The entire database, sorted by the name of the first author


ALBERT, R. and David L. Shaul. 1985. A Concise Hopi and English Lexicon. Amsterdam. John Benjamins. Hopi


ALDAMA Y GUEVARA, Jose Agustin de. 1754. Arte de la lengua mexicana [Reditado, 1892]. Nahuatl


AMITH, Jonathan. 1989. Acento en el nahuatl de Oapan. Presentation to the SLIIIF-Universidad nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico. Nahuatl


AMITH, Jonathan. 1991. Reduplication in San Agustin huapan Nahuatl. Presentation to the International Congress of Americanists, July 9, New Orleans. Nahuatl


AMITH, Jonathan. 1988. The use of directionals with verbs in the Nahuatl of Ameyaltepec, Guerrero. J. Kathryn Josserand and Karen Dakin, eda.. Smoke and Mist: mesoamerican Studies in Memory of Thelma D. Sullivan. Oxford. BAR International Series 402. Part ii. 395-422. Nahuatl


AMITH, Jonathan. n.d.. Vocabulario nahuatl de Ameyaltepec, Guerrero. Recolectado. Ms. Nahuatl


AMITH, Jonathan D. and SMITH STARK, Thomas C. 1989. Transitive nouns, split possessive paradigms and ergativity in Central Guerrero Nahuatl. Presentation to the Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Converence, June 29-30, Tucson, Arizona. Nahuatl


ANDERSON, Arthur J. O. 1973. Grammatical Examples, Exercises, and Review, For Use with Rules of the Aztec Language. Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press. 136 p. Nahuatl


ANDERSON, Arthur J. O.; CLAVIJERO, Francis Xavier. 1973. Rules of the Aztec language. A translation with modifications of Francis Xavier ClavigeroÕs Reglas de la lengua mexicana. Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press. 116 p. Nahuatl


ANDERSON, Geraldine. 1974. First notes on Gabrielino phonology. Ms.. Gabrielino


ANDERSON, John, and ANDERSON, Joy. s/f. Non-distinct subjects and objects in Northern Paiute. Ms. Western Numic and Northern Paiute


ANDERTON, Alice J. 1988. The Language of the Kitanemuks of California. Doctoral thesis, UCLA, Los Angeles . 731 p.. Serrano Kitanemuk


ANDREWS, J. Richard. 1981. Directionals in Classical Nahuatl. Texas Linguistic Forum 18. Austin. University of Texas Press. 1-16. Nahuatl


ANDREWS, J. Richard. 1975. Introduction to Classical Nahuatl. Austin. University of Texas Press. Nahuatl


ANDREWS, J. Richard. 1988. Remarks on causatives and applicatives in Classical Nahuatl. J. Kathryn Josserand and Karen Dakin , eds.. Smoke and Mist: Mesoamerican Studies in Memory of Thelma D. Sullivan. Oxford. BAR International Series 401. Part ii. 423-448. Nahuatl


ANONIMO. 18th C.. Vocabulario hispano-yaqui. Ms. in the Newbery Library. 999 p. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


ANONIMO. 1958. Vocabulario mexicano. Fotografia in the Newberry Library. 706 p. Nahuatl


Anonymous. 17th century. Arte y vocabulario de la lengua dohema, heve o eudeva (Campbell W. Pennington edition). Mexico. Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. 260 p. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


ANONYMOUS. 1989. Primeros apuntes que acerca de la lengua cora tomo el sacerdote encargado actualmente de la administracion de los sacramentos en la Sierra de ÒNayaritÓ, publicadas por Alberto Santoscoy, ÒNayaritÓ. Guadalajara. Coleccion de Documentos. Corachol Cora


ANONYMOUS. 1979. Ute Dictionary. Preliminary ed. Ignacio, CO. The Southern Ute Tribe. Ute


ARANA, Evangelina and SWADESH, Mauricio. 1960. Algunos conceptos de la prehistoria Yuto-Nahua. Summa antropologica en homenaje a Roberto J. Weitlaner. Mexico: INAH. 573-578. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Nahuatl


ARANA OSNAYA, Evangelina. 1959. Afinidades linguisticas del cuitlateco. Actas, 33re International Congress of Americanists, v. II. 560-572. Cuitlatec


ARAUZ, Prospero. 1960. El pipil de la region de los Itzalcos. San Salvador. Ministerio de Cultura. Nahuatl


ARCHIVOS NAHUAS. 1954, 1958. Jalapa, Veracruz. Nahuatl


ARMAGOST, James L. 1989. An interpretation of Comanche names in an eighteenth century Spanish document. Tlalocan XI. 367-374. Comanche


ARMAGOST, James L. 1982. Comanche deictic roots in narrative texts. Kansas working papers in linguistics 7. Lawrence. University of Kansas. 5-14. Eastern Numic


ARMAGOST, James L. 1985. Comanche ma-: Undistinguished deictic, narrative obviatiave. IJAL 51.3. 302-320. Comanche


ARMAGOST, James L. 1983. Comanche narrative: some general features and a selected text. Kansas working papers in linguistics 8, no. 2. Lawrence. University of Kansas. 1-29. Eastern Numic


ARMAGOST, James L.. 1985

. Comanche phonology: Some comments on Miller's analysis.. G. Youmans et al.. In memory of Roman Jakobson: Papers from the 1984 MALC. Columbia. Linguistics Area Program [University of Missouri]. 259-269. Comanche


ARMAGOST, James L. 1990. Interpreting St. ClairÕs Comanche texts: Objective ca. . . king and Ôsame subject dependent clauses. Studies in . . .American Languages VI. Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics 15.2. Comanche


ARMAGOST, James L. 1987. Recent advances in predicting ComancheÕs voiceless vowels. James E. Redden, ed.. Papers from the 1987 Hokan-Penutian Workshop and Friends of Uto-Aztecan Workshop, Occasional Papers on Linguistics. Carbondale. Dept. of Linguistics, Southern Illinois University. Comanche


ARMAGOST, James L. 1988. Some places where ComancheÕs vowel devoicing rule doesnÕt work. William Shipley, ed.. In Honor of Mary Haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on Native American Linguistics. The Hague. Mouton de Gruyter. Comanche


ARMAGOST, James L. 1982. The grammar of personal pronouns in Comanche. David S. Rood, ed.. 1983 Mid-America Linguistics Conference Papers. Boulder. University of Colorado. 25-35. Comanche


ARMAGOST, James L. 1989. The organization of information in St. ClairÕs Comanche texts. Presentation to the SSILA Congress, Linguistic Institute, Tucson, AZ, Jun 1989. Comanche


ARMAGOST, James L. 1982. The temporal relationship between telling and happening in Comanche narrative. Anthropological Linguistics 241. 193-200. Comanche


ARMAGOST, James L.. 1986. Three exceptions to vowel devoicing in Comanche.. Anthropological Linguistics 28. 255-265. Comanche


ARMAGOST, James L., and John E. McLaughlin. 1992. Numic [r] is not a spirant. Presentation to the Annual Congress of the American Anthropological Association, December 5, San Francisco, CA. Comanche


ARREOLA, Jose Maria. 1935. Nombres indigenas de lugares del estado de Jalisco. Estudio etimologico. sobretiro del Boletin de la Junta Auxiliar Jalisciense de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadisticia, Guadalajara. Nahuatl


ARREOLA, Jose Maria. 1934. Tres vocabularios dialectales del mexicano. Investigaciones linguisticas 2. 428-443. Nahuatl


AVILA, Francisco de. 1717. Arte de la lengua mexicana, y breves platicas de los mysterios de n. santa fee catholica, y otras para exortacion. Mexico. M. de Ribera Caldero. Sabin, Joseph, 1821-1881. Bibliotheca Americana. Selected Americana. Moicrofiche ed. 36 p.; 14 x 10 cm. Nahuatl


AYER, Edward E. Bibliography of Nahuatl texts in the Ewdward E. Ayer Collection, Vol. II, Newberry Library, Chicago. Bibliography Bibliographies


BAHR, Donald M. 1986. Pima-Papago -ga, ÔALIENABILITYÕ. IJAL 52. 161-171. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


BAHR, Donald M. 1992. Translating Papago legalese. Brian Swann, ed.. On the Translation of native American Literature. Washington. Smithsonian Institution Press. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


Baker, Theodor. 1882. Uber die Musik der nordamerikanischen Wilden. Songs of the Comanche. 10-13, 37-41, 50-51, 59-79.. Eastern Numic


BALCASTRO, P. 1931. Vocabulario de la lengua opata. Ms. in the Bancroft Library. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


BANCROFT, Hubert Howe. 1886. The Pima, Opata and Ceri languages. The Native Races, vol. 3, Myths and Languages. San Francisco. History Co. 694-705. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


BARBASTRO, Francisco Antonio. 1860. [Discourses in Opata]. (Shafer) Ayer Collection. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


BARBER, Carroll G. 1952. Trilingualism in Pascua, The Social Functions of a Language in an Arizona, Yaque Community. Masters thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


BARLOW, Robert. 1943. Los Manuscritos de la Biblioteca Bancroft que pertenecieron a la antigua coleccion de D. Jose Fernando Ramirez. Memorias de la Academia Mexicana de la Historia II. 189-200. Bibliography Bibliographies


BARRERAS AGUILAR, Isabel J. 1991. Esbozo gramatical del guarijio de Mesa Colorada. Tesis de licenciatura en linguistica, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo. Taracahita Guarijio


BARRETT, Samuel A. 1906. California vocabularies and ethnographic notes: holograph. Ms.. Southern Paiute


BARROWS, David Prescott. 1967. The Ethno-botany of the Cahuilla Indians of Southern California. Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press. Cahuilla


BARTHOLOMEW, Doris. 1980. Otomanguean influence on Pochutla Aztec. IJAL 46.2. 106-116. Nahuatl


BARTHOLOMEW, Doris. 1980. Otomanguean influence on Pochutla Aztec. IJAL 46.2. 106-116. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


BARTHOLOMEW, Doris and BROCKWAY, Earl. 1988. Honorific morphology in North Puebla Aztec. Smoke and Mist. Mesoamerican Studies in Memory of Thelma D. Sullivan. Part ii. Oxford: B.A.R. . 449-460. Nahuatl


BARTHOLOMEW, Doris and MASON, David. 1980. The registration of transitivity in the Guerrero Aztec verb. IJAL 46.3. 197-204. Nahuatl


BASCOM, Burt. 1996. Construccio*nes reflexivas, pasivas e impersonales en el tepehuano del norte. Zarina Estrada Ferna*ndez, Max Figueroa Esteva, and Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz, ed.. III encuentro de lingui*stica en el noroeste, tomo 1 volumen 1. Hermosillo, Sonora. Editorial Unison. 289-306. Tepehuano


Bascom, Burt. 1959. Tonemechanics of Northern Tepehuan. Phonetics 4. 71-88.


