Rice Women's Ultimate


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Name: Missy Lucas
Number: 22
Hometown: Tall Timbers, MD
Academic Year: Sophomore
Major: Math & CAAM

What is your favorite dinosaur?
I've always thought that a brontosaurus is one of the coolest dinosaurs. They're tall, eat lots of food, and are too big for other dinosaurs to pick on them or try to eat them. A pretty major part of my childhood was actually a Beanie Baby brontosaurus named Bronty (who was the best friend of my brother's stegosaurus Steg).

What is your favorite viral video?
I'm a pretty big fan of the Sunscreen Song: http://wimp.com/sunscreensong/. It just makes me want to go out and do crazy awesome things with my life. However, this is probably my favorite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL_qGMfbtAk. "WAZZZZAAAAAAPPP!!!"

Who would you have a torrid affair with & why?
I'm not really one for torrid affairs, so I have no idea... Maybe Aragorn from Lord of the Rings? He's pretty heroic and wise and loyal, and he seems to win a lot of battles, which I guess is pretty good too.

Describe your ideal first date.
I think going to dinner is pretty ideal because you can talk about whatever you want in a nice but casual setting over a delicious meal. Probably Italian food...but obviously I would have to eat beforehand too so as not to scare away my date with my excessive eating habits. Then afterwards we could just go somewhere pretty like a park or a beach and walk around. No movies though, I might fall asleep!

Describe your favorite Rice Ultimate moment.
At the Mardi Gras tournament last March, it started downpouring and thunderstorming during our first game on Saturday. We went inside this big concrete gym and had such a great time playing games like Buffalo while we waited out the storm. There was a lot of other team bonding that weekend as well, from Bananagrams to trying to find out why that girl in the movie on TV was blind from ice skating to playing the Watermelon game (I may or may not have almost died eating tabasco sauce).

How did you decide to join Rice Ultimate?
I actually never played Ultimate before Rice or even grew up with a frisbee in the house. I wasn't introduced to a frisbee until one day last summer when I was with some friends who started tossing one around. I discovered that I loved it, but I was so horrible at throwing it that it became a sort of joke among us about how bad I was. They even bought me my own frisbee before I left for Rice as part of the joke. When I saw the frisbee table at the O-Week activities fair, I mentioned to my friends back home how funny it would be if I joined Rice's Ultimate frisbee team. So I did!