Ling 315/Psych 315 - Semantics

Assignment 3

Semantic Fields and Lexical Relations

Course Information Sheet

Posted: Thursday February 26, 2004
Due: Thursday March 11, 2004

Honor Code policy: You can discuss the assignment orally with others taking the class (making sure you are contributing and not just absorbing others' ideas). Again, don't share written work with one another (including diagrams) until the assignments are graded. If you wish, you can test out data on native speakers of English from outside the class. For our assignments, do not consult linguists (undergrad students who have studied anything about semantics; linguistics faculty; or ling. grad students). Use examples as necessary.

Assignments must be typed/computer-printed and in general look reasonably professional. You can append or add in hand-drawn or computer-drawn diagrams if you wish. Diagrams or pictorial matter should be explained in the text of your answer. Total points 40.

Consider the following set of words and analyze the semantic relations that link the words. What is the semantic field or domain represented in the set? (Arrange the words in whatever order seems appropriate.)

large, long, narrow, small, big, short, little, deep, thick, wide, shallow

In the course of your analysis, say what type of semantic organization(s) seem(s) best suited for describing the structure of this lexical field. You might explore various modes of analysis, adding words to the set where useful. Try to find as much structure as possible in the field, analyzing specific subsets of the words if you see subpatterns. Throughout your analysis, be explicit about the kinds of semantic relations or the parameters which group and distinguish the words you are treating. Include any other semantic elements necessary to characterize meanings in this domain.

This is a very rich set of words in terms of the relations among them. Focus on the spatial meanings of the words mainly; you can refer to other senses of particular words if you feel it adds anything to your analysis of the set as a whole.

© 2004 Suzanne Kemmer
