How to find journal articles:

Journal articles are found by consulting an index. There are indexes/abstracts available on a wide variety of subjects; many are available in computer-searchable format. A list of electronic resources in Fondren Library is available online. For assistance in using an electronic index, please ask at the reference desk. Most print indexes are located in the reference room, located on the first floor of the Fondren Library. A reference librarian can help you locate an appropriate source.

After you have located relevant citations, consult LIBRIS to find the call numbers of the journals. Journals are shelved by call number throughout building, in the main stacks. Current periodicals are located in the "Current Periodicals Room" near the Circulation Desk. Remember to search the title of the journal in LIBRIS to find the call number. Stack guides are located near the elevators, at the reference desk, and here.

To find articles in popular magazines, use the following sources:

To find articles in newspapers:

To find articles in scholarly journals use these SAMPLE indexes:

Science and Engineering:

Arts and Humanities:

Social Sciences: