Scavenger Hunt

Topographic Maps

1.   What is a topographic map?
2.   What are contour lines?
3.   What do contour lines measure?
4.   What else can you find on a contour map?
5.   What are the first features generally noticed on a topographic map?
6.   What types of lines (besides contour) can be found on a topographic map?
7.   What do the different colored lines represent?
8.   How do scientists use topographic maps?
9.   What are maps?
10. What are topographic maps generally used for?
11. What is scale? Give an example.
12. The scale of 1:50,000 generally used for what type of maps?
13. A map that illustrates a large area with very little detail uses what scale?
14. What are two methods of recording a point on a map?
15. What is scale?
16. What is the formula for figuring scale?
17. Draw the topographic symbol for elevation that represents a depression.
18. Draw a boundary line for a small park.
19. Draw the symbol for a glacial moraine.
20. Draw the symbol for a quarry.
21. Draw the symbol for a cave entrance.
22. What does an orchard look like on a topographic map?
23. What does half of a ship in the water denote on a topographic map?
24. Draw the topographic symbol for a perennial stream.
25. What does an airport look like on a topographic map?
26. What are the symbols for: school;  church.
27. Draw an example of a primary highway symbol and a secondary highway symbol.
28. What does a bridge look like on a topographic map?
29. What is the difference between a transverse projection and a UTM projection?

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