EDUC 340: Computers and Education

Spring 2005

Carolynne White
Rice University


Class members are expected to attend each class and be punctual unless other arrangements are made. Regular classes will meet Wednesdays from 5:30 - 8:30 p. m.

Assignments are due by the next class meeting and may be turned in on paper, as email attachments, or on disks unless otherwise stated.

Although we will try to adhere to this schedule, the actual course structure may vary as some topics may be modified as the class progresses. If there are changes, an effort will be made to keep this web page current.

Both Windows based and Macintosh computers will be used in this class with software programs including Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and Powerpoint), Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and Web Browsers. These programs are availble in the computer labs on campus.

Jump to the date that you want to view:

1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5, 4/12, 4/19




 Readings / Resources 

January 12

Symonds II - Duncan Hall

Introduction to course

Class surveys

What are you trying to accomplish as a teacher?

Suggestion: use assignments as a technology portfolio




Presentations using Powerpoint

Introduce / Review Presentations including a variety of formats, color, transitions, fonts, etc



Establish email contacts - apply for RUF and OWLNET accounts

Email Discussions

Share your thoughts on the uses and mis-uses of technology in education.

Share an instance (educational or otherwise) of the process of change.

Think about and share, Word Processing uses for both teachers (classroom, preparation, administrative) and students.

Do you like technology in your classes?  Look at the educational process at Rice. Share the range of teaching styles and technology use in the classes that you are currently taking or have taken in the past 2 years. Include 3 different classroom situations. Include subject, technology use in the classroom, if any, use of technology to support the class (online syllabi, etc), and your comments on effectiveness. Please include one use of presentations and comment on the presentation design, interaction with the class and its overall effectiveness as a teaching tool.

List 3 observations for each instance:

1 What did you like best?
2 One suggestion for improvement
3 What part could you use when you teach?

Create a presentation due Feb 2


"Change Process" and its impact on Education. "Everyone wants to improve education"

Dynamics of Change process North Central Regional Educational Laboratory

Peresent (Powerpoint) an "instance of Change in Education using 5-10 slides with titles, bulleted and subbulleted lists, tables, transistions, colors, etc. You will have 10-15 minutes for your presentation.


Resources for Professional Development: IntegratingTechnology into K-12 Curriculum and Instruction

Bay City Public Schools

The only bookmark you need for tutorials


Presentation Design:

Rice's Short Course Documents are available in the Mudd Building. Additionally, some Tutorial Documents can be downloaded in .pdf format from the Rice web pages. Topics include Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Database, Scanning and Layout/Presentation

Microsoft in Education

CSU's Presentation Guide

UNC Presentation Guide

Designing Effective Oral Presentations

Bay City Public Schools

Download class presentation

Change Process

Issues About Change from Southwest Educational Development Laboratory

The Change Process from The Coalition of Essential Schools (CES)

Michael Fullan books

January 19


No Class

Monday Jan. 17 classes are being made up this day  

January 26

Symonds II - Duncan Hall

Word Processing

Review Word processing uses in education



Newsletter design




Introduce / Review Spreadsheets
and their uses: gradebooks, information storage, databases, timelines


Using / Creating Graphical representations of data

Exporting / Importing data from one program into another (text files with commas or tabs)

Presentations - Bring questions / Concerns to class about assignment for next week


Email Discussion

 Think about and discuss: Spreadsheet uses for teachers and students (direct teaching, classroom, preparation, administrative)

Create spreadsheets - due 2/2

a gradesheet for 5 students, 6 grades / student

an inventory for 5 classroom items. Export thisi data into a text file. Save in both formats.

a database that could be used in your subject area - This does not have to be complete - put in 10 items- to indicate a structure

a timeline: Summarize the changes in your "Change presentation" in a timeline (You may select a different date sequence if your presentation doesn't easily adapt to a timeline.)

a chart: Create an appropriate graphical representation of the data from one of these spreadsheets.


finish presentation on educational change



Spreadsheet Resources

See Rice's Tutorial Documents and handouts and information at Microsoft in Education

URI Excel Tutorial


Bay City Public Schools

Presentation Resources:

See previous week

February 2

Symonds II - Duncan Hall

Student Presentations on educational change

Critique each: What did you like best, one suggestion for improvment, Design-wise - what might you use in your teaching?. Each person will get feedback on their presentation.