BASCOM, Burton W. 1990. Are -cami words nouns? Adjectives? Adverbs? Participles? or all of the Above? (Northern Tepehuan). FUAC - IIA-UNAM. June. Ms. 2 p. Southern Tepimano Northern Tepehuan


BASCOM, Burton W. n.d.. La conjugacion de conjunciones, Tepehuan del Norte. Ms. Southern Tepimano Northern Tepehuan


BASCOM, Burton W. 1982. Northern Tepehuan. Ronald W. Langacker, ed.. Uto-Aztecan Grammatical Sketches. Studies in Uto-Aztecan Grammar. v.3.. Dallas. SIL and the University of Texas at Arlington. 267-393. Southern Tepimano Northern Tepehuan


BASCOM, Burton W. 1989. Pluralization of nouns in Northern Tepehuan. FUAC - Tucson, June. Southern Tepimano Northern Tepehuan


BASCOM, Burton W. 1965. Proto-Tepiman (Tepehuan-Piman). Doctoral Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle. Southern Tepimano Northern Tepehuan


BASCOM, Burton W. 1959. Tonomechanics of Northern Tepehuan. Phonetica 4.2-3. 71-88. Southern Tepimano Northern Tepehuan


BASUARI, Carlos. 1929. Monografia de los Tarahumares. Linguistica. Mexico. 78-85. Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijio Raramuri


BEALS, Ralph L. 1943. The aboriginal culture of the Cahita Indians. Ibero-Americana 19. Berkeley and Los Angeles. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


BEAN, Lowell John and SMITH, Charles R. 1978. Gabrielino. Robert F. Heizer, ed.. Handbook of North American indians, Vol. 8, California. Washington, D. C.. Smithsonian Institution. 539-549. Gabrielino


BEAN, Lowell John and SMITH, Charles R. 1978. Serrano. Robert F. Heizer, ed.. Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 8, California. Washington, D.C.. Smithsonian Institution. 570-574. Serrano


BECKER, W. J. 1936. The Comanche Indian and his language. Chronicles of Oklahoma 14. 328-342. Comanche


BECKER, W. J. 1951. The Compounding of Words in the Comanche Indian Language: A Thesis. MasterÕs thesis, University of Oklahoma, Norman. Comanche


BEELER, M. S. 1968. Review, Languages, Territories, and Names of California Indian Tribes (Heizer). IJAL 34.1. 59-62 Mono. Historical Linguistics Classification


BELLER, N., Ricardo and COWAN DE BELLER, Patricia. 1978. Curso de nahuatl moderno. Nahuatl de la Huasteca. Mexico, D.F. Instituto Linguistico de Verano en coordinacion con la Secretaria de Educacion Publica. 2 vol. Nahuatl


BELLER, N., Ricardy and COWAN DE BELLER, Patricia. 1979. Nuasteca Nahuatl. Ronald W. Langacker, ed.. Modern Aztec Sketches. Dallas. SIL and the University of Texas at Arlington. 199-306. Nahuatl


BELMAR, Francisco. 1921. Glotologia indigena mexicana. 220 p. Historical Linguistics Classification


BELMAR, Francisco. 1905. Lenguas indigenas de Mexico, Familia mixteco-zapoteca y sus relaciones con el otomi, familia zoque mixe, chontal, huave y mexicano. Mexico, D.F. Historical Linguistics Classification


BENNETT, Michael Eric. 1980. Aspects of grammatical number in Hopi. W. C. McCormack and H. J. Izzo, eds.. The Sixth LACUS Forum. 271-281. Hopi


BENNETT, Michael Eric. 1982. Aspects of reflexive/reciprocal expressions in Hopi. J. Morreall, ed.. The Ninth LACUS Forum. 291-298. Hopi


BENNETT, Michael Eric. 9181. Aspects of the imperative in Hopi. J. E. Copeland and P. W. Davis, eds.. The Seventh LACUS Forum. 359-367. Hopi


BENZ, fray Antonio. 1774. Vocabulary of the Pima Language, with Grammatical Notes. Ms. Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


BERMAN, Howard. 1981. Review, The Languages of Native America: Historical and comparative Assessment (Campbell and Mithun, eds). IJAL 47.3. 248-262. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


BIERHORST, John. 1985. A Nahuatl-English Dictionary and Concordance to the Cantares mexicanos with an Analytic Transcription and Grammatical Notes. Stanford. Stanford University Press. Nahuatl


BIERHORST, John. 1992. Codex Chimalpopoca: The Text in Nahuatl with a Glossary and Grammatical Notes. Tucson. The University of Arizona Press. 210 p. Nahuatl


BIERHORST, John, tr. 1992. History and Mythology of the Aztecs: The Codex Chimalpopoca. Tucson. University of Arizona Press. 238 p. Nahuatl


BIONDELLI, Bernardino. 1869. Glossarium azteco-latinum et latino-aztecum cura et studio Bernardino Biondelli collectum ac digestum. Mediolani. Nahuatl


BOAS, Franz. 1917. El dialecto mexicano de Pochutla, Oaxaca. IJAL 1. 9-44. Nahuatl


BOAS, Franz. 1912. Phonetics of the Mexican language. Proceedings, Internacional Congress of Americanists, London. 107-108. Nahuatl


BOAS, Franz. Spanish elements in modern Nahuatl. Todd Memorial Volume of Philological Studies, Vol. 1. 87-89. Nahuatl


BOOTH, Curtis G. 1979. Postpositions as verbs in Kawaiisu. IJAL 45. 245-250. Kawaiisu


BRAMBILA, David. 1983. Diccionario Castellano-Rara*muri (Tarahumar). Mexico. Buena Prensa, A. C.. vii-593. Tarahumar


BRAMBILA, David. 1976. Diccionario Rara*muri-Castellano (Tarahumar). Mexico. Buena Prensa. xxii-614. Tarahumar


BRAMBILA, David. 1980. Diccionario tarahumara-espanol. Mexico. Buena Prensa. Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijio Raramuri


BRAMBILA, David, and VERGARA BIANCHI, Jose. 1953. Grama*tica Rara*muri. Mexico. Editorial Buena Prensa. xxix + 645 p. Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijio Raramuri


BREWER, Forrest. 1969. Morelos (Tetelcingo) Nahuatl Verb Stem Constructions. D. F. Robinson, ed.. Aztec Studies I. Norman. Summer Institute of Linguistics. 54-74. Nahuatl


BREWER, Forrest and BREWER, Jean G. 1962. Vocabulario mexicano de Tetelcingo, Morelos. Castellano-mexicano, mexicano-castellano. Serie de Vocabularios Indigenas Mariano Silva y Aceves, num. 8. Mexico. Instituto Linguistico de Verano. Nahuatl


BRIGHT, William. 1964. A field guide to Southern California Indian languages. Archaeological Survey Annual Report. Los Angeles. University of California. 389-408. Taquica


BRIGHT, William. 1968. A Luiseno Dictionary. University of California Publications in Linguistics 51. Berkeley and Los Angeles. University of California Press. Luisen*o


BRIGHT, William. 1960. Accent in Classical Aztec. IJAL 26. 66-68. Nahuatl


BRIGHT, William. 1992. Line structure in classical Nahuatl texts. Ms. Presentation at the Symposium ÔNahuas: The Ongoing EncuentroÕ of the Annual Congress, American Anthropological Association, December, San Francisco. Nahuatl


BRIGHT, William . 1965. Luiseno phonemics. IJAL 31. 342-345. Luisen*o


BRIGHT, William. 1992. Names for the quail in native California. California Linguistic Notes 23.2. Fullerton. Dept. of Linguistics, CSU-Fullerton. 29. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


BRIGHT, William. 1979. Notes on Hispanisms. IJAL 45. 267-271. Nahuatl


BRIGHT, William. 1968. Review, Uto-Aztecan Cognate Sets (Miller) . IJAL 34.1. 56-59. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


BRIGHT, William. 1978. Sibilants and naturalness in aboriginal California. Journal of California Anthropology, Papers in Linguistics. 39-64. Taquica


BRIGHT, William. 1991. The Aztec triangle: Three-way language contact in New Spain. Ms. Paper presented at the congress of the Berkeley Linguistic Society, February, 1991. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


BRIGHT, William. 1965. The history of the Cahuilla sound system. IJAL 31. 241-244. Cahuilla


BRIGHT, William. 1974. Three extinct languages of Southern California. American Philosophical Society Yearbook. 573-574. Taquica


BRIGHT, William. 1968. Un vocabulario nahuatl del estado de Tlaxcala. Estudios de Cultura Nahuatl VII. 233-254. Nahuatl


BRIGHT, William. 1990. With one lip, with two lips: Parallelism in Nahuatl. Language 66.3. 437-452. Nahuatl


BRIGHT, William and BRIGHT, Marcia. 1969. Archaeology and linguistics in prehistoric Southern California. University of hawaii Working Papers in Linguistics 1, no. 10. 1-26. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Takic


BRIGHT, William and HILL, Jane. 1967. The linguistic history of the Cupeno. Studies in Southwestern Ethnolinguistics, edited by Dell Hymes. The Hague. Mouton. 351-371. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Takic


BROCKWAY, Earl. 1979. North Puebla Nahuatl. Ronald W. Langacker, ed.. Modern Aztec Studies. Dallas. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. 141-198. Nahuatl


BROCKWAY, Earl. 1969. Terminos de parentiesco del nahuatl, dialecto del Norte de Puebla. Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, ep. 7.2. 123-125. Nahuatl


BROCKWAY, Earl. 1963. The phonemes of North Puebla Nahuatl. Anthropological Linguistics 5.2. 14-18. Nahuatl


BUCHLER, I.R.. 1967. The analysis of pronominal systems: Nahuatl and Espan*ol. Anthropological Linguistics 9.. 7-43. Nahuatl


BUELNA, Eustaquio. 1890. Arte de la lengua Cahita por un padre de la Compan*i*a de Jesu*s. Mexico. Imprenta del Gobierno Federal. Taracahita, Cahita


BUNTE, Pamela A. 1979. Problems in Southern Paiute Syntax and Semantics. Doctoral Thesis, Indiana University, Bloomington. Southern Paiute


BUNTE, Pamela A. 1982. Subordinate clauses in Southern Paiute. IJAL 52. 275-300. Southern Paiute


BUNTE, Pamela A and FRANKLIN, Robert J. 1988. San Juan Southern Paiute numerals and mathematics. William Shipley, ed.. In Honor of Mary Haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on native American Linguistics. The Hague. Mouton de Gruyter. Southern Paiute


BURGESS, Don. 1978. Rabbit steals Coyote's bladder. Coyote Stories (IJAL-NATS Monograph No. 1). Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 178-183. Tarahumar


BURGESS, Don. 1979. Verbal suffixes of prominence in Western Tarahumara narrative discourse. Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages. Arlington. SIL-UT Arlington. Vol. I, pp. 171-188; Vol. II, pp. 87-93. Tarahumar


BURGESS, Don. 1984. Western Tarahumara grammar. Southern Uto-Aztecan grammatical sketches, Vol. 4. Dallas. SIL-University of Texas at Arlington. 1-149. Tarahumar


BURGESS, Don H. 1969-70. Tarahumara phonology. R. Ewton and J. Ornstein, eds.. Studies in Language and Linguistics. 1969-70. El Paso. Texas Western Press. Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijio Raramuri


BURGESS, Don H. 1984. Western Tarahumara . Langacker, Ronald W, ed.. Studies in Uto-Aztecan Grammar, Uto-Aztecan Grammatical Sketches v. 4. Arlington. University of Texas and SIL. 3-149. Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijio Raramuri


