Rice Shield


Minutes of the Faculty Meeting

May 12, 1995

Attendance: Approximately 130

1. Minutes of the previous meeting

2. Approval of Candidates for Degrees

3. Approval of Undergraduate Honors

4. Overview of Faculty Accomplishments

5. Recognition of Retiring Faculty

6. Announcements

President Malcolm Gillis called the meeting to order at at 10:00 a.m. in 301 Sewall Hall.

1. Minutes of the previous meeting.

The corrected minutes of the March 27, 1995 meeting were approved.

2. Approval of the lists of candidates for degrees.

Gus Armeniades, Chair of the Committee on Examinations and Standing, presented the list of candidates for baccalaureate degrees and explained one exception. The faculty approved the exception and accepted the list of candidates. William Brooks, Chair of the Graduate Council, presented the list of candidates for advanced degrees. The list was approved unanimously.

3. Approval of undergraduate honors.

The Committee on Examinations and Standing recommended the following honors:

Rank 1995 1994 1995 1994
  Grade point average Number
Summa 3.929 4.000 25 23
Magna 3.847 3.814 39 47
Cum laude 3.698 3.678 62 64

4. Faculty accomplishments and teaching prizes.

President Gillis complimented the faculty on the published books, performances, grants, honors, and medals that demonstrate the academic and professional accomplishments of Rice faculty. Copies of the publication Scholarly Interests and Activities of the Faculty and Faculty Fellows 1994-1995 were distributed at the meeting. In the future, this report may be published on RiceInfo. President Gillis welcomes comments on this mode of publication.

George R. Brown awards for superior teaching were presented to Alan Grob (English), Thomas Haskell (History), Don H. Johnson (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Pol Spanos (Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering), Richard Stoll (Political Science), and Larry Temkin (Philosophy). Marco Ciufolini (Chemistry) and John Olson (Biochemistry and Cell Biology) were honored with Amoco Teaching Awards. John Hutchinson (Chemistry) received the Nicholas Salgo Distinguished Teacher Award.

5. Recognition of retiring members of the faculty.

Department representatives spoke in appreciation of the accomplishments of retiring faculty members Alan J. Chapman, Ronald F. Stebbings, and John C. Stormer, Jr. Tributes were published in the May 11, 1995 Rice News for these men and for John Meixner, who also is retiring but could not be present at the faculty meeting.

6. Announcements.

Hally Beth Poindexter discussed commencement arrangements.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:38 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Linda P. Driskill, Secretary of the Faculty

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