Presentation Review Design: Colors, Fonts, etc


Email Discussion

Continue to think about and discuss: Change Process. What will be available - Information sources in education & classrooms? Printed materials & books, libraries for research, email, web, CDs and other digital resources

 Think about and discuss: Presentations as teaching tools. Advantages/ disadvantages, limitations, Learning styles, Notetaking, Handouts.

Create general guidelines list for design of presentations


Select a presentation topic in your subject area for February 16 or 23 using 10-20 slides with titles, bulleted and subbulleted lists, tables, transistions, colors, images, sounds, etc ) Aproximately 10 minutes.


 Design and create a newsletter format that you might have your students use as an exercise. Include graphics. Put information on page 1 and print/save - due 2/9

Spreadsheets - all due 2/9

Create a report for parents that contains information from a spreadsheet.

Create a report or letter for "your principal" that contains infomation and charts from a spreadsheet.







Presentations Resources

see Jan 12


Spreadsheet Resources

See previous week

February 9

Symonds II - Duncan Hall


Advanced formula considerations

Sample Documents

Searching the Web

Finding information on the Web

Web search techniques

Subject vs Keyword searches

Citations for the web


Web sites 

Content/design discussion

What is an appropriate evaluation criteria?





AppleWorks: Paint and Draw


file types

Email - Share results of Web searches - See below

Web Searches

Select 5 useful sites with information about your teaching field that could be used by you OR your students. Write a 2 sentence summary and a citation for each site.  Email sites to class. Select one to share with the whole class. Email the site to me with comments about design, contents, intended audience, and how the site could be used by educators and students. I will put the list up on the course web site. Include comments on sensory learning and learning methods.

Find 5 lesson plans on the web that include the use of databases, word processing and/or spreadsheets. Create a spreadsheet to include the information, Share via email as an attachments.

Search Web for images that you would like to use in your subject area. Share this information including URL and images available via email

Visit 5 sites that you receive and send coments about their design and relevance to your subject area. Share your commemts

Spreadsheets - due 2/16

Modify your grade sheet for 5 students with 20 grades/student, and different grade weighting.


Create two similar graphics files; one in "paint"(Photoshop), the other in "draw" (Powerpoint) 


Continue work on your subject area presentation due February 16 or 23.

Web Searches

A Helpful Guide to Search Engines, Top Page

Finding Information on the Internet: Table of Contents

Web Design

Web Design Criteria usable information technology

Web site Sins

Yale Guidelines

Hypertext Style Guide


Univ site comp

Rice mgmt632




Graphics Documents At Rice  

Photoshop Tutorial

Welcome to Questy's Links and Lessons


February 16

Symonds II - Duncan Hall

Student Subject Area Presentations

Critique each: What did you like best, one suggestion for improvment, Design-wise - what might you use in your teaching?. Each person will get feedback on their presentation.

Presentation Review Design: Colors, Fonts, etc

Searching the Web

Web resources at Rice

Evaluating web resources

Copyright issues


images and text (OCR)

Save as files to use for PhotoShop


Compare subject search results to keyword search results for 5 searches. What do you recommend? Share the results of these searches

Web Design

Use list of "useful sites" that I put on the web from last week's exercise. Visit 2 (if possible in your subject area) and see if you agree with the person who suggested the site. (link to be added here) Send comments to me that can be added to this web page.

Web Searches

Search 6 universities / schools for their policy on copyright. Search for laws on copyright. Bring results to next class

Visit Etext Center, Fondren Library, Lisa Spiro, Director

Scanning - Bring both originals and print-out of scanning to next class.

Scan an image on which you "own" the copyright or you have permission to use

Scan text on which you "own" the copyright or you have permission to use

Searching the Web

See Feb 9



Copyright Issues:

An introduction to copyright issues for WWW publishers at Rice


Images / Scanning

Importing and Saving Images

Scanning Images

Scanning Text

Scanning and Image Examples

February 23

Symonds II - Duncan Hall

Student Subject Area Presentations

Critique each: What did you like best, one suggestion for improvment, Design-wise - what might you use in your teaching?. Each person will get feedback on their presentation.

Presentation Review Design: Colors, Fonts, etc

Web sites 

Content / design discussion

Show results of scanning exercise



Web Searches

Find 2 sites on the web that have a similar audience and general purpose. Find 2 more sites on the web that have a similar content. What do you like about each and what do you want to do differently. Can you find a site with a similar design motif to the one you want to create? What about your navigation method?


Send to instructor:

Send me a general description (purpose, audience, content, layout, general design, and navigation method) of your website and include the url for each of the sites you found (above). Include what you liked and disliked about these sites.

