The mystic and the pulpit V

(C) Copyright 1997, Mahmoud A. El-Gamal.

A traveler on the road

was asked if he would speak

about his voyages.

He said: "I see no difference

between where I have been

before, and where I go.

"For everywhere I go is

vaguely familiar:

A sense of deja vu

convinces me that I

am getting close to home.

But, do I have a home?

"I saw the poorest poor

in wealthy kingdoms.

I did not pity them,

and did not empathize.

So, did I really see?

"I saw the occupied

children, who pass by soldiers

with loaded machine guns.

They were accustomed to

the cocktail of gun powder

with a stench of blood.

They didn't smile at me,

and I didn't smile back.

So, did we really meet?

"I stood in many prayers,

shoulder to shoulder,

with many other men.

I called them my brothers,

but never meant a word.

So, did I really pray?

"I planted many trees,

but never watched them grow.

I never watered them.

"I was too busy running;

looking for safety;

looking for happiness;

looking for nothingness;

that I forgot to build

a home for my return."