Here's the list of news "wire" services available in the U.S. other than the Associated Press. If you know of other daily news text services, please contact me, and I'll send out updates. A reminder: it is illegal to take material with copyright protection from the Internet and read it on the air.


-Collegiate Press Wire 888-621-7721 -2-3 weekly feeds of broadcast-style entertainment news features with a focus on the college-age listener. FREE vie e-mail

-Learfield 800-210-9473 daily feed world/national news, NOAA weather and national sports via satellite or e-mail (state news for a few states listed below)

-Metro Source Newswire 703-413-8561 daily feed of world, national, state and local news, weather, sports, business and consumer reports, plus numerous format-oriented features and other material via satellite or internet. Local news gathered by staff in 60+ major-market U.S. cities. Audio service also available. Free internet trial available. Contact: Ben Avery

-USA News Network Fax News Service 800-880-NEWS daily fax feed of national/world news, along with news of interest to college students, entertainment news, alternative music news, and national sports.



-Learfield 800-210-9473 daily feed of state and world/national news, NOAA weather wire, state and national sports via satellite or e-mail

California -Bay City News Service 415-552-8900 General news from the 9-county San Francisco Bay Area delivered by satellite. Contact distributor for fees.

Illinois -CityNews 630-848-0750/ offers daily stories of Illinois news via satellite and password- protected website. Limited daily feed of Illinois sports and national news. Reduced rates for non-Illinois stations

Indiana -Network Indiana 317-684-4171 multiple daily feeds by satellite of state news and sports plus world/national news, features, business reports and ESPN sports ticker. Network Indiana audio also available. Various price packages.

Massachusetts -State House News Service 781-899-9304 independent privately-owned wire service covering Massachusetts state government. Available by subscription via password- protected website.

Minnesota -Minnesota News Network 612-321-7250 state news from MNN plus world/national news and sports from Metro Networks. Delivered by satellite or website. Various price packages based on number of stations at site.

Wisconsin -Wheeler News Service (now part of Learfield Data) 417-866-9315 Multiple daily feeds of Wisconsin state news and sports via fax or website. Audio also available. Various price packages.

This is not part of Randalls' list, but we thought it was worth a mention.

- U-Wire