BURGESS, Don H. 1989. Western Tarahumara place names. Tlalocan XI. 65-88. Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijio Raramuri


BURGESS, Don H.; KEMPTON, Willet, and MACLAURY, Robert. 1985. Tarahumara color modifiers: Individual variation and evolutionary change. Janet W. D. Dougherty, ed.. Directions in Cognitive Anthropology. Urbana and Chicago. University of Illinois Press. 49-72. Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijio Raramuri


BURGESS, Don H.; KEMPTON, Willett, and MACLAURY, Robert. 1983. Tarahumara color modifiers: Category structure presagine evolutionary change. American Ethnologist 10.1. 133-149. Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijio Raramuri


BURGESS, Don, Willet Kempton, and Robert MacLaury. 1983. Tarahumara color modifiers. . .. Amarican ethnologist 10. 133-149. Tarahumar


BURKHART, Louise M. 1992. The Amanuenses have appropriated the texts: Interpreting a Nahuatl song of Santiago. Brian Swann, ed.. On the Translation of Native American Literature. Washington. Smithsonian Institution Press. Nahuatl


BURKHART, Louise M. 198. The Slippery Earth. Tucson. University of Arizona Press. Nahuatl


BURNHAM, Jeff. 1984. A grammatical Sketch of Mayo. Ms. Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, San Diego, June. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


BURNHAM, Jeff. 1980. A study of the Nahuatl spoken in the area of Orizaba, Veracruz. Presentation to the Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, June 23. Nahuatl


BURNHAM, Jeff. 1985. Mayo reduplication. Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, Tucson, June 28. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


BURNHAM, Jeff. 1988. Mayo suprasegmentals: synchronic and diachronic considerations. William Shipley, ed.. In Honor of Mary haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on Native American Linguistics. The Hague. Mouton de Gruyter. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


BURNHAM, Jeff. 1981. Rafael Delgado Nahuatl, a grammatical sketch. Presentation to the Friends of uto-Aztecan Working Conference, Salt Lake City. 78 p. Nahuatl


BURNHAM, Jeff. 1981. The innovation of a plural suffix in Aztecan. Frances Karttunen, ed.. Nahuatl Studies in Memory of Fernando Horcasitas, Texas Linguistic Forum 18. Austin. The University of Texas, Department of Linguistics. 17-28. Nahuatl


BURNHAM, Jeff. 1984. Una grama*tica de la Lengua Mayo. Hermosillo, Sonora, Me*xico. Universidad de Sonora. Mayo


BURNHAM, Jeff and HERNANDEZ DE JESUS, Victor. n.d. The Coyote and the Rabbit, A Nahuatl text from Rafael Delgado, Veracruz, narrated by Victor Hernandez de Jesus, based on a story composed by Ronald Langacker. Nahuatl


BURNHAM, Jeff and TUGGY, David. 1979. A spectrographic analysis of vowel length in Rafael Delgado nahuatl. Presentation to the Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas, Universidad nacional Autonoma de Mexico, June 22, Mexico. Nahuatl


BUSCHMANNF, Johann Karl Eduard. Grammatik der sonorischen Sprachen: vorzuglich der Tarahumara, Tepeguana, Cora und Cahita, als IXter Abschnitt der Spuren. Gerlin. Buchdruckerei der Konigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1864-1869. Corachol Cora


BUTLER, Ruth Lapham, compilator. 1937. A Check List of Manuscripts in the Edward E. Ayer Collection. Chicago. Bibliography Bibliographies


CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1972. A note on the so-called Alaguilac language. IJAL 38.3. 203-207. Nahuatl


CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1972. A note on the so-called Alaguilac language. IJAL 38.3. 203-207. Historical Linguistics Clasificacion


CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1979. Middle American languages. Lyle Campbell and Marianne Mithun, ed.. In: The Languages of Native America. Austin. The University of Texas press. 902-917. Historical Linguistics Classification


CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1977. Quichean Linguistic Prehistory. University of California Publications in Linguistics 81. Berkeley and Los Angeles. University of California Press. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1987. Syntactic change in Pipil. IJAL 53.2. 253-280. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Nahuatl


CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1976. The linguistic prehistory of the Southern Mesoamerican periphery. XIV Mesa Redonda de la SMA (Tegucigalpa, 1975) 1. Mexico, D.F. SMA. 157-183. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1988. The Linguistics of Southeast Chiapas. Provo. Utah. New World Archaeological Foundation and Brigham Young University. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1985. The Pipil Language of El Salvador. Berlin, New York, and Amsterdam. Mouton. Nahuatl


CAMPBELL, Lyle and KAUFMAN, Terrence. 1976. A Linguistic Look at the Olmecs. American Antiquity 41. 80-89. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


CAMPBELL, Lyle and LANGACKER, Ronald W. 1978. Proto-Aztecan Vowels. IJAL 44. Pt. 1, 85-102, II, 197-210, III, 262-279. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Nahuatl


CAMPBELL, Lyle, and MITHUN, Marianne. 1979. Introduction: North American Indian historical linguistics in current perspective. Lyle Campbell and marianne Mithun, ed.. In: The Languages of Native America. Austin. The University of Texas Press. 3-69. Historical Linguistics Classification


CAMPBELL, Lyles. n.d. La dialectologia pipil. Ms. Nahuatl


CAMPBELL, R. Joe. 1985. A Morphological Dictionary of Classical Nahuatl, A Morpheme Index to the vocabulario en lengua mexicana y castellana of Fray Alonso de Molina. Madison. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. Nahuatl


CAMPBELL, R. Joe. n.d. Inverse lexicon from Molina. Computer printout. Nahuatl


CAMPBELL, R. Joe. 1976. Underlying /Nw/ in Hueyapan Nahuatl. IJAL 42.1. 46-50. Nahuatl


CAMPBELL, R. Joe and CLAYTON, Mary L. 1988. Bernardino de SahagunÕs contributions to the lexicon of Classical Nahuatl. J. Jorge Klor de lAlva, H. B. Nicholson, and Eloise Quinones Keber, eds.. The Work of Bernardino de Sahagun, Pioneer Ethnographer of Sixteenth-Century Aztec Mexico. Autsin. Studies on Culture and Society, vol. 2, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, The Univerisyt at Albany, State University of New York. 295-314. Nahuatl


CAMPBELL, R. Joe and KARTTUNEN, Frances. 1989. Foundation Course in Nahuatl Grammar. Vol. 1: Text and Exercises; Vol. 2: Vocabulary and Key. Austin. Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin. Vol. 1, 336 p.; Vol. 2, 262 p. Nahuatl


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ESCALANTE HERNANDEZ, Roberto. 1965-1967. Fonemica del guarijio. Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia 18.47. 53-67. Taracahita Guarijio


ESCALANTE HERNANDEZ, Roberto. 1992. Los dialectos del guarijio. Presentation to el II Encuentro de Linguistica en el Noroeste, Universidad de Sonora, October 18-20, Hermosillo. Taracahita Guarijio


ESCALANTE HERNANDEZ, Roberto. 1964. Material linguistico del oriente del oriente de Sonora: Tonichi y Ponica. Anales del Instituto nacional de Antropologia e Historia (1963). 149-78. Pima bajo


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ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1990. Aproximacio*nes al estudio del sistema pronominal del Pima Bajo. Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz and Jose* Luis Moctezuma Zamarro*n. Estudios de Lingui*stica y Sociolingui*stica. Hermosillo, Sonora, Me*xico. Departamento de Letras y Lingui*stica, Divisio*n de Humanidades y Bellas Artes, Universidad de Sonora. 141-155. Tepimano


ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1991. Arguments and Clausal Relations in Pima Bajo. Doctoral Thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson. Pima bajo


ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1989. Clitics in Tepiman languages, an historical development. Ms. Presentation to the Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, June, Tucson, Arizona. Pima bajo


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ITTURIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis; GOMEZ LOPEZ, Paula; RAMIREZ DE LA CRUZ, Julio, y LEAL CARRETERO, Silvia. 1986. Individuacion en huichol I: Morfologia y semantica de las clases nominales. Funcion 1.2. 309-354. Corachol Huichol


ITURRIOZ LEZA, J. L., P. Go*mez Lo*pez, S. Leal Carretero, Rrita*kame Rami*rez de la Cruz.. 1987. Individuacio*n en Huichol. III: Las series sufijales. Funciuo*n II, nu*m. 1. Me*xico. Universidad de Guadalajara. 154-163. Corachol, Huichol


ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis. 1987. De la gramatica particular del huichol a la tipologia: Una contribucion a la morfologia operacional. Funcion II/23. 239-380. Corachol Huichol


ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis. 1987. De la gramatica particular del huichol a la tipologia: una contribucion a la morfologia operacional. Funcion II.2. 239-296; II.3.297-380. Corachol Huichol


ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis. 1990. Die Nomen-Adjektiv/Verb-Adverb Distinktion im Huichol im Lichte der operationalen Morphologie. Funcion 11. Corachol Huichol


ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis. 1984. La funcion de -a y de -ta- a la luz de la dimension de aprehension. Euskera 30. 175-213. Corachol Huichol


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ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis. 1989. Variation und Invarianz be der formalen und semantischen Beschreibung von grammatischen Morphemen, akup 81. Colonia. Corachol Huichol


ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis, GOMEZ LOPEZ, Paul; RAMIREZ DE LA CRUZ, Rritakame. 1988. ÔEntwurf einer operationalen morphologieÕ / Traduccion: ÔEsbozo de una morfologia operacional. Akup (Arbeiten des Kolner Universalienprojekts) 69. 43-72. Corachol Huichol


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ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis; GOMEZ LOPEZ, Paula; RAMIREZ DE LA CRUZ, Rritakame. In Press. Observaciones generales acerca de la estructura morfologica del verbo huichol. Funcion III.2. Corachol Huichol


JACOBS, Roderick Arnold. 1972. Syntactic Change: A Cupan (Uto-Aztecan) Case Study. University of California Publications in Linguistics 79. Berkeley and Los Angeles. University of California Press. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Takic


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JEANNE, LaVerne Masayesva. 1982. Some phonological rules of Hopi. IJAL 48. 245-270. Hopi


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JELINEK, Eloise. 1993. Quantification in progressive sentences in Yaqui. Presentation to the Spring Reunion, SSILA, July 2-4, Columbus, Ohio. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


JELINEK, Eloise, and ESCALANTE, Fernando. 1988. Double accusatives in Yaqui. Pacific Linguistic Society. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


JELINEK, Eloise, and ESCALANTE, Fernando. 1988. ÔVerblessÕ possessive sentences in Yaqui. William Shipley, ed.. In honor of Mary Haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on Native American Linguistics. The Hague. Mouton de Gruyter. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


JELINEK, Eloise, and Fernando Escalante. 1987. Passive/Impersonals in Yaqui. Paper presented at CAIL, Chicago. Yaqui


JELINEK, Eloise; ESCALANTE, Fernando; HILL, Ken; ESTRADA, Zarina; et al. In preparation. Diccionario Yaqui. Tucson. University of Arizona. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


JIMENEZ MORENO, Wigberto. 1948. Linguistica antigua, Informe de la seccion de linguistica, historia y etnografia antiguas. Cuarta Reunion de Mesa Redonda sobre Problemas Antropologicos de Mexico y Centro America, El occidente de Mexico. Nahuatl


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JOHNSON, Jean Basset and JOHNSON, Irmgard W. de. 1947. Un vocabulario Varohio. Revista mexicana de estudios antropologicos 9. 27-45. Taracahita Guarijio


JOHNSON, Jean Bassett. 1954. Varohio. Harold Key, ed.. Vocabularies of languages of the Uto-Aztecan family, collected by Harold Key. Microfilm Collection, #38. Chicago. 366-373. Taracahita Guarijio


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KARTTUNEN, Frances. 1977. Basic verb inflection with particular reference to vowel length and the glottal stop in Nahuatl. Presentation to the 5th FUAC. Nahuatl


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KARTTUNEN, Frances and LOCKHART, James. 1977. Characteristics of Nahuatl resonants. Betty Lou Dubois, ed.. Proceedings of SWALLOW V. Las Cruces. New Mexico State. Nahuatl


KARTTUNEN, Frances and LOCKHART, James. 1980. La estructura de la poesia nahuatl vista por sus variantes. Estudios de Cultura nahuatl 14. 15-64. Nahuatl


KARTTUNEN, Frances and LOCKHART, James. 1976. Nahuatl in the Middle Years: Language Contact Phenomena in Texts of the Colonial Period. University of California Publications in Linguistics 85. Berkeley and Los Angeles. The University of California Press. Nahuatl


KARTTUNEN, Frances and LOCKHART, james. 1976. Nahuatl Nasals. Linguistic Inquiry 7.2. Nahuatl


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KARTTUNEN, Frances, CAMPBELL, Joe, and ZEPEDA, Alberto. 1990. Some features of Nahuatl as spoken in San Miguel Canoa. Presentation to FUAC IIA0-UNAM, June, Mexico. 5 p. Nahuatl


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KAUFMAN, Terrence. 1988. Nawa Phonological Rules. Ms. Nahuatl


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KAUFMAN, Terrence with the assistance of Lyle Campbell. 1981. Comparative Uto-Aztecan Phonology. Ms. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


KELLY, Dierdre M. 1978. Morphologization in Irish and Southern Paiute. Doctoral Thesis, University of Texas, Austin. Southern Paiute


KEY, Harold. 1952-53. Algunas observaciones preliminares de la distribucion dialectal del nahuatl en el area Hidalgo-Veracruz-Puebla. Revista mexicana de estudios antropologicos xiii.2-3. 131-143, 4 maps. Nahuatl


KEY, Harold. 1965. Texts on Nahuat healing methods. Tlalocan 5. 74-84. Nahuatl


KEY, Harold. 1964. Un dialogo sobre la muerte. Tlalocan 4. 360-368. Nahuatl


KEY, Harold and Mary Ritchie Key. 1951. Puebla Sierra Aztec Texts and Dictionary. SIL Microfilm. Nahuatl


KEY, Harold and Mary Ritchie Key. 1953. Vocabulario mejicano de la Sierra de Zacapoaxtla, Puebla. Mexico: Instituto Linguistico de Verano y la Secretaria de Educacion Publica. Nahuatl


KEY, Harold and RITCHIE KEY, Mary. 1960. Stem construction and affixation of Sierra Nahuat verbs. IJAL 26. 131-145. Nahuatl


KEY, Harold and RITCHIE KEY, Mary. 1953. The phonemes of Sierra Nahuat. IJAL 19. 53-56. Nahuatl


KIMBALL, Geoffrey. 1989. Huastec and Totonac loanwords in Huasteca Nahuatl. Ms. Presentation to FUAC, June, Tucson. 11 p. Nahuatl


KLEIN, Sheldon. 1959. Comparative Mono-Kawaiisu. IJAL 25. 233-238. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Numic


KLEIN, Sheldon. 1988. Narrative style in variants of a Kawaiisu myth text. William Shipley, ed.. In Honor of Mary Haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on Native American Linguistics. Berlin. Mouton de Gruyter. 467-482. Kawaiisu


KNAB, Tim. 1976. Huichol-Nahuat borrowings and their implications in the ethnohistory of the region. IJAL 42.3. 261-264. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Corachol


KNAB, Tim. 1976. Huichol-Nahuatl Borrowings and their Implications in the Ethnohistory of the Regions. IJAL 42. 261-264. Corachol Huichol


KNAB, Tim. 1980. Prestamos linguisticos como indicadores de intercambios culturales. Rutas de intercambio en Mesoamerica y norte de Mexico, xvi Mesa Redonda de la Sociedad Mexicana de Antropologia, Coahuila, 1980. i. 2. Mexico. D. F. 19-226. Nahuatl


KNAB, Tim. 1980. The demise of derivational morphology in modern Aztec. Presentation to the Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, June 23, Albuquerque. Nahuatl


KNAB, Tim. 1977. The long and short of Aztec dialects. Berkeley Linguistic Society iii. Berkeley. 74-83. Nahuatl


KNAB, Tim. 1979. Vida y muerte del nahuatl. Annales de antropologia xvi. 345-370. Nahuatl


KNAB, Tim. 1979. Word order in Sierra Nahuatl. Presentation to the Friends of uto-Aztecan Working Conference, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, June 23, Mexico. Nahuatl


KNAB, Tim and HASSON, Liliane. 1979. Language death in the valley of Puebla. A sociogeographic approach. Berkeley Linguistic Society v. Berkeley. Nahuatl


KOREBER, Alfred L. 1909. Notes on Shoshonean dialects of southern California. UCPAAE i. 235-269. Taquica


KROCH, Anthony S. and ODJIG, Lorraine. 1973. Movement rules and modal expressions in Papago. IJAL 39.2. 80-88. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


KROEBER, Alfred L. 1907. The Shoshonean Dialectos of California. UCPAAE 4. 65-166. Taquica


KROEBER, Alfred L. 1934. Uto-Aztecan Languages of Mexico. Ibero-Americana 8. Berkeley. University of California Press. Southern Yutoaztecan


KROEBER, Alfred L. and GRACE, George William. 1960. The Sparkman Grammar of Luiseno. University of California Publications in Linguistics, 16. Berkeley and Los Angeles. The University of California Press. Luisen*o


LAIRD, Carobeth. 1976. The Chemehuevis. Banning. Malki Press. Chemehuevi


LAIRD, Carobeth. Unpublished field notes.


LAMB, Sidney M. 1958. Mono grammar [mocroform]. Mono


LAMB, Sydney. n.d.. Monachi dictionary. Ms.. Mono


LAMB, Sydney and SEILER, Hansjakob. 1954. [Tubatulabal field tape recordings]. Indiana University Archive of the Languages of the World. Rio Kern (Tubatulabal +) Tubatulabal


LAMB, Sydney M. 1958. Linguistic prehistory in the Great Basin. IJAL 24. 95-100. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Northern Uto-Aztecan


LAMB, Sydney M. 1964. The classification of the Uto-Aztecan languages: A historical survey. University of California Publications in Linguistics 34. 106-125. Historical Linguistics Clasificacion


LANDAR, Herbert. 1976. Review, Piman Shamanism and Staying Sickness (Bahr et al.). IJAL 42.3. 280-282. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


LANDAR, Herbert. 1967. Syntactic patterns in Navaho and Huichol. IJAL 33.2. 121-127. Corachol Huichol


LANDERO, C. F. de. 1885. La numberacion hablada de los yaquis. Boletin de la Sociedad de Ingenieros de Jalisco 5. 294-298. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


LANGACKER, R. W.. 1979. Accusative suffixes in Proto-Uto-Aztecan. Papers in Linguistics, Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology. Malki Museum, Inc., Banning, California. Yaqui


LANGACKER, Ronald W. 1976. A note on Uto-Aztecan consonant gradation. IJAL 42.4. 374-379. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


LANGACKER, Ronald W. 1977. An Overview of Uto-Aztecan Grammar. Studies in Uto-Aztecan Grammar, 1. Arlington. The Summer Institute of Linguistics and The University of Texas at Arlington, Dallas. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


LANGACKER, Ronald W. 1976. Non-Distinct Arguments in Uto-Aztecan. University of California Publications in Linguistics 82. Berkeley. University of California Press. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


LANGACKER, Ronald W. 1972. Possessives in Classical Nahuatl. IJAL 38.3. 173-186. Nahuatl


LANGACKER, Ronald W. 1975. Relative clauses in Classical Nahuatl. IJAL 41.1. 46-68. Nahuatl


LANGACKER, Ronald W. 1976. Review, Yaqui Syntax (Lindenfeld). IJAL 42.2. 169-171. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


LANGACKER, Ronald W.. 1977. Studies in Uto-Aztecan grammar 1: An overview of Uto-Aztecan grammar. Summer institude of linguistics and university of Texas at Arlington publications in linguistics 56.. Dallas. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Eastern Numic


LANGACKER, Ronald W. 1977. The syntax of postpositions in Uto-Aztecan. IJAL 43.1. 22-36. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


LANGDON, Margaret.


LANGDON, Margaret. 1986. Resena, Bibliography of the Languages of Native California including Closely Related Languages of Adjacent Areas (Bright). IJAL 52. 85-87. Bibliography Bibliographies


LARA MARTINEZ, Rafael Alejandro. 1976. Gramatica del Nahuatl de Ahuacatlan. Licenciatura Thesis, Escuela nacional de Antropologia e Historia. Mexico D. F. 75 p. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 1974. Apuntes sobre dialectologia nahuatl. Anales de antropologia xi. 383-398. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 1980. Comentario a la ponencia de Una Canger sobre ÔSociolinguistic variationÕ. Simposium on Uto-Aztecan Historical Linguistics, Linguistic Institute, June 24, Albuquerque. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 19. Determinacion de las areas dialectales de nahuatl. Actas del VII simposio del PILEI, Lima. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 1975. Dialectologia nahuatl del Distrito Federal. Anales de antropologia xii. 335-340. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 1974. Distribucion de hablantes de nahuatl en la Republica Mexicana: Observaciones sobre el censo de 1970. Notas antropologicas 1.9. 59-65. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 1979. El Nahuatl de Tetzcoco en la actualidad. Mexico. Universidad nacional Autonoma de Mexico. 177 p. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 1980. El Nahuatl de Tetzcoco en la actualidad. Mexico. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 1986. Las areas dialectales del nahuat moderno. Mexico. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropological, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 1979. Nahuatl dialect areas. Presentation to the Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas, June 22, Mexico. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 1978. Nahuatl dialect survey. Some preliminary findings. Presentation to the Sixth Annual Friends of uto-Aztecan Working Conference, June 23-24, Reno, Nevada. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 1985. On nahuatl loans. IJAL 54. 494-497. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 1973. Panorama de los estudios yutoaztecas. Anales de Antropologia x. 337-386. [Also published in 1975 as ÔPanorama de los estudios de lenguas yutoaztecasÕ, in Las lenguas de Mexico, edited by Evangelina Arana de Swadesh, Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia. Vol i. Pp. 153-225.]. Bibliography Bibliographies


