, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. , 200, 121-130, 2002 [PDF]

17. F. Niu, and L. Wen, Seismic anisotropy in the top 400 km of the inner core beneath the "eastern" hemisphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 10.1029/2001GL014118, 2002. [PDF]

16. F. Niu, S.C. Solomon, P.G. Silver, D. Suetsugu, H. Inoue, Mantle Transition-zone Structure beneath the South Pacific Superswell and Evidence for a Mantle Plume underlying the Society Hotspot, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. , 198, 371-380, 2002. [PDF]

15. F. Niu, and L. Wen, Strong seismic scatterers near the core-mantle boundary west of Mexico, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 3557-3560, 2001. [PDF]

14. F. Niu, and L. Wen, Hemispherical variations in seismic velocity at the top of the Earth's inner-core, Nature, 410, 1081-1084, 2001. [PDF]

13. T. Iidaka, and F. Niu, Mantle and crust anisotropy in the eastern China region as inferred from waveform splitting of SKS and PpSms, Earth, Planets and Space, 53, 159-168, 2001.

12. T. Iidaka, and F. Niu, Seismic anisotropy beneath the Lau back-arc basin as inferred from a comparison of splitting data between sScS and ScS, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 863-867, 2001. [PDF]

11. T. Iidaka, and F. Niu, Upper mantle anisotropy beneath back-arc basin, Chikyu (Earth), 23, 64-69, 2001 (in Japanese).

10. F. Niu , H. Inoue, D. Suetsugu, and K. Kanjo, Seismic evidence for a thinner mantle transition zone beneath the South Pacific Superswell, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 1981-1984, 2000. [PDF]

09. F. Niu, Mantle transition zone discontinuities structure as determined by conversion waves, Chikyu (Earth), 20, 381-387, 1998 (in Japanese).

08. L. Vinnik, F. Niu, and H. Kawakatsu, Broadband converted phases from mid-mantle discontinuities, Earth, Planets and Space, 50, 987-997, 1998. [PDF]

07. F. Niu, and H. Kawakatsu, Determination of the absolute depths of the mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath China: effect of stagnant slabs on mantle transition zone discontinuities, Earth, Planets and Space, 50, 965-975, 1998. [PDF]

06. Iidaka T., and Niu, F., Evidence for an anisotropic lower mantle beneath eastern Asia: Comparison of shear-wave splitting data of SKS and P660s, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 675-678, 1998. [PDF]

05. F. Niu, and H. Kawakatsu, Depth variation of the mid-mantle seismic discontinuity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 429-432, 1997. [PDF]

04. F. Niu, and H. Kawakatsu, Complex structure of the mantle discontinuities at the tip of the subducting slab beneath the northeast China: A preliminary investigation of broadband receiver functions, J. Phys. Earth, 44, 701-711, 1996.

03. F. Niu, and H. Kawakatsu, Direct evidence for the undulation of the 660-km discontinuity beneath Tonga: Comparison of Japan and California array data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 531-534, 1995.

02. H. Kawakatsu, and F. Niu, New discontinuity in the lower mantle: Deep structure as "viewing" by the J-array, kagaku (Science), 64, 701-707, 1994 (in Japanese).

01. H. Kawakatsu, and F. Niu, Seismic evidence for a 920-km discontinuity in the mantle, Nature, 371, 301-305, 1994.

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