Rough notes regarding various ideas suggested in the last three meetings. These are not presented in any order or priority but are meant to capture some of the concepts discussed which were not necessarily part of any specific presentation. They are presented here mainly as reminders. The materials presented on Engineering and Science involvement are on the website .

  1. Consider Environmental Health Focus. This could involve a tie with the Medical Center. Create cross-disciplinary opportunities for research. Get pre-meds focused on environment as well as health issues.
  2. Develop Gulf Coast Center for Natural Hazards.
  3. Concrete is good area for interaction between Science and Engineering.
  4. Pollution Prevention could be a good cross disciplinary theme.
  5. Environmental Fluid Dynamics could be a good cross-disciplinary theme.
  6. Consider cross-school themes such as Green Chemistry
  7. Lot of outside dollars will give credibility; look for grants and write proposals.
  8. Draft ideas for proposals to foundations such as Pew and discuss with Jordan Konisky and Jean Vorhaben.
  9. Follow-up on reception which was held last fall. Lot of interest. Help others realize there is a growing community and they can choose to be involved.
  10. Consider an EPSC Seminar Series, perhaps at lunch, perhaps on CITI model.
  11. Find ways to broaden environmental discussions such divisional subcommittees.
  12. Request Courses for next year.
  13. Need UNIV 100 and LOVE-BAKE 302 follow-on. UNIV courses need to be staffed and sustainable. Concern that in creating Hewlett freshman seminar, upper class opportunities could be overlooked.
  14. Consider General Announcements and Interdisciplinary programs. Our programs are multiple interdisciplinary and disciplinary initiatives.
  15. Need identity for Environmental Studies at Rice that involves all divisions.
  16. Create a location &emdash; Environmental Center
  17. Rice should could consider developing a leadership image by drawing connection versus strong focus.
  18. Use Environment as broad research and teaching umbrella &emdash; opportunity for Rice to take the lead.
  19. Create a center to recycle used computers and computer parts.
  20. Involve CAAM more. Consider others for steering committee.