Minutes of the Faculty Meeting

October 28, 1997

Attendance: Approximately 50 persons
1. Minutes

2. Proposal for a new undergraduate curriculum in Bioengineering

3. Proposal for a new undergraduate curriculum in Computer Science

4. Proposal for changes in teacher evaluation forms

5. Reports

6. Announcements

President Malcolm Gillis called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in 124 Herring Hall.

1. Minutes

Minutes of the meetings on May 9, 1997 were approved.

2. Proposal for a new undergraduate curriculum in bioengineering

Gerry McKenny, Chair of the Curriculum Committee, introduced the motion to approve a new major in bioengineering and responded to questions about the review process. Larry McIntire, Chair of the Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering, responded to questions about accreditation, credit hours required, and prerequisites. The program was approved unanimously.

3. Proposal for a new undergraduate curriculum in computer science

This proposal was tabled because the department chair could not attend the meeting.

4. Proposal for changes in teacher evaluation forms

John Ambler presented the Committee on Teaching's recommendations for changes in the teaching evaluation form. Sarah Burnett moved to increase the number of response options from five to seven in order to discriminate more precisely among levels of excellence in teaching. Various suggestions were proposed for implementing this motion but the task was left to the committee's discretion and the motion was approved. No additional motions were offered. The committee expects to have the new forms ready for spring 1998 course evaluations.

5. Reports

The Provost reported that two search committees have been formed to seek candidates to replace the Dean of Engineering, Michael Carroll, and the Dean of Natural Sciences, Jim Kinsey. These committees will report to the President in February with a short list of three candidates for each position.

6. Announcements

There were no announcements.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda P. Driskill, Secretary of the Faculty

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