The Creationism Controversy

Obviously in our times this has been a major battle ground of religious faith vs. science. I have listed a few books that defend the creationist side, but the critical accounts make clear that creationist science is no science at all as science is usually defined. Everyone admits that there are gaps in the evidence for evolution and that the theory of evolution is, in the final analysis, a theory, and like all good theories, a way of summarizing data. But as a theory it is based on sound evidence about animal behavior, genetics, and biochemistry, and it still accounts for a huge array of data in the natural world. To say that evolutionary theory is only a theory makes about as much sense as saying that the existence of gravitational forces is, in the final analysis, only a theory. It's probably technically correct, but who cares.

Futuyma, Douglas Science on Trial: The Case for Evolution. Pantheon Books, 1983. A patient rebuttal of the creationism arguments.

Harrold, Francis B. & Eve, Raymond B. (Eds). Cult Archaeology and Creationism: Understanding Pseudoscientific Beliefs about the Past (*). University of Iowa Press, 1995. A strong collection of papers that takes on not only creationism "science" but various myths about ancient civilizations and supposed visits by interstellar astronauts. 

McKown, Delos B. The Mythmaker's Magic: Behind the Illusion of "Creation Science". Prometheus Books, 1993. A readable and devastating criticism of the scientific basis of creationism

Morris, Henry B. (Ed.). Scientific Creationism. CLP Publishers, 1974. One of the leading manifestos of the creationism movement.

Morris, Henry M. A History of Modern Creationism. Master Book Publishers, 1984. The history from the perspective of a leading proponent of creationism.

Nelkin, Dorothy. The Creation Controversy: Science or Scripture in the Schools? (*) Norton, 1982. This is a well-written, and critical, discussion of the nature of the creationist movement and its impact on the curriculum in schools.

Numbers, Ronald L. The Creationists. Knopf, 1992. An interesting study by an historian of the development and political machinations of the creationist movement.

Zabilka, Ivan L. Scientific Malpractice: The Creation/Evolution Debate (*). Bristol Books, 1992. Perhaps the briefest critical treatment. This book is notable for its sympathetic treatment of religion and its view that creationism not only is bad science but distorts the essential Christian message.