If you're tired of feeling confined to your college or just want to get to know awesome people across campus, then ICE is for you. The Inter-College Exchange program would be an exciting weekend away from your everyday residential college routine. Picture eating lunch with your Buddy, or showing a new friend around your college, and getting to build a lasting relationship with someone you might not have otherwise met. Here is how the program works: one weekend during the semester, a host and a traveler would come together at the host college, and the two would eat meals, go to parties, have Saturday dinner together, and pretty much spend the entire weekend together! You have the chance to make this wonderful new program happen. Please give us your thoughts, concerns, or excitement. Our goal is to improve inter-college relations, and we will work hard to make this a great way to meet new people!

What college are you from?

What year are you?

Would you rather host a participant or be hosted at another college?

When is the most convenient time for you to host during the semester?

How interested are you in participating in the "exchange"?

If you are not at all interested, please explain why.

Would you be more interested if the "exchange" included planned activities, or a dinner that you could attend for free with your buddy?

If you had heard about this as a freshman, do you think you would have participated?

If you would like to receive more information about the Inter-College Exchange, please enter your e-mail address:

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