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 1981. Stress in modern Nahuatl dialects. Nahuatl Studies in Memory of Fernando Horcasitas, Texas Linguistic Forum 18.1. Austin. The University of Texas, Department of Linguistics. 19-128. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda and HORCASITAS, Fernando. s.f. Cuestionario sociolinguistico para el nahuatl. Ms. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda and HORCASITAS, Fernando. 1980. El nahuatl del estado de Morelos. Anales de antropologia xvii: ii. 233-298. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda and HORCASITAS, Fernando. 1976. El nahuatl en el Distrito Federal, Mexico. Anales de antropologia xiii. 103-136. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda and HORCASITAS, Fernando. 1979. El nahuatl en el estado de Tlaxcala. Anales de antropologia xvi. 275-323. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda and HORCASITAS, Fernando. 1978. El nahuatl en el norte y el occidente del Estado de Mexico. Anales de antropologia xv. 185-250. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda and HORCASITAS, Fernando. 1977. El nahuatl en el oriente del Estado de Mexico. Anales de antropologia xiv. 165-226. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda and SUAREZ, Jorge A. 1975. Cuestionario de dialectologia nahuatl. Mexico. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas, Universidad nacional Autonoma de Mexico Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia. 42 p. Nahuatl


LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda, recolectora. 1980. Nahuatl de Acaxochitlan, Hidalgo. Mexico. Centro de Investigaciones para la Integracion Social. Nahuatl


LASTRA, Yolanda. 1989. The Xochiltepec-Huatlatlauca sub-area of the center dialect of Nahuatl. Presentation to FUAC, June, Tucson. Nahuatl


LATHRUP, Donald W. and TROIKE, Rudolph C. 1983. California Historical linguistics and archaeology. Ann M. Mester and Colin McEwan, eds.. Archaeology and Linguistics, Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society, 15.1-2. 99-157. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


LAUNEY, M. 1979. Introduction a la langue et la litte*rature azteques t.1: grammaire. Paris. L'Harmattan. Nahuatl


LAUNEY, Michel. 1986. Categories et operations dans la grammaire nahuatl. These presentee a lÕUniversite de Paris-IV pour lÕobtention du Doctorat dÕEtat (specialite: Linguistique). Paris. Nahuatl


LAUNEY, Michel. 1976. Deux sources du passif dÕapres la morphologie nahuatl. 41o Congres des Americanistes, Paris, 1976. Nahuatl


LAUNEY, Michel. 1978. Introduction a la lengua nahuatl. Mexico. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Nahuatl


LAUNEY, Michel. 1977. Le pluriel transcategoriel /keÕ/ en nahuatl: contribution a lÕetude de la relation etre/avoir. Amerindia 2. 19-45. Nahuatl


LAUNEY, Michel. 1974. Une interpretation linguistique des schemas rrelationnels: passifs-impersonels et causatifs en nahuatl ÔclassiqueÕ. Ms. Presentation to al Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, September, Mexico. Nahuatl


LAW, Howard W. s.f. Gulf Aztec Texts and Dictionary. University of Chicago microfilms. Nahuatl


LAW, Howard W. 1961. Linguistic acculturation in Isthmus Nahuat. in A William Cameron Townsend. Mexico. Instituto Linguistico de Verano. 555-561. Nahuatl


LAW, Howard W. 1960. Mecayapan, Veracruz: An ethnographic sketch. Student Papers in Anthropology, University of Texas 3.1. 32-76. Nahuatl


LAW, Howard W. 1958. Morphological structure of Isthmus Nahuatl. IJAL 24. 108-129. Nahuatl


LAW, Howard W. 1966. Obligatory Constructions of Isthmus Nahuatl Grammar. The Hague. Janua Linguarum: Peries practica 29, Mouton. Nahuatl


LAW, Howard W. 1955. The phonemes of Isthmus Nahuat. El Mexico Antiguo 8. 267-78. Nahuatl


LAW, Joan J. 1969. Nahua affinal kinship. A comparative study. Ethnology viii. 103-118. Nahuatl


LEAL CARRETERO, Fernando y RAMIREZ DE LA CRUZ, Xitakame. 1987. De la interaccion entre las dimensiones de individuacion y participacion en huichol. I: Relaciones gramaticales. FuncionII.2. 197-238. Corachol Huichol


LEANDER, B.. 1981. Herencia cultural del mundo na*huatl a trave*s de la lengua. Me*xico. Sep Setentas 35. Nahuatl


LEANDER, B. 1972. La poesi*a na*huatl: funcio*n y cara*cter. Go#teborg. Go#teborgs Etnografiska Museum. Nahuatl


LEAUNEY, M. 1992. Introduccio*n a la lengua y a la literatura na*huatl. Me*xico. UNAM. Nahuatl


LEGROS, Monique. 1974. Los correlativos en el nahuatl clasico. Algunas reflexiones. Presentation to the Annual Congress of the American Anthropological Association, November 19-24, Mexico. 8p. Nahuatl


LEMUS, Jorge. 1974. Extrametricality and accent in Pipil. Presentation to FUAC, June, Tucson. 6 p. Nahuatl


LEON, Nicolas. 1900. El Cahuillo. Boletin del Museo Nacional de Mexico 7. 273-274. Cahuilla


LEON, Nicolas. 1902. Familias linguisticas de Mexico. Secretaria de Industria y Comercio. Direccion General de Estadistica. 1972. IX Censo general de poblacion. 1970 . January 28, 1970. Resumen general. Mexico. Historical Linguistics Classification


LEON, Nicolas. 1903. Los comanches y el dialect cahuillo de la Baja California. Anales del Museo Nacional de Mexico la epoca, 7. 263-278. Comanche


LEON, Nicolas. 1903. Vocabulario en lengua cuitlateca de Totolapam, Estado de Guerrero. Anales del museo Nacional de Mexico, 1a epoca, 7. 304-307. Cuitlatec


LEON-PORTILLA, Ascension Hernandez de. 1982. Prologo, estudios y notas. Vocabulario namual de las lenguas castellana y mexicana de Pedro de Arenas. Mexico. Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. xi-xxxvi. Nahuatl


LEON-PORTILLA, Miguel. 1977-1980. De la nomenclatura en la ciudad de Mexico. Memorias de la Academia Mexicana de la Historia xxx. Mexico. 71-91. Nahuatl


LEON-PORTILLA, Miguel. 1986. El ÔsaltilloÕ en nahuatl clasico. J. Kathryn Josserand and Karen Dakin, eds.. Smoke and Mist, Mesoamerican Studies in Memory of Thelma D. Sullivan, part ii. Oxford. B.A.R. 561-570. Nahuatl


LEON-PORTILLA, Miguel. 1970. El vocabulario de Molina, preliminary study for Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana y mexicana y castellana, de fray Alonso de Molina, reproducciona facsimilar . Mexico. Porrua. xlvii-lx. Nahuatl


LEON-PORTILLA, Miguel. 1992. Have we really translated the Mesoamerican ÔAncient wordÕ?. Brian Swann, ed.. On the Translation of Native American Literature. Washington. Smithsonian Institution Press. Nahuatl


LEON-PORTILLA, Miguel. 1982. Investigaciones etno-linguisticas entre hablantes de nahuatl y otras lenguas yuto-aztecas. Estudios de cultura nahuatl 15. 11-16. Bibliography Bibliographies


LEON-PORTILLA, Miguel. 1982. Los nombres de lugar en nahuatl. Su morfologia, sintaxis y representacion glifica. Estudios de cultura nahuatl 15. 37-72. Nahuatl


LEON-PORTILLA, Miguel. 1981. Place names in Nahuatl: the morphology of the place name. Frances Karttunen, ed.. Nahuatl Studies in Memory of Fernando Horcasitas, Texas Linguistic Forum, 18. Austin. The University of Texas, Department of Linguistics. 129-150. Nahuatl


LIGHTNER, Theodore M. 1971. On Swadesh and VoegelinÕs ÔA problem in phonological alternationÕ. IJAL 37.4. 227-237. Rio Kern (Tubatulabal +) Tubatulabal


LILJEBLAD, Sven. 1973. Review, Cahuilla Texts With an Introduction (Seiler) and Morphologie des Verbs im Cahuilla (Fuchs). IJAL 39.2. 110-121. Cahuilla


LINDENFELD, Jacqueline. 1971. Langues en Contact: le yaqui face a lÕespagnol. La Linguistique 18. 111-127. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


LINDENFELD, Jacqueline. 1971. Semantic categorization as a deterrent to grammatical borrowing: A Yaqui example. IJAL 37.1. 6-14. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


LINDENFELD, Jacqueline. 1973. Yaqui syntax. University of California Publications in Linguistics 76. Berkeley and Los Angeles. University of California Press. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


LINDENFIELD, Jacqueline. 1979. Yaqui syntax. University of California Press. Taracahita, Cahita


LIONNET, Andre*s. 1979. A Sample of Eudeve From a Manuscript in Buckingham SmithÕs Papers. Work presented at the Seventh Annual Workshop on Yutoaztecan Languages, June 22-23. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


LIONNET, Andre*s. 1979. Apuntes para un bibliografia del eudeve. Anales de Antropologia xvi. 527-530. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


LIONNET, Andre*s. 1986. El eudeve, un idioma extinto de Sonora (Study based on materials of J. Johnson, Loaysa, Bartlett, and Smith). Mexico. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


LIONNET, Andre*s. 1978. El idioma tubar y los tubares. Segun documentos ineditos de C. S. Lumholtz y C. V. Hartman. Mexico, D. F. Universidad Iberoamericana. Tubar


LIONNET, Andre*s. 1979. El lexico del eudeve. Mimeography. Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, June 23. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


LIONNET, Andre*s. 1978. Elementos de la lengua cahita (yaqui-mayo). Me*xico. Universidad Nacional Auto*noma de Me*xico. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


LIONNET, Andre*s. 1979. Eudeve, la fone*tica; la fonologia. Mimeograph. Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, Albuquerque, June 22. 30 p. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


LIONNET, Andre*s. 1966. Les diverses transcriptions du tarahumar en son systeme phonologique. La linguistique 1. 125-135. Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijio Raramuri


LIONNET, Andre*s. 1972. Los elementos de la lengua tarahumara. Mexico. Universidad nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijio Raramuri


LIONNET, Andre*s. 1977. Relaciones del varojio con el mayo y el tarahumar. Anales de Antropologia xiv. 227-242. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Taracahita


LIONNET, Andre*s. 1985. Relaciones internas de la rama sonorense. Amerindia 10. 25-58. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Taracahita


LIONNET, Andre*s. 1982. Un dialecto meridonal du tarahumar. Amerindia 7. 61-85. Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijio Raramuri


LIONNET, Andres. 1977. Los elementos de la Lengua Cahita. Universidad nacional Auto*noma de Me*xico. Cahita


LIONNETT, Andre*s. 1968. Los intensivos en tarahumar. Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia 19.48. 135-46. Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijio Raramuri


LIST, George. 1933. Stability and variation in Hopi song. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 204. Hopi


LLAGUNO, Jose. 1984. Tarahumar (adaptacio*n del me*todo 'assimil'). Me*xico. Obra Nacional de la Buena Prensa, A.C.. Tarahumar


LOAYSA, Balthasar. n.d. Arte de la lengua hegue. Ms. in the National Library, Paris; copy from W. E. Gates in the Ayer Collection, Newberry Library, Chicago. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


LOCKHART James. 1979. Some observations on the meaning and origin of the proclitic morpheme (i)h in Nahuatl. Presentation to the 7th FUAC, June 22, Mexico. Nahuatl


