Rice Women's Ultimate


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Name: Marie Jacobsen
Number: 51
Hometown: Austin, TX
Academic Year: Sophomore
Major: ?

What is your favorite dinosaur?
Ultrasaurus- it exists, look it up

What is your favorite viral video?
Kittens, Inspired by... Kittens! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtX8nswnUKU

Who would you have a torrid affair with & why?
Ha, I don't think I answered this on the Rice app. Chris Pine from the new Star Trek I guess.

Describe your ideal first date.
I don't know, nothing too fancy, probably just going to dinner somewhere, or something outside FRISBEE (ok, maybe not)

Describe your favorite Rice Ultimate moment.
Probably Harvest, because it was the first tournament I played in, or perhaps watching everyone play at Regionals. Even though I wasn't playing, it was awesome to watch how well they played given where we started. It was really nice to just be there and feel like part of the team.

How did you decide to join Rice Ultimate?
There was a booth at the academic fair, and I walked up, not really knowing what this ultimate frisbee thing was all about. Someone, I don't remember who, said something like "you want to play ultimate!", and that was it.