The Sarmatian Review Index

Number of copies distributed free of the first (5 March 1917) issue of Pravda, the Soviet propaganda newspaper: 100,000.

Source: Ewa M.Thompson, "Nationalist Propaganda in the Soviet Russian Press, 1939-1941," Slavic Review, 50, no. 2 (Summer 1991).

Number of Polish American periodicals dedicated solely to the promotion of Polish American political interests: 0.
Number of graduating high school students in Poland, May 1994: 313,000.

Source: Donosy, 9 May 1994.

Of these, percentage of those who selected as topic of their graduation essay "Between Love and Hate: Literary Heroes Whom I Understand, Admire, or Accuse:" 80%.

Source: Donosy, 11 May 1994.

Estimated percentage in 1994 of rural Polish elementary and junior high schools that have computers: 35%.
Estimated percentage in 1994 of rural Polish elementary and junior high schools that have physics or chemistry labs: 60%.
Estimated percentage in 1994 of rural "culture centers" [domy kultury] that have dancing halls: 80%.
Estimated percentage in 1994 of rural "culture centers" [domy kultury] that have bookstores: 0%.
Estimated percentage in 1994 of rural "culture centers" [domy kultury] that maintain a register of members: 50%.
Estimated percentage of rural "culture centers" [domy kultury] that set up a nonprofit foundation to support their activities: 0%.

Source: Tygodnik Solidarnosc:, 22 April 1994.

Percentage of Poles in a May 1994 PBS poll who said that they had no savings: 52%.

Source: Donosy, 9 May 1994.

Percentage of Poles living below the poverty line (assumed to be 45% of average monthly wage): 42.5%.
Average monthly wage in Poland: $200.

Source: Clarinet News, 28 May 1994.

Amount of money received from the U.S. Agency for International Development by Ben & Jerry Homemade, a Waterbury, CT ice cream company, to teach Russians to produce, manage and package ice cream and related items: $850,000.

Source: Clarinet News, 10 May 1994.

Foreign aid to Russia/CIS appropriated by the U.S. Senate 15 July 1994: $839 million.

Source: Clarinet News, 15 July 1994.

Financial support for Russia/CIS in current fiscal year, to be channelled through the U.S. government's Overseas Private Investment Corporation: $2.5 billion.

Source: Clarinet News, 2 June 1994.

Financial support for eastern Europe in current fiscal year, to be channelled through the U.S. government's Overseas Private Investment Corporation: between $50-$200 million.

Source: Clarinet News, 29 May 1994.

Percentage of the proposed 1994 Russian budget dedicated to military expenses: 19%.

Source: Clarinet News, 11 May 1994.

The Russian defense ministry's allocations for 1994 as percentage of the 1994 Russian budget (as anticipated in the first quarter of 1994): 33%.

Source: Richard F. Staar, "Challenge From Russia's Armed Forces," ROA National Security Report, April 1994.

Congress-approved (12 May 1994) U.S. budget for 1995: $1.51 trillion.
Estimated (as of 12 May 1994) U.S. federal deficit in 1995: $175.4 billion.

Source: The Houston Post, 13 May 1994.

Parliament-approved (10 May 1994, first reading) Russian Federation budget for 1994: $104.8 billion.

Source: Clarinet News, RFE/RL News, 11 May 1994.

Estimated total revenues of the Russian Federation in 1994 (as stated in the budget): $66.8 billion.
Estimated (as of 10 May 1994) budget deficit of the Russian Federation in 1994: $37.5 billion.

Source: Clarinet News, RFE/RL News, 11 May 1994.

Private foreign investment in Russia in the first quarter of 1994: $180 million.

Source: Financial Times, 9 May 1994.

Mineral of which Russia, Belarus and the Baltic republics are net importers: coal.
Percentage increase in brown coal (lignite) production in Poland 1970-1992: 101%.
Percentage decrease in hard coal production in Poland 1970-1992: 6%.
Percentage increase in refined copper production in Poland 1970-1992: 550%.

Source: CIA Handbook of International Economic Statistics, 1993.

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Last updated 10/20/97