hea reform

In 1998, an addendum was passed to the Higher Education Act (HEA) denying all students convicted of a drug-related offense all federal financial aid. This provision, which applies to no other criminal conviction, disproportionately affects minorities and those of lower economic means. It allocates no money to drug abuse treatment and does nothing to combat the social ills perpetuated by drug abuse. Drugs are a reality of our present world. There is a supply; there is a demand, and our nation's drug policies are doing nothing to decrease this.

This year 34,000 students were denied federal financial aid. How many of these students were denied access to higher education because of this HEA addendum? How many could not afford to go to college?!

Education, Not Incarceration!

rice advocates hea reform

RiceSSDP succeeded in its HEA Reform campaign. The undergraduate student body of Rice University officially advocates HEA reform, as passed by a 67.7% majority in the Fall of 2001 Homecoming elections.