This is a rough list of the different Models used by College Radio stations. Of course there are no solid lines drawn between the models. Most stations fall in between one or more of the models. The list is provided as a reference. Please send comments to the link at the bottom of the page.

Please keep in mind that College Radio is what you get from it and what you put into it. Assumptions that free form "can't be professional" or that tightly formatted programming can't be creative do none of us any good.

The Adviser Model

  • Here the students run the station and get support and advice from a professional staff or faculty Manager/Adviser. The Manager/Adviser rarely, if ever makes decisions concerning station operations or policy.
  • The Student Model.

  • Students run the show. Usually have an advisor, but no real direct supervision... except perhaps on paper. The Student Government may have some role, at least on paper. Usually found in student affairs and the station is on its own until it gets in hot water.
  • The Manager Model.

  • The Paid full time manager is the only full time employee. He Manages the station in a more traditional commercial radio structure. This person can be faculty or staff.
  • The Student/Professional Model V1

  • A team of Professionals handle the management of the station, but leave on air operations to students. In this model, there is a lot of mentoring from the professional staff. Management makes the decisions, with input from the student staff.
  • Student/Professional Model V2.

  • A team of Professionals operate the station for a portion of the day and students other portions. Again the Professionals are in total control of policies and staff.
  • Professionals Only.

  • Seems self evident. Perhaps there are some student interns.
  • Public Affairs Model.

  • Similar to the above, but this specifies that the station is under the Public Affairs division of the University.
  • Public Radio Model.

  • Most commonly an NPR/PRI station with some local programming... could be professional or student driven local content.
  • Course Lab Model (Co-Curricular) V1

  • Station is more or less an extension of the class room. The Faculty determine programming, policies, student managers.
  • Course Lab Model (Co-Curricular) V2

  • Station is more or less an extension of the class room. The students determine programming within well defined guidelines. The guidelines are established by the University or Department.
  • The Incorporated Model

  • The station is incorporated. A board of University "People", Professionals and students comprise the board and determine policy to govern the station. Students operate the station and handle daily programming and policy decisions.
  • Additions to the list are welcomed, including hybrids. Comments on the positive and negative aspects would also be welcomed.