


10%  Game/rules introduction:                                                                        Score:_______/10

Explanation clear and concise?  Were all the rules made clear from the start rather than in the game itself?  Finished within 5 min time limit?   Comments…





20%  content:                                                                                                                        Score:_______/20

Appropriate difficulty level for audience?  Does the game reflect understanding of the course content?  Does that game only challenge student knowledge or does it attempt to integrate the course topics?  Comments…





20%  ease of play:                                                                                                               Score:_______/20

Game easy to understand and play?  Comments…






20%  creativity:                                                                                                                       Score:_______/20

Is the game primarily handmade?  Is the idea for the game original?  Comments…





20%  effort:                                                                                                                                 Score:_______/20






10%  2-page summary:                                                                                        Score:_______/10

Total Score:__________