Bring to Class:

Sketch out each page (at least 4) on sheets of paper.
Write any text blocs that you plan to use and send them to yourself in email.
If you are going to include images, get them together on a disk/CD or as email attachments.

Only use text and images that you have a right to use (copyrights).


Scan images that you want to use on your subject area presentation / web page. Try scanning a slide if you have one.


Modify the images using Photoshop. Although you may use Photoshop in class to alter an image (dpi, size, color) please do any extensive work BEFORE class.



see Feb 17



Database Resources

FGCU Access Tutorial

Bay City Public Schools

See Rice's Tutorial Documents and handouts and information at Microsoft in Education

FileMaker Tutorial


March 1

Symonds II - Duncan Hall

Web page authoring
Come to class with plans and materials for your site "in-hand". Bring these items with you!

Only use text and images that you have a right to use (copyrights).

Sketch out each page (at least 4) on sheets of paper.
Write any text blocs that you plan to use and send them to yourself in email.
If you are going to include images, get them together on a disk/CD or as email attachments.
Images: You may need to do some scans before you come to class

Images: Although you may use Photoshop in class to alter an image (dpi, size, color) please do any extensive work BEFORE class.


Share your Scanning & Photoshop successes and problems in WebCT

Think about and discuss, on WebCT, Graphics uses in Education.

Web Page Design

Finish subject area web pages. Post URL to LiveJournal


Work with assigned partner on Website design.


Research one aspect of Computer Hardware/Software - as assigned

Visit Google's hardware reviews

Look at digital camera offerings and come ready to discuss merits of various styles / brands



Web Page Design

Continue work on your subject area web pages. (Due March 24)

Start planning 2 lessons using technology. (Due April 7, 14& 21)


Web page authoring

Organizing Your Web

Basic Page Design Tips


HTML & Claris Home Page Documents At RiceScanning Documents At Rice

Intro to HTML

Web Page Workshop: Colors

Web Page Workshop:

Creating web pages with Pizazz

Welcome to Digital Blasphemy!



Database Resources

FGCU Access Tutorial

Bay City Public Schools

See Rice's Tutorial Documents and handouts and information at Microsoft in Education

FileMaker Tutorial



Simply the Best



March 8


No Class


Spring Break



March 15

Symonds II - Duncan Hall

Hardware topics
portable vs desktop
Storage Media
Floppy disks
zip disks

Operating systems



Compare uses of web pages to uses of presentations from teacher's, student's, and parent's viewpoint.


Imagine that you have $3000 for technology in your classroom. Also design a system for personal use ($2000-$3000). Include hardware and software. Look at educational pricing for both. Create a spreadsheet for each purchase plan including item, price, source, why selected.

Look at digital camera offerings and come ready to discuss merits of various styles / brands / uses in a classroom

Work on 2 lessons using technology. (Due March 29, April 5, 12 & 19)

Send topics methods to CMW

March 22

Symonds II - Duncan Hall

Student subject area web site: Show and Tell

Explain Use, design, organization

Critique each: What did you like best, one suggestion for improvment and could you apply something from it to your subject area?

Distance Education

Email/WebCT/Live Journal

Preferences and criteria

Digital camera discussion


Paint vs Draw
Powerpoint / Photoshop

Photoshop: Any questions?


FileMaker and Access

Importing and exporting records

SIGN UP For 2 final teaching with technology: topics / dates / environments

Email/WebCT/Live Journal

 Databases - Compare / Contrast Databases and Spreadsheets in Live Journal

Website use by educators WebCT

Find two sites that have lessons/materials on similar subject. Compare/Contrast effect of Web Design format on experience of using the site for access to similar material.

Evaluate and compare two web tutorial sites on same subject

Distance Education - Propose a good use of distance education in public education. WebCT

Web Page Design

Continue work on your subject area web pages. Modify according to suggestions received.



Photoshop Documents At Rice

Audio and Video on the Web






March 29

Symonds II - Duncan Hall

Intranet vs Internet

Start Final Projects Presentations and evaluations 

Email/WebCT/Live Journal

Investigate CDROM's available in your subject area.. Share findings with others in teaching disipline


April 5

Symonds II - Duncan Hall


Final Projects Presentations and evaluations 

April 12

Symonds II - Duncan Hall

Final Project Presentations and evaluations 

April 19

Symonds II - Duncan Hall

Final Project Presentations and evaluations


April 28

 Makeup Day; Last Day to hand in work. 

Return to the Educ 340 Main Web Page

Last revised January 10, 2005