Health Science Track Requirements (updated 3/16/01)
Lecture Courses

HEAL 119

Concepts in Health Science

KINE 250


Anatomy and Physiology

KINE 100


Writing for Professional Communication

KINE 319


Measurement and Statistics

KINE 120


Foundations of Kinesiology

HEAL 407



HEAL 222


Principles of Public and Community Health

Total Lecture Hours:


Elective Courses**

Academic Labs

HEAL 151


Medical Terminology for the Health Professions

Other Elective Courses

HEAL 103



BIOS 122*


Fundamental Concepts in Biology

HEAL 201


Intro to Evironmental Systems

HIST 331


Health and Medicine in America

HEAL 206


First Aid/ CPR

KINE 421


Advanced Topics in Exercise Physiology and Preventative Medicine

HEAL 208


Chemical Alterations to Behavior

KINE 440


Research Methods

HEAL 212


Consumer Health

PHIL 315


Ethics, Medicine and Public Policy

HEAL 306

Human Sexuality

PSYC 480


Adv Topics in Psych (Behavioral Medicine)

HEAL 308


Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

PSYC 480


Adv Topics in Psych (Health Psychology)

HEAL 350


Understanding Cancer

RELI 462


Medical Ethics and American Values I

HEAL 379


Internship in Health Science

RELI 463


Medical Ethics and American Values II

HEAL 495-6


Independent Study in Health Science

SOSC 313



HEAL 498


Special Topics in Health Science

SOSC 345


Sociology of Medicine

HEAL 499


Teaching Practicum in Health Science

SOCI 399


Immigration and Public Health

ANTH 381


Medical Anthropology

SOSC 330


Health Care Reform in the 50 States

ANTH 383


Human Adaptation

SOSC 420


Health Care: Competition and Managed Care

ANTH 386


Human Nutrition

SOSC 430


The Shaping of Health Policy

ANTH 388


The Life Cycle: A Biocultural View

SOSC 433


Death and Dying

Total Elective Hours:


Total Track Hours:



* Bios 201 may be substituted for Bios 122

** Twenty-one hours of electives must be selected from this list. Academic labs will satisfy 3 hours of required electives.