Rice vs. UH

Nov. 28, 1992

THEME... Radio Talk Show (son of SMU '91)

ENTRANCE: MOB runs out on to the field



MUSIC: Turning It Loose tag

ANNOUNCER: We interrupt our regularly scheduled halftime show for this special announcement: The MOB has broken with tradition and will now be taking your calls in the press box, yes - you can phone in with your questions... Our lines are open so give us a call at 1-900-THE-MOB.

MUSIC: Old Time Rock and Roll


ACTION: at F, MOB scatters to...



ANNOUNCER: Welcome to MOB RADIO. Hello, you're on the air...

CALLER: Hi, I'm a first time caller, long time listener. I was wondering, how does the MOB learn all those intricate formations?

ANNOUNCER: Well, it's not that complicated. We use a system a lot like John Jenkin's - the director holds up a big picture of the formation and the band just forms it.

ACTION: Ken and show assistants hold up some large strange picture, MOB scatters to approximate it ... {we need a manageably large fluorescent pink or orange triangle for Ken to hold up - it has to be visible}

CALLER: Oh, one more thing - could you play some Huey Lewis? - and I'll hang up and listen.

MUSIC: Couple Days Off

ACTION: SAs drag out the boomboxes and boogie till their butts fall off, whereupon they have to CYA; song ends and MOB scatters to...


ANNOUNCER: Go ahead, you're on the air.

CALLER: Hi - I'm calling from College Station...

ANNOUNCER: I think you want the Aggie halftime show, but we'll give it a shot...

CALLER: I've got these burr -headed critters in khaki marching around my lawn and threatening me with swords every time I step on the grass.

ANNOUNCER: Well sir, those are Aggies . You need to spray 'em with S.A.T. 1000 PLUS -- that'll get rid of 'em.

MUSIC: I Feel Good

ACTION: legs on roach wave around, SA-Aggies march about and brandish aluminum-foil swords; Aggies sprayed with S.A.T. 1000 Plus; Aggies die; song ends and MOB scatters to...


ANNOUNCER: This is a test. For the next 60 seconds this station will be conducting a test of the Emergency Marching Band Network. When you hear this warning tone, a catastrophe is approaching and you should take shelter immediately.

MUSIC: Cougar Intro

ACTION: The SAs do various rounds of calisthenics equalling the number of points Rice has scored.

ANNOUNCER: We've got time for one last call, go ahead...

CALLER: Can you tell me what happened to Rudy Davalos?

ANNOUNCER: We can do better than that - we'll show you ...

EXIT: flee


EPILOGUE: Pretty good. The Rice crowd was probably a more significant percentage of the total than it usually is at home (this was in the dome). We got discernable laughs for just about everything. The Aggie joke got the best response, the Davalos bit got a good laugh too. I think we may have worn out the Cougar Intro bit... I'd give the overall show B to B+ . The band was stuffed full of outsiders to fill out the ranks during the Thanksgiving holiday. [Three generations of Gladus performed.]

Halftime score 31-14 (them); final score 61-34 (them). Attendance 15K+