LOCKHART, James. 1976. The ramifications of ka and o: A first outline of the role of two verbal morphemes in nahuatl. Presentation to the 4th FUAC. Nahuatl


LOCKHART, James. 1981. Toward assessing the phoneticity of older Nahuatl texts: Analysis of a document from the Valley of Toluca, 18th Century. Frances Karttunen, ed.. Nahuatl Studies in Memory of Fernando Horcasitas, Texas Linguistic Forum 18. Austin. The University of Texas Press. 151-170. Nahuatl


LOETHER, Chris. Doctoral thesis on the ethnography of the Mono speech. Mono


LOETHER, Christopher. 1990. Ceremony as performance: The Western Mono cry-dance. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 12.2. Riverside, CA. Dept. of Anthropology, UC-Riverside. 215-230. Mono


LOMBARDO, Natal. 1702. Arte de la Lengua Teguima vulgarmente llamada Opata. . Me*xico. Miguel de Ribera. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


LOMBARDO, Natal. n.d., ca. 1702. Arte de la Lengua Teguima vulgarmente llamada Opata. Ayer ms. 1641. Newberry Library, Chicago. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


LOPEZ AUSTIN, Alfredo. 1980. Cuerpo humano e ideologia. Las concepciones de los antiguos nahuas. 2 vols. Mexico. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. 490 p., 334 p. Nahuatl


LOPEZ CRUZ, Gerardo, and Jose* Luis Moctezuma Z.. 1990. En torna a la dialectologii*a Cahita. Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz and Jose* Luis Moctezuma Zamarro*n. Estudios de Lingui*stica y Sociolingui*stica. Hermosillo, Sonora, Me*xico. Departamento de Letras y Lingui*stica, Divisio*n de Humanidades y Bellas Artes, Universidad de Sonora. 221-274. Taracahita


LOPEZ CRUZ, Gerardo, and Jose* Luis Moctezuma Zamarro*n. 1990. Estudios de lingui*stica y sociolingui*stica . Hermosillo, Sonora, Me*xico. Departamento de Letras y Lingui*stica, Divisio*n de Humanidades y Bellas Artes, Universidad de Sonora. Collections


LOPEZ, Gerardo, and MOCTEZUMA, Jose Luis. 1990. Mapas dialectales del cahita. Ms. Presentation to the Annual Reunion of the Friends of Yutoactecan Languages, June 28-29, Mexico. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


LOVINS, Julie B. 1972. Southern Paiute /s/ and /c/. IJAL 38. 136-142. Southern Paiute


LOVINS, Julie B. 1970. Towards a generative phonology of Southern Paiute. Ms.. Southern Paiute


MACAZAGA ORDONO, Cesar. 1983. Diccionario de geografia nahuatl. Mexico. Editorial Innovacion, S. A. Nahuatl


MACAZAGA ORDONO, Cesar. 1982. Diccionario de zoologia nahuatl. Mexico. Editorial Innovacion, S. A. Nahuatl


MACAZAGA ORDONO, Cesar. 1987. Los nahuatlismos de la Academia. Textos y enmiendas. Mexico. Editorial Innovacion. 101 p. Nahuatl


MACE, William E and Pamela Munro. n. d.. A New Tubatulabal Dictionary. Ms. Rio Kern (Tubatulabal +) Tubatulabal


MALECOT, Andre. 1963. Luiseno, a structural analysis I: Phonology. IJAL 29.2. 89-95. Luisen*o


MALECOT, Andre. 1963. Luiseno, a structural analysis II: Morpho-syntax. IJAL 29.3. 196-210. Luisen*o


MALECOT, Andre. 1964. Luiseno, a structural analysis III: Texts and lexicon. IJAL 30.1. 14-250. Luisen*o


MANASTER RAMER, Alexis. 1991. A consonant-final pronominal stem in Tubatulabal. California Linguistic notes 23.1. 27. Rio Kern (Tubatulabal +) Tubatulabal


MANASTER RAMER, Alexis. 1992. A consonant-final pronominal stem in Tubatulabal. California Linguistic Notes 23, no. 1. 34. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Tubatulabal


MANASTER RAMER, Alexis. 1986. GENESIS OF HOPI TONES. IJAL 52.2. 154-160. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Hopi


MANASTER RAMER, Alexis. 1984. Kern laws. IJAL 50.3. 325-334. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Tubatulabal


MANASTER RAMER, Alexis. 1985. Pre-Tubatulabal and PUA Phonology. Paper presented at the Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, Tucson, Arizona, June 28-29. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Tubatulabal


MANASTER RAMER, Alexis. 1991. Proto-geminates in the Uto-Aztecan languages of California. Languages of the World 2.2. 34-35. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Takic


MANASTER RAMER, Alexis. 1992. Proto-Uto-Aztecan phonology: Evidence from Tubatulabal noun morphophonemics. IJAL 58.4. 436-446. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


MANASTER RAMER, Alexis. 1992. Proto-Uto-Aztecan *pi Ôyounger sisterÕ > Ôgreat-grandmotherÕ. American Indian Culture and Research Journal 16.1. Los Angeles. American Indian Studies Center, UCLA. 111-117. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


MANASTER RAMER, Alexis. 1992. Tubatulabal ÔmanÕ and the subclassification of Uto-Aztecan. California Linguistic Notes 23.2. Fullerton, CA. Dept. of Linguistics, CSU-Fullerton. 30. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


MANASTER RAMER, Alexis. 1991. Tubatulabal ÒtakaahÓ ÔquailÕ. California Linguistic Notes 23.1. 34-35. Rio Kern (Tubatulabal +) Tubatulabal


MANASTER-RAMER, Alexis. 1992. A Northern Uto-Aztecan sound law: *-c- > -y-. IJAL 58.3. 251-268. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Northern Uto-Aztecan


MANESTER RAMER, A. n.d.. Proto-Uto-Aztecan syllable-final phonology. ms..


MANRIQUE CASTANEDA, Leonardo. 1982. Fray Andres de Olmos. Notas criticas sobre su obra linguistica. Estudios de cultura nahuatl 15. 27-35. Nahuatl


MANRIQUE CASTANEDA, Leonardo. 19841984. La historia del idioma de los mexicas y sus congeneres. Paper presented to the First Reunion on the Nahuas and their History, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Mexico. 18 p. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Southern Uto-Aztecan


MANRIQUE, Leonardo and GUZMAN, Ignacio B. 1988. Lenguas indigenas. Enciclopedia de Mexico. Vol. 8. Mexico. Secretaria de Educacion Publica. Historical Linguistics Classification


MARCH, Randolph B [with remarks by W. W. Turner]. 1853. Vocabularies of words in the languages of the Comanches and Wichitas. U.S. Senate Doc. Ex. No. 666 (Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana); Appendix H307-311. Washington, D.C.. Comanche


MARCY, Randolph B [with remarks by W. W. Turner]. 1853. Vocabularies of words in the languages of the Comanches and Wichitas. U.S. Senate Doc. Ex. No. 666 (Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana.), Appendix H, pp. 307-11. Washington. Eastern Numic


MARTINEZ FABIAN, Constantino. 1990. La reduplicacio*n nominal en la lengua Yaqui de Sonora. Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz and Jose* Luis Moctezuma Zamarro*n. Estudios de Lingui*stica y Sociolingui*stica. Hermosillo, Sonora, Me*xico. Departamento de Letras y Lingui*stica, Divisio*n de Humanidades y Bellas Artes, Universidad de Sonora. 157-177. Taracahita, Cahita


MARTINEZ FABIAN, Constantino and D. Terence Langendoen. 1996. Sobre las llamadas cla*usulas relativas en yaqui. Zarina Estrada Ferna*ndez, Max Figueroa Esteva, and Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz, ed.. III encuentro de lingui*stica en el noroeste, tomo 1 volumen 2. Hermosillo, Sonora. Editorial Unison. 443-464. taracahita, cahita


MASON, David and PICKETT, Velma. s.f. Central Nahuatl phonology. Ms. Mexico. Nahuatl


MASON, J. Alden. 1916. Tepecano, A Piman language of western Mexico. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 25. 309-416. Southeastern Tepehuan Tepecano


MASON, j. Alden. 1936. The classification of the Sonoran Languages. In: Essays in Anthropology in Honor of A. L. Kroeber. Berkeley. 183-198. Historical Linguistics Clasificacion


MASON, J. Alden. 1950. The Language of the Papago of Arizona. Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania Museum. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


MATHIOT, Madeleine. 1973. A Dictionary of Papago Usage. Bloomington. Indiana University. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


MATHIOT, Madeleine. 1962. Noun classes and folk taxonomy in Papago. American Anthropologist 64. 340-350. Tepimano, Pima-Papago


MATHJIOT, Madeleine. 1972. Noun classes and folk taxonomy in Papago. American Anthropology 63. 340-350. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


MAXWELL, Judith, and HANSON, Craig A., editors. 1992. Of the manners of speaking that the old ones used: The metaphors of Andres de Olmos in the TULAL Manuscript, Arte para aprender la lengua mexicana, 1547, with Nahuatl/English, English/nahuatl concordances. Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press. Nahuatl


MAXWELL, Judith M. 1981. Vowels in the Nahuat-Pipil of El Salvador. Frances Karttunen, ed.. Nahuatl Studies in Memory of Fernando Horcasitas, Texas Linguistic Forum 18. Austin. The University of Texas, Department of Linguistics. 171-181. Nahuatl


MAXWELL, Judith; NAFRIA DE INCLAN, Ana Maria and ZABLAH DE SIMAR, Aida Margara, editors. s.f. Titekitit: esbozos de la gramatica del nahuat-pipil de El Salvador. Ms. San Salvador. Universidad Centro-Americana Jose Simeon Canas. 43 p. Nahuatl


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MCINTOSH, J.B.. 1945. Huichol phonemes. IJAL XI No. 1. 31-35. Corachol, Huichol


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MCLAUGHLIN, John E. 1992. A counterintuitive solution in Central Numic Phonology. IJAL 58.2. 158-181. Numic Languages


MCLAUGHLIN, John E. 1989. A note on the change of strident to nonstrident in Gosiute. IJAL 55.2. 240-247. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Numic


MCLAUGHLIN, John E. 1989. A note on the change of strident to nostrident in Gosiute. IJAL 55.2. 240-247. Central Numic Shoshoni


MCLAUGHLIN, John E. 1987. A Phonology and Morphology of Panamint. Doctoral Thesis, University of Kansas. Tumpisa (Panamint)


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MCLAUGHLIN, John E. 1982. From aspect to tense, or what's -nuh in Comanche. 1982 Mid-America linguistics conference proceedings. Lawrence, Kansas. University of Kansas. 412-27. Eastern Numic


MCLAUGHLIN, John E. 1993. Numic [r] is not a spirant. Guilia R. M. Oliverio and Mary Sarah Linn, eds.. Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics 18. Lawrence. Linguistics Graduate Student Association, University of Kansas. 131-142. Numic Languages


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MCQUOWN, Norman A. 1941. La fonemica de un dialecto nahuatl de Guerrero. El Mexico antiguo 5. 221-323. Nahuatl


MCQUOWN, Norman A. 1941. La fonemica del cuitlateco. El Mexico antiguo 5. 239-254. Cuitlatec


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MENDIZABAL, Miguel Othon de and JIMENEZ MORENO, Wigberto. 1944. Mapas linguisticos de la Republica Mexicana. Mexico. Historical Linguistics Classification


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MENGIN, Ernst. 1964. Los resultados principales y fines de la filologia azteca. Actas, XXXV Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, 1962. V. III. 451-478. Nahuatl


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MILLER, W. R. 1993. Guariji*o de Arechuyvo, Chihuahua. Me*xico. El Colegio de Me*xico. Taracahita, Tarahumara-Guariji*o, Guariji*o


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MILLER, Wick. 1985. Proto Sonoran prosodic features. Paper presented at the Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference. Tucson, Arizona..


