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Common Law School Application Questions and Statements to Think About

N.B. This information was compiled by Jon Gillum. Contact him for more information.

Have you ever been subjected to disciplinary action whether formal or informal, written, or oral, for scholastic or other reasons or been allowed to resign or withdraw to avoid disciplinary action by any school, college, or university?

What is the make and model of your car and your monthly payment amount and final payment due date?

In what extracurricular activities did you participate in college? List offices held, college publications, organizations, debate, athletics, and prizes and honors.

Have you worked or contributed toward your own support prior to law school?

Have you taken any courses that do not appear on your official transcripts?

Have you ever worked in a law office?

List all other law schools to which you have applied or to which intend to apply.

Have you been arrested, cited or ticketed for, or charged with any violation of the law?

Indicate any scholarship aid you received while in college.

What is the total amount of college loans outstanding?

In-depth study in a single field is a better indicator of academic ability than a wide scattering of introductory courses.

An undergraduate career that is narrow, unchallenging, or vocationally oriented is not the best preparation for law school.

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