Thomas J. Hochstettler
Associate Provost for International Affairs, Rice University
Visiting Professor, International University Bremen
B.A. (1969) Earlham College
M.A. (1970) University of Michigan
Ph.D. (1980) University of Michigan

c/o International University Bremen
Bürgermeister-Smidt Str. 24
28195 Bremen
+49 0421 361 11902 or 11906
+49 0421 361 11818 (fax) or

Dr. Hochstettler joined the Provost's Office in 1996. Since that time, he has served in a variety of capacities in administering the academic programs of the university.  At present, he is on special assignment in Bremen, Germany, where he works on behalf of Rice as a consultant in the project to establish of the first private research university on the European Continent, International University Bremen (IUB).  IUB is a collaborative undertaking between Rice University and the German city-state of Bremen and the University of Bremen.  Dr. Hochstettler is charged with helping establish the instructional, student life, and research programs for the new university. 

Prior to coming to Rice, Dr. Hochstettler held positions in academic and financial administration at the University of Houston System, Bowdoin College, and Stanford University. Dr. Hochstettler holds the Ph.D. in history from the University of Michigan, with minors in classical music literature and economics. His primary area of interest is German social and political history in the early modern period. His dissertation is Kurmainz: Administrative Polity and Political Change in the Electorate of Mainz. 1647 - 1729, and his current research interests center on the diplomatic and military activities of the Rhineland Kreise in the decades following the Peace of Westphalia. He has taught European military and social history at Michigan, Stanford, and Bowdoin. At Stanford, he was a Teaching and Research Fellow and taught in the Western Culture program. He studied financial management at the University of California - Berkeley graduate school of business. Dr. Hochstettler is a Woodrow Wilson National Fellow and a former Stipendiat of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst.

He is married to Marcia Glas, and they have three sons: William (15), Taylor (12), and Benjamin (7). To relax, he gardens, swims, solves puzzles, and plays the piano.

Last updated January 2000.

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