MILLER, Wick. 1984. Situacion sociolinguistica de los guarijios. Memoria del VIII Simposio de Historia y Antropologia de Sonora. Hermosillo. 113-119. Taracahita Guarijio


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MILLER, Wick R. 1975. A Sketch of Shoshone Grammar (Gosiute dialect). Ms.. Central Numic Shoshoni


MILLER, Wick R. 1991. Agent in passive sentences in Yaqui and Guarijio. IJAL 57.4. 519-523. Taracahita Guarijio


MILLER, Wick R. 1988. Componential analysis of the Guarijio orientational system. William Shipley, ed.. In Honor of Mary Haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on Native American Linguistics. The Hague. Mouton de Gruyter. Taracahita Guarijio


MILLER, Wick R. 1977. Consonant lenition and accent in Guarijio and Tarahumara. Ms. Presentation to the Annual Congress of the American Anthropological Association, Houston. Taracahita Guarijio


MILLER, Wick R. 1990. Early Spanish and Aztec loan words in the indigenous languages of Northwest Mexico. Beatriz Garza Cuaron and Paulette Levy, eds.. Homenaje a Jorge A. Suarez, Linguistica indoamericana e hispanica. Mexico. El Colegio de Mexico. 351-366. Nahuatl


MILLER, Wick R. 1979. Guarijio Cognates. Work presented at the Septimo Taller de Trabajo sobre Lenguas Yutoaztecas, June 22-23, Mexico. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Taracahita


MILLER, Wick R. In press. La lengua guarijio: gramatica, vocabulario y textos. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropological, UNAM. Taracahita Guarijio


MILLER, Wick R. 1985. LionnetÕs article on the ÔintensiveÕ in Tarahumara. IJAL 51.4. 502-504. Taracahita Tarahumara Guarijio Raramuri


MILLER, Wick R.. 1990. Los dos dialectos de Guarijio. Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz and Jose* Luis Moctezuma Zamarro*n. Estudios de Lingui*stica y Sociolingui*stica. Hermosillo, Sonora, Me*xico. Departamento de Letras y Lingui*stica, Divisio*n de Humanidades y Bellas Artes, Universidad de Sonora. 206-219. Taracahita


MILLER, Wick R. 1972. Newe Natekwinappen: Shoshoni Stories and Dictionary. University of Utah Anthropological Papers 94. Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press. Central Numic Shoshoni


MILLER, Wick R. 1986. Numic Languages. Warren L. dÕAzevedo, ed.. Great Basin. Handbook of North American Indians. Vol 11. Washington, D. C.. Smithsonian Institution. 98-106. Numic Languages


MILLER, Wick R. 1980. Preaspirated consonants in Central Numic. Kathryn Klar, Margaret Langdon, and Shirley Silver, eds.. American Indian and Indoeuropean Studies: Papers in Honor of Madison S. Beeler. The Hague. Mouton. 151-157. Numic Languages


MILLER, Wick R. 1989. Prestamos viejos de espanol y azteca en las lenguas indigenas de Sonora. Ms. 7 p. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Taracahita


MILLER, Wick R.. 1973. Some problems in Comanche historical phonology. Paper presented before the Linguistic Society of America, San Diego..


MILLER, Wick R. 1985. Sonoran cognate sets. Ms. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Taracahita


MILLER, Wick R. 1984. The classification of the Uto-Aztecan languages based on lexical evidence. IJAL 50:1-24. Historical Linguistics Clasificacion


MILLER, Wick R. 1971. The death of language or serendipity among the Shoshoni. Anthropological Lintuistics, 13.3. 114-120. Central Numic Shoshoni


MILLER, Wick R. 1974. The Shoshonean languages of Uto-Aztecan. University of California Publications in Linguistics 34. 145-148. Numic Languages


MILLER, Wick R. 1967. Uto-Aztecan Cognate Sets. University of California Publications in Linguistics 48. v + 83 p. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


MILLER, Wick R. 1980. Uto-Aztecan cognates. Ms. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


MILLER, Wick R. 1983. Uto-Aztecan languages. In: Handbook of North American Indians 10. 113-124. Historical Linguistics Clasificacion


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MILLER, Wick R. 1970. Western Shoshoni dialects. Earl H. Swanson, Jr, ed.. Languages and Cultures of North America. Pocatello. Idaho State University Press. 17-36. Central Numic Shoshoni


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MILLER, Wick R. et al. 1987. Computerized data base for Uto-Aztecan Cognate Sets. Salt Lake City. Department of Linguistics, University of Utah. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


MILLER, Wick R., TANNER, James L. and FOLEY, Lwrence P. 1971. A lexicostatistic study of Shoshoni dialect. Anthropological Linguistics 13. 142-164. Historical Linguistics Clasificacion


MOCTEZUMA, Jose and Gerardo Lo*pez. 1990. Variacio*n dialectal Yaqui-Mayo. Noroeste de Me*xico, 9. Hermosillo. 94-106. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


MOCTEZUMA, Jose Luis. 1990. Las lenguas indigenas del noroeste de Mexico: Pasado y presente. Ms. Presentation to the Seminar on Ethnic Groups in Northwest Mexico, INAH, September 18-21. Mexico. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


MOCTEZUMA, Jose* Luis and Gerardo Lo*pez.. 1991. El Yaqui y el Mayo como lenguas histo*ricas. Noroeste de Me*xico, 19. Hermosillo. 79-84. Taracahita, Cahita


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MOCTEZUMA Z., Jose Luis. 1989. Cahita-castilla. Lealtad y cambio linguistico. Memoria del XIII Simposio de Historia y Antropologia de Sonora. Hermosillo. Universidad de Sonora. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


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MOCTEZUMA ZAMARRON, Jose Luis. 1990. Las lenguas indigenas del noroeste de Mexico: Pasado y presente. Paper presented to the Seminario sobre Grupos Etnicos en el Noroeste de Mexico, INAH, Mexico. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Southern Uto-Aztecan


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MONZON GARCIA, Maria Cristina. 1976. Examen critico del analisis tagmemico a nivel de parrafo. Tesis Profesional, Escuela Nacional de Antropologia e Historia. Mexico, D. F. Nahuatl


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MORUA, Carmen. 1985. Notas sobre la morfologia de la locacion en mayo. Presentation to the Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, June 29, Tucson. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


MUNRO, Pam. 1977. Towards a reconstruction of Uto-Aztecan stress. In: Studies in Stress and Accent, editor Larry M. Hyman, Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics 4. Los Angeles. Department of Linguistics, University of Southern California. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


MUNRO, Pamela. 1984. Floating quantifiers in Pima. Eung-Do Cook and Donna Gerdts, eds.. The Syntax of Native American Languages (=Syntax and Semantics 16). New York. Academic Press. 269-287. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


MUNRO, Pamela. 1976. On the form of negative sentences in Kawaiisu. Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society 2. Berkeley. 308-319. Kawaiisu


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MUNRO, Pamela. 1973. Proto-Uto-Aztecan *w -- one source for Luiseno N. IJAL 39. 135-136. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Takic


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MUNRO, Pamela. 1983. Selected studies in Uto-Aztecan phonology. IJAL 49. 277-298. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


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PREUSS, Karl Theodor. 1932. Grammatik der Cora-Sprache. IJAL 7. 1-84. Corachol Cora


PREUSS, Karl Theodor. 1968. Nahua-Texte Aus San Pedro Jicora in Durango. Erster Teil: Mythen und Sagen, Quellenwerke zur alten Geschichte Amerikas. Aufgezeichnet in den Sprachen der eingeborenen, Band IX. Berlin. Gebr. Mann Verlag. 327 p. Nahuatl


RAMIREZ CELESTINO, Cleofas. In press. Etnobotanica nahuatl de Xalitla, Guerrero. Mexico. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores de Antropologia Social. Nahuatl


RAMIREZ DE ALEJANDRO, Cleofas and DAKIN, Karen. 1979. Vocabulario nahuatl de Xalitla, Guerrero. Cuadernos de la Casa Chata 25. Mexico. Centro de Investigaciones Superiores del Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia. Nahuatl


RAMIREZ FLORES, Jose. 1980. Lenguas indigenas de Jalisco . Guadalajara . Gobierno de Jalisco, Unidad Editorial. 118 p., mapas. Corachol Huichol


RAMIREZ SOLIS, Cornelio, and WILLETT, Thomas. 1989. Expresiones locativas en tepehuan del sureste. Tlalocan xi. 89-100. Southeastern Tepehuan Tepecano


RAMOS CHAPARRO, Aureliano; Ismael Castillo Aguirre; Cesa*reo Prieto Vega; Ventura Orozco Castro; Miguel Carillo Fri*as; Ma. Soledad Bustillos Pen*a; Albino Mares Tri*as; Don Burgess McGuire; William Merrill. 1997. Compendio Ba*sico de la grama*tica Rala*muli. Gobierno del estado de Chihuahua; Coordinacio*n estatal de la Tarahumara. Estudio de la Grama*tica Rala*muli para el proyecto de Bilepi Rala*muli Osiwaame. Tarahumar


RAMOS Pedroza, Regino. 1902. Vocabulario del dialecto tepecano del pueblo de Azqueltan, Jalisco. Nicolas Leon, Familias linguisticas. . . . Anales del Museo Nacional, la epoca 7. 307-309. Southeastern Tepehuan Tepecano


RENDON, Silvia. 1956. Morfologia del nahuatolteco. Revista mexicana de estudios antropologicos 14.1. 193-206. Nahuatl


REYES GARCIA, Luis. 1958. Breve vocabulario del pipil de Tabasco. Archivos nahuas 1.2. 186-189. Nahuatl


REYES GARCIA, Luis. 1961. El nahuatl de Soyalo, Chiapas. Los Mayas del sur y sus relaciones con los nahuas meridionales, vii Mesa Redonda de la Sociedad Mexicana de Antropologia. Mexico. 161-166. Nahuatl


REYES GARCIA, Luis. 1974. El vocabulario Reyes G.-Cardenas Z., de Amatlan de los Reyes. Archivos de informacion sobre el idioma y la cultura de los nahuas, Escuela de Antropologia, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa 1. 4-61. Nahuatl


RICHARD H. J. 1989. OÕodham Celkona: The Papago skipping dance. Charlotte J. Frisbie, ed.. Southwestern Indian Ritual Drama. Prospect Heights, IL. Waveland Press. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


RIGGS, Venda. 1949. Alternate phonemic analyses of Comanche. IJAL 15. 229-231. Eastern Numic, Comanche


RINALDINI, Benito. 1743. Arte de la lengua Tepeguna con vocabulario. Mexico, D.F. Southern Tepehuan


