Below is the final version of the charge for the Ad Hoc Committee on the Continuing Education Fund. The official members of the group are: Jocelyn Tipton, Chair, Yale Univ. ( Amy Spare, Rice Univ. ( Trisha Cruse, UC San Diego ( Andrea Morrison, Indiana Univ. ( The Ad Hoc Committee will solicit support for their activities from the members of the Education Committee. Please contact one of the members of the group if you have an interest in working on a particular aspect of the charge. **************************************************************************** Ad Hoc Committee on the Continuing Education Fund, GODORT Charge - 8-9-96 Background The Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) has accepted a generous gift of $2,000.00 by Jack Sulzer to establish a Continuing Education Fund to be used for the support of projects to develop electronic and distance education resources. These resouces will assist librarians in the transition to electronic dissemination of government information. Currently, it is the general charge of GODORTs Government Information Technology Committee (GITCO) and the Education Committee to develop education and training programs for government information products. However, the designation of the gift to fund distance education activities warrants the establishment of an Ad Hoc Commitee, comprised of the membership of the two committees, to focus on the particular goals of this project. Goal The Continuing Education Fund is to be used to develop projects that make use of electronic and distance education resources. Broadly defined, these resources should provide librarians with interactive, electronic access to instruction and training in such areas as information management and administration that will support the transition to greater use of and access to electronic government information from international, federal, state, and local sources. Charge 1. The Ad Hoc Committee will develop several proposals for specific projects to be funded from the Continuing Education Fund. These proposals will be submitted for selection and approval at the 1997 Midwinter meeting of the GODORT Steering Committee. While it is important to recognize the need for training in the use of specific government information products, the responsibility for the development of these training programs lies within existing units of GODORT (i.e. GITCO and Education committee) The workgroup should feel free to make recommendations to these committees for particular projects to pursue. However, the content of the instructional projects for the Continuing Education Fund should specifically address two major areas: A. Development and enhancement of management and administrative skills for electronic government information for librarians responsible for government information services. Projects may address both public and technical services aspects of management. B. Building advocacy skills for librarians working with library administrators, government officials, civic leaders for the promotion of government information services. This project should also address methods for forming partnerships among units within a library, campus departments, libraries within the local geographic area, or members of other segments of the information profession. Projects should also make use of emerging distance education technologies, including Web-based instruction, video conferencing, etc. Interactive instruction should also be an important element of these projects. Proposals should clearly state the goals and specific outcomes of the instructional project. In addition, each proposal should recommend a specific format for the delivery of instruction. 2. Develop and implement procedures for soliciting wide participation in the submission of proposals. The activities of the Ad Hoc Committee should be widely publicized in order to maximize participation by the library community in developing proposals, and to assist in the identification of current projects and technologies. 3. The Ad Hoc Committee may investigate specific resources within the library community for fulfilling these goals. Such activities may include: A. Management and administrative skills for electronic government information * Survey library schools to determine to what extent current curricula addresses these skills, and instructional methodology (i.e. distance education technologies) utilized. * Contact ALA units addressing continuing and distance education issues to gather information about methods and technologies. (Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE); ALA Standing Committee on Library Education; ALA Continuing Education Network and Exchange Round Table; Library Instruction Round Table, ACRL-IS (Instruction Section). * Recommend methods for GODORT to support existing curricula, or become involved in development of new curricula. B. Advocacy skills and partnership building * Survey existing units within ALA and/or national and regional organizations to determine if existing workshops or programs can be adapted to GODORTs goals for instructional projects. Suggested ALA units to contact: LAMA, PLA, LITA; Organizations outside ALA such as Coalition for Networked Information, and other appropriate units. * Recommend collaborative projects to pursue with other units/organizations. 4. The Ad Hoc Committee will investigate proposals for continued funding and management of continuing education activities, and the Continuing Education Fund, for GODORT. Suggested timeline: Oct. 31, 1996 Submit progress report to GITCO and Education Committee Chairs. Jan. 31, 1997 Submit draft proposals to GITCO and Education Committee Chairs. Feb. 10, 1997 Final report of proposal due June, 1997 Submit proposals for Pt. 4 of charge