International Conference on Orality and Literacy: Memory
October 10-12, 2003

Center for the Study of Cultures, MS-620
Rice University
P. O. Box 1892
Houston, TX  77251-1892
Conference Preregistration Form
Print out, complete, and mail to above address by October 1, 2003
Attendee's Last Name:  _________________________________________________
Attendee's First Name:  _________________________________________________
Attendee's preferred mailing address:  ______________________________________
Attendee's email address:  _______________________________________________
Attendee's fax number:  _________________________________________________
Audio-visual requests for your talk:  ________________________________________________________________________

Conference payment

U.S. participants:  $40 preregistration fee before October 1.  After October 1, $50.00.  Must send check drawn on a U.S. bank.  Please make checks payable to Center for the Study of Cultures, Rice University. Include the name of the conference attendee on the check. Please mail your payment to the address at the top of the form by October 1, 2003.
For preregistrants based outside of the U.S. : You may pay your $40.00 fee at the conference if you submit this form by October 1, 2003.  At the conference the fee will be payable in U.S. dollars--no foreign currency accepted-or by check drawn on a U.S. bank.
Vegetarian food preferred:  __________YES      _____________ NO
(vegetarian food may contain eggs, dairy products, and fish)