Note: The ad hoc Curriculum Review Committee supports this recommendation by the Language Steering Committee, regarding it as a significant contribution to a program of university-wide requirements. The committee proposes that this recommendation be voted upon as a separate component.

Language Competency Requirement

The language competency requirement offers six alternative ways to fulfill a foreign language exit requirement:

1) A score of 4 or 5 on the national Advanced Placement foreign language or literature tests.

2) A score of "intermediate-mid" or higher on a standardized placement test administered by Rice.

3) A grade of C+ or higher in a single Foreign-Language-Across-the Curriculum (FLAC) course. Such courses, now being planned under the guidance of the Center for the Study of Languages, are content-based courses in which all or some of the instruction is conducted in a foreign language. FLAC courses will be available in all schools of the university and could be offered as Freshman Seminar and Ways of Knowing courses, thus allowing students to satisfy the language requirement while satisfying those other requirements.

4) One semester of study or work abroad in a foreign-language environment, followed by satisfactory performance (with a grade of C+ or higher) on a Rice fourth-semester equivalency exam. This should help increase the opportunities and incentives for Rice students to spend part of their academic career abroad.

5) Completing a course of instruction in an intensive summer language program (in the United States or abroad), followed by a grade of "C+" or higher on a Rice fourth-semester equivalency exam.

6) A grade of "C+" or higher in the fourth semester of any foreign language course taught at Rice or accepted for transfer credit.


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Last updated 11/1/98 by Priscilla Jane Huston