2010-2011 RCSSC President Election

The election begins today! We have two great candidates, please check their infomation here and send your vote to ALL members of the election committee:

shuijing@rice.edu, yichen@rice.edu, yifei@rice.edu

The deadline for voting is 11:59pm, 5/1/2010. Thank you!


陈尉 Chen, Wei

Chen, Wei

As you might already know me, I am Wei Chen, a 3rd year graduate student in Physics & Astronomy Department at Rice, and I am running for the next President of RCSSC.

I donʼt want to waste time writing a nice long essay, but rather prefer outlines what I want you to know about me. You might ask me what kind of person I am. There really isnʼt much difference since last year. Hereʼs a summary: easygoing, outgoing, responsible and reliable.

During the past 3 years, Iʼve already made lots of friends here, and now I would like to be friends with all of you. Friends make everything here possible, joy, comfort, victory and success. RCSSC is where we make friends.

My responsibility and experience is another gold wealth enriched during working at RCSSC for the last couple years. I have pretty good ideas on what we need to do or what we can do and on how everything works.

RCSSC is like a BIG family at Rice. We get together at the Festivals, hang out with small groups now and then, and help with each other on the other side of the world from home China. I will be thrilled if I have the opportunity to help making the bonds tighter and I will keep the enthusiasm working at RCSSC.


贺剑奎 He, Jiankui

He Jiankui



07年到Rice物理系。 Rice的这几年里,我亲身体会到学生会给新生的巨大帮助,在丰富大家的业余生活方面发挥的作用。我觉得学生会是一个很有意义的组织,这是我竞选的原因。

当我只身初到美国时,无亲无故,学生会和好心的师兄师姐们不求回报的给予了许许多多帮助。帮我找房子,办电话卡,带我买菜,等等。我心中一直充满了感激。于是我想做一些事情来帮助同样需要帮助的人,来回报帮助过我的人。过了一年后,大家都搬离了学校,分散到更远的住处。有时晚上或者周末觉得挺无聊的,相信大家也有这样的感觉。学生会组织的一些文娱活动,比如中秋和春节晚会,足球赛,摘草莓,看野 花,把大家凝聚到了一起,有种家的感觉。如果我当选,学生会会继续组织更多的这样的活动,让大家感受到彼此的温暖。

