Rice Women's Ultimate


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or Captains Edith Teng
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Name: Catherine Chen
Number: 2
Hometown: Los Alamos, NM
Academic Year: Junior
Major: Kinesiology

What is your favorite dinosaur?
I don't really have one...but T-Rex! My summer camp group were the T-Rex's for two weeks. I dressed up as Barney.

What is your favorite viral video?

And she still won...

Who would you have a torrid affair with & why?
Christian Bale. Who wouldn't want to date the Batman?

Describe your ideal first date.
Something that comes off as just being friends and is very relaxed and casual. I like going on walks a lot and looking around, seeing different scenery--or anything that keeps me moving and occupied which provides good conversation as well as a fun experience.

Describe your favorite Rice Ultimate moment.
Sectionals of my freshmen year, when I truly caught the ultimate bug and when everyone was exhausted and couldn't keep running, I just had this fire inside of me and I was in a different mental state and just WANTED the disc. I could only focus on getting the disc and I think the best way to describe that feeling was RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRAHHHH
HHHHHHH I WANT THE DAMN DISC. I probably would have laid out if I had had the chance then...

How did you decide to join Rice Ultimate?
Erica knocked on my door my freshmen year and told me practice was in 10 minutes if I wanted to come out. So I did, and the captain of the team, Austine, was so strange and seemed like she really wanted me to play so I ended up sticking around. (And eventually bought cleats since at first I was very undecided about them--what if I didn't end up playing?? Such as waste of money!)