Rice Women's Ultimate


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Name: Emily Wheeler
Number: 12
Hometown: Little Rock, AR
Academic Year: Junior
Major: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

What is your favorite dinosaur?
Archaeopteryx. It's actually a transitional species between dinosaurs and birds...but it was extremely important to the study and understanding of evolution. Did I mention that I am a total EEB nerd?

What is your favorite viral video?
Cute pig, cute monkey, and slightly obnoxious yet completely catchy song...pretty quality stuff


Who would you have a torrid affair with & why?
Aladdin! You can't beat a date on a magic carpet. I might have to fight Eric for him though.

Describe your ideal first date.
Something including frozen yogurt please.

Describe your favorite Rice Ultimate moment.
Beating UT at sectionals! Long-awaited victory is the sweetest.

How did you decide to join Rice Ultimate?
I was looking for a competitive, fun sport to play up after the soccer season ended. I found an amazing game played by awesome people, and now I am forever hooked.