TABLE I. Recommended Actions Primarily Within Division

Action Goal Implementation Status - Importance Implementation Status - Difficulty Implementation Status - Cost Time Frame Who
When hiring faculty, proactively target best individuals with highest research and teaching potential and provide attractive start-up packages 1, 6, 12, 18
!!!! $$ Immediate Provost, Dean, Development, Department Chairs, Faculty
Establish fellowship endowment for Visiting Professors 1, 12
!!! $$$ 1-2 years Dean, Development, Provost
Establish better rewards for Department Chairs 2
<!> $$$ Immediate Provost, Dean, Development
Make cross-appointments where possible with duties in both Departments 1, 6, 12, 18
!! $ Immediate Dean, Departments
Provide mentoring for all junior faculty 2
!! $ Immediate Department Chairs, Faculty
Establish privately endowed fund for major/minor equipment (matching funds, replacement, small equipment purchases, maintenance) 3, 14, 4, 15
!! $$$$ Immediate Provost, Dean, Development, Department Chairs, Faculty
Establish a plan to provide and regularly update computer resources for research and teaching (hardware and software) to a minimum level for each faculty member 4, 15 ! $$$ 1-2 years Vice Provost for Information Technology, Provost, Dean
Provide release time for innovative teaching development and other important efforts 2, 4 <!!> $$ ASAP Provost, Dean, Development, Department Chairs, Faculty
Provide workshops for use of A/V and development of innovative teaching methods 4 !! $ ASAP A/V Center
STAFF SUPPORT _ _ _ _ _ _
Provide computer graphics/electronics/Web expertise for curriculum, outreach, research, graduate recruitment, et al. 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19
! $$ ASAP Provost, VP for Information Systems, Dean, Development, Faculty
Provide laboratory coordinators 3, 12
<!!> $$ ASAP Dean, Departments, Development, Faculty
Expand professional staff support for teaching, research, graduate recruiting, and outreach 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 19
<!!> $$ ASAP Provost, Dean, Development, Faculty
Actively seek funding for graduate programs from industry, government training programs, intellectual property, donors, and any other source 3, 7
!!!! <$$$> Immediate Provost, VP for University Advancement, VP for Research and Graduate Studies, Dean, Department Chairs, Faculty
Establish endowed fellowships (including our graduate alumni as donors) and seek externally funded fellowships 3, 7
!!! $$$ ASAP Development, Dean, Department Chairs, Faculty
Establish [intermittent] Graduate Curriculum Committee to provide coordination inter- and intradivisionally, establish interdisciplinary courses and degree programs 6, 8, 18, 19
!! $ 1 year Dean
Encourage Graduate Council to establish seminar for alternative career pathways, interact with graduate and postdoctoral students, provide questionnaire for students, and ensure adequate stipends and recruitment efforts 6, 8, 19
!! $ Immediate Dean, VP for Research and Graduate Studies
Bring prospective students to campus and organize and optimize visits 8, 19
!! $$ Immediate Departments
Provide good graduate housing and a graduate center for interaction 6
! $$$$ ASAP Board, President
Establish facile mechanisms for graduate student and postdoctoral input (e.g., Ombudsman, annual questionnaire) 5
!! $ ASAP Dean, Graduate Curriculum Committee, VP for Research and Graduate Studies
Establish triennial review of programs, including visibility, recruiting success, outcome, etc., etc., etc. REQUIRES ACCURATE DATABASE 7, 9
!! $ 1997 - 1998 VP for Research and Graduate Studies, Dean
Enhance health services during summer and health insurance for graduate students 6
! $ ASAP VP Research and Graduate Studies
Expand awards for graduate mentoring 6
! $ 1997 - 1998 VP Research and Graduate Studies
Provide teaching opportunities in experimental programs for carefully selected graduate students interested in education 7, 14 !! $ 1 year Dean, Departments
Expand funding for emergency support for students and transitional funding for faculty research programs 3, 7 ! $$ ASAP Development, Dean
Maintain a comprehensive database on graduate applicants and students with information specified by Graduate Curriculum Committee 11 ! $ Start 1997 - 1998 VP Research and Graduate Studies
Establish industrial partnerships for internships, joint research efforts and possible funding for stipends 7, 9, 20 !! <$> Immediate Provost, VP for University Advancement, VP for Research and Graduate Studies, Dean, Department Chairs, Faculty
Eliminate application fee for graduate students 8, 11 <!!> $ ASAP President, Provost
Send letter to faculty regarding funding for conferences for graduate students and postdoctorals 9 ! $ ASAP Dean
Establish rigorous standards for degree completion time 9 ! <$> Immediate Department Faculty
Establish mechanisms to facilitate and coordinate recruitment (e.g., establish staff person in division) 8, 11 !!! $$ ASAP VP for Research and Graduate Studies, Department Chairs
Establish visiting scholarships for students to collaborate and perform experiments elsewhere 9 ! $ Immediate Dean, Department Chairs
Establish workshops for training students in writing, et al. 9, 10 !!! $ Immediate VP for Research and Graduate Studies, Dean, Departments
Host conferences for undergraduates on campus 8 !!! $ 3-5 years Departments
Improve career advising for graduate students 10 !!!! $ Immediate Career Services, Departments
CURRICULUM _ _ _ _ _ _
Establish ~6 Named Lectureships and Instructorships to be shared in Division 12
! $$$ 1 year Dean, Departments, Development
Develop multiple, effective mechanisms for judging teaching performance 5
!! $ ASAP Dean, Departments
Improve classrooms - number, A/V, electronic, innovative instruction support 4, 15
! $$ 1 year Provost
Establish interdivisional curriculum committee: Coordinate 5-year departmental reviews of curriculum (including Big 3), interdivisional courses, RUSP, implement BS/BA option, examine seminar courses, improve advising for division, et al. 4, 13, 14, 18
!! $ Immediate Dean
Provide modern laboratory equipment for teaching 4, 15 ! $$$ ASAP Dean, Development, Departments, Faculty
Disseminate information on tutoring programs and examine current allocation of graduate students involved in teaching 14 ! $ Immediate Departments
Establish preparatory program for freshman and mentoring for science students 14 !!! $$$ 1 year ?
Examine option for science education courses and degrees 17 !! $$$ 2-3 years Each Department
Nominate Rice faculty for all possible awards 2
!!! _ Immediate Dean, Department Chairs
Establish mechanisms for connecting with industry (e.g., members of advisory groups for Departments, adjunct appointments, et al.) 7, 9, 20
!! <$> Immediate Dean, Department Chairs, Faculty
Establish internships in industry 7, 9, 20 !! $ 1 year Dean, Faculty, Development
Establish interdivisional courses that address issues of ethics and public policy and encourage dialogue across disciplines 18, 20 !! $ ASAP Department Chairs, Faculty
Increase science writing staff in media office 1 ! $ ASAP University Relations
Enhance publicity for events and lectures 1, 16, 18, 19 ! $ Immediate University Relations, Departments
Decide (by Department) whether to establish professional masters degrees 17, 20 !!!! <$$> ? Departments


Actions in italics indicate expansion and enhancement of existing activities and directions, while non-italicized action items define new initiatives.

The number of symbols indicates the degree:
(Importance) corresponds to need;
! (Difficulty) corresponds to requirement of effort from faculty and staff;
$ (Cost) indicates the level of funding required:

Bold (Who) indicates the responsible entity.

Strategic Plan

This page is maintained by Rachel Miller (mail to:
Created 20-Mar-97
Updated 06-May-97