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BOOKS BOOKS and Periodicals Received

January 2006

Volume XXVI, No. 1

Joseph Conrad: His Moral Vision, by George A. Panichas. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press (1400 Coleman Ave, Macon, Georgia 31207-0001), 2005. xviii + 165 pages. Index. ISBN 0-86554-936-2. Hardcover. $35.00.

A significant new book on Conrad by one of America’s foremost conservative thinkers. A review to follow.

King i królik: Korespondencja Zofii i Melchiora Wańkowiczów, 1914-1939, edited, Notes and Introduction by Aleksandra Ziółkowska-Boehm. 2 vols. Warsaw: Twój Styl (, 2004. ISBN 83-7163-496-X (vol.1), 83-7163-497-8 (vol. 2). Index. 489 pages (vol. 1), 467 pages (vol. 2). Hardcover. Zł. 38 for each volume.

The book’s editor once served as Melchior Wanńkowicz’s secretary, and is intimately acquainted with this author’s works and life. Wańkowicz left her his archives. It was a painstaking job to prepare these husband-and-wife letters for print and add numerous footnotes. Wańkowicz was lucky to have had this secretary. Her loyalty and her dedicated work on his behalf can only be dreamed about by so many other excellent writers.

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Last updated 1/20/06