RINCON, Antonio del. 1595. Arte mexicana [Reimpreso en Coleccion . . . Vol. 1:225-280. Anales del Museo Nacional, 1a epoca, tomo 4 (1888-1889, Mexico); esta misma reimpresion publicada por Antonio Penafiel, Mexico, Secretaria de Fomento, 1885, 94 p.]. Mexico. Nahuatl


RITCHIE KEY, Mary. 198. Interpreting the past from the present: a Nahuat example. Edited by Mary Ritchie Key and Henry M. Hoenigswalk, eds.. General and Amerindian Ethnolinguistics: In Remembrance of Stanley Newman. The Hague. Mouton de Gruyter. Nahuatl


ROBINSON, Dow F. 1966. Aztec Studies II: Sierra Nahuat Word Sturcture. Hartford Studies in Linguistics 18. Nahuatl


ROBINSON, Dow F. 1969. Puebla (Sierra) Nahuat prosodies. Dow F. Robinson, ed.. Aztec Studies I. Norman. Summer Institute of Linguistics. 17-32. Nahuatl


ROBINSON, Dow F., and SISCHO, William R. 1969. Michoacan (Pomaro) Nahual clause structure. Aztec Studies I. 53-74. Nahuatl


ROBINSON, Dow F., editor. 1969. Aztec Studies I. Norman. Summer Institute of Linguistics. Nahuatl


ROBINSON, Federico. 1969. Gramatica inductiva mexica (Nahuat de la Sierra de Puebla). Edicion experimental. Tatoscac, Zacopoaxtla, Pue. Instituto Linguistico de Verano. Nahuatl


ROESLER, Janet R. 1986. Control of Information and Ways of Speaking in an Indigenous Settlement in Michoacan, Mexico. Doctoral thesis, University of Texas-Austin. 377 p. Nahuatl


ROJAS, Mariano jacobo. 1921-1923. Lecciones metodicas de lengua mexicana o azteca. Published in El Tepozteco. Mexico, D. F. Nahuatl


ROJAS, Mariano Jacobo. 1927. Manual de la lengua nahuatl. Metodo practico para hablar, leer y excribir la lengua mexicana. Mexico. Imprenta de Jose Donaciano Rojas. 150 p. Nahuatl


ROMNEY, A.K. 1957. The genetic model and Uto-Aztecan time perspective. Davidson Journal of Anthropology 3. 35-41. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


ROSENTHAL, Jane M. 1985. Dogs, pets, horses, and demons: Some American Indian words and concepts. IJAL 51.4. 563-566. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


ROSENTHAL, Jane M. 1981. How Uto-Aztecan is the Nahuatl possessive?. Frances Karttunen, ed.. Texas Linguistic Forum, Nahuatl Studies in Memory of Fernando Horcasitas 18. Austin. Dept. of Linguistics, University of Texas. 181-214. Nahuatl


ROSENTHAL, Jane M. s.f. Nahuatl NPs. Ms. Nahuatl


ROSENTHAL, Jane M. 1972. On the relative clauses of Classical nahuatl. The Chicago Which Hunt, Papers from the Relative Clause Festival. Chicago. Chicago Linguistic Society. 256-265. Nahuatl


ROSENTHAL, Jane M. 1990. The Nahuatl directional verb suffixes and the expression of intention and result. Ms. Presentation to FUAC IIA-UNAM, Mexico. 1990. 3p. Nahuatl


ROSENTHAL, Jane M. 1972. The possessives and other noun phrases of Classical Nahuatl: A different view. Ms. Presentation to the XI Conference on American Indian Languages, American Anthropological Association. Nahuatl


ROTH SENEFF, Andres; MONZON, Cristina; RODRIGUEZ, Ma. Teresa, and ALARCON, Lorena. 1986. Linguistica aplicada y sociolinguistica del nahuatl en la Sierra de Zongolica. Cuadernos de la Casa Chata, 133. Mexico. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social. 124 p. Nahuatl


RUDE, Noel. 1996. Objetos dobles y relaciones gramaticales: el caso del yaqui. Zarina Estrada Ferna*ndez, Max Figueroa Esteva, and Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz, ed.. III encuentro de lingui*stica en el noroeste, tomo 1 volumen 2. Hermosillo, Sonora. Editorial Unison. 491-522. taracahita, cahita


RUHLEN, Merritt. 1991. A Guide to the WorldÕs Languages. Volume 1: Classification. Stanford. Stanford University Press. xviii + 463. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


RUVALCABA, J. Melquiades. 1969. Manual de gramatica nahuatl. Mexico, D.F. Nahuatl


RUVALCABA, J. Melquiades. 1935. Vocabulario mexicano de Tuxpan, Jalisco. Investigaciones linguisticas 3. 208-214. Nahuatl


RYDER, Lisabeth [Lisabeth Kamberg]. 1976. Tubatulabal phonetics. Ms. Rio Kern (Tubatulabal +) Tubatulabal


SAHAGUN, Bernardino de. 1993. Psalmodia Christiana (Christian Psalmody). Traducido (con una introduccion) al ingles por Arthur J. O. Anderson. Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press. 375 p. Nahuatl


SALAMANCA, Danilo. 1984. On Papago vowel deletion. Ms., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


SANTOSCOY, Alberto. 1902. Diversos errores acerca de las lenguas indigenas del antiguo Obispado y del actual Arzobispado de Guadalajara. In Nicolas Leon: Familias. Nahuatl


SANTOSCOY, Alberto. 1902. Los idiomas indigenas en varios de los pueblos del antiguo Obispado de Guadalajara. In Nicolas Leon: Familias. Nahuatl


SANTOSCOY, Alberto. 1902. Observaciones acerca de la Nomina de las lenguas indigenas que se hablaban en el Obispado de Guadalajara. In Nicolas Leon: Familias. Nahuatl


SANTOSCOY, Alberto, editor. 1899. Nayarit, coleccion de codumentos historicos y etnograficos acerca de la sierra de este nombre. 64-68. Historical Linguistics Classification


SAPIR, Edward. 1933. La Realite Psychologique des Phonemes. Journal de Psychologie Normale et Pathologique 30. 247-265. Southern Paiute


SAPIR, Edward. 1930. Southern Paiute, A Shoshonean language. AAASP 65. 1-296. Southern Paiute


SAPIR, Edward. 1913. Southern Paiute and Nahuatl, A Study in Uto-Aztecan, Part 1. Journal de la Societe des Americanistes de Paris, 10. 379-425. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


SAPIR, Edward. 1915. Southern Paiute and Nahuatl, A Study in Uto-Aztecan, Part II. American Anthropologist 17. 98-120, 306-328. [Also published 1914-1919]; Journal de la Societe des Americanistes de Paris, n.s. 11:443-488. 17. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


SAPIR, Edward. 1931. Southern Paiute dictionary. AAASP 65. 537-729. Southern Paiute


SAPIR, Edward. 1930. Texts of the Kaibab Paiutes and Uintah Utes. AAASP 65. 297-535. Southern Paiute


SAPIR, Edward. 1992. The Collected Works of Edward Sapir: X, Southern Paiute and Ute Linguistics and Ethnography. William Bright, ed.. The Hague. Mouton de Gruyter. 932 p. Southern Numic


SAUVEL, Katherine Siva and MUNRO, Pamela. 1982. ChemÕivulluÕ (LetÕs Speak Cahuilla). Los Angeles. UCLA American Indian Studies Center and Malki Museum Press. Cahuilla


SAXTON, Dean. 1973. Legends and lore of the Papago and Pima Indians. Tucson. University of Arizona Press. Temimano, Pima-Papago


SAXTON, Dean. 1982. Papago. Ronald W. Langacker, ed.. Studies in Uto-Aztecan Grammar, vol. 3, Uto-Aztecan Grammatical Sketches. Arlington, TX. Summer Institute of Linguistics. 93-267. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


SAXTON, Dean. 1963. Papago phonemes. IJAL 29. 29-35. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


SAXTON, Dean and Lucille Saxton, compilers. 1969. Dictionary. Papago and Pima to English, OÕodham-Mil-gahn, English to Papago and Pima, Mil-gahn-OÕodham. Second edition/revised and expanded. R. L. Cherry, ed.. Tucson. The University of Arizona Press. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


SCHOEN, Lawrence M., and James L. Armagost. 1992. Coyote as cheat in Comanche folktales. Western Folklore 51. 202-207. Comanche


SCHROEDER, Susan. 1991. Chimalpahin and the Kingdoms of Chalco. Tucson. University of Arizona Press. Nahuatl


SCHULTZE JENA, Leonhard. 1938. Indianer III: Bei den Azteken, Mixteken und Tlapaneken der Sierra Madre del Sur von Mexiko. Jena. Gustav Fischer. Nahuatl


SCHUMANN, Otto, and GARCIA DE LEON, Antonio. 1966. El dialecto nahuatl de Almomoloa, Temazcaltepec, Estado de Mexico. Tlalocan v. 2. 178-192. Nahuatl


SEGALA, A. 1990. Literatura na*huatl. Fuentes, identidades, representaciones. Me*xico. Grijalbo.


SEILER, Hansjakob. 1985. Absolutive suffix and reanalysis in Cahuilla. IJAL 51.4. 578-581. Cahuilla


SEILER, Hansjakob. 1965. Accent and morphophonemics in Cahuilla and in Uto-Aztecan. IJAL 31. 50-59. Cahuilla


SEILER, Hansjakob. 1977. Cahuilla Grammar. Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press. Cahuilla


SEILER, Hansjakob. 1970. Cahuilla Texts with an Introduction. Language Science Monographs, 6. Bloomington. Indiana University. 204 p.. Cahuilla


SEILER, Hansjakob. 1957. Die phonetischen Grundlagen der Vokalphoneme des Cahuilla. Zeitschrift f. Phonetik u. Allgem. Sprachwiss 10. 204-233. Cahuilla


SEILER, Hansjakob. 1982. Inherent versus established relation, proximity versus obviation, and two types of Cahuilla kinship expressions. IJAL 48.2. 185-196. Cahuilla


SEILER, Hansjakob. 1968. Probleme der Verb-Subkategorisierung mit Bezug auf Bestimmungen des Ortes und der Zeit. Lingua 3-. 337-367. Cahuilla


SEILER, Hansjakob. 1981. Setting the record straight. IJAL 47.3. 244-248. Cahuilla


SEILER, Hansjakob. 1967. Structure and reconstruction in some Uto-Aztecan languages. IJAL 33.2. 135-147. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


SEILER, Hansjakob. 1962. Studies in the phonology and morphology of Classical Nahuatl: 1. IJAL 28. 243-250. Nahuatl


SEILER, Hansjakob. 1974. The principle of concomitance in Uto-Aztecan. Hansjakob Seiler, ed.. Linguistic Workshop II. Structure. 8. Munich. Fink. Cahuilla


SEILER, Hansjakob. 1974. The principle of concomitance: Instrumental, comitative, and collective. Hansjakob Seiler, ed.. Linguistic Workshop II. Structure. 8. Munich. Fink. Cahuilla


SEILER, Hansjakob and HIOKI, Kojiro. 1979. Cahuilla Dictionary. Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press. 291 p.. Cahuilla


SHAFER, Robert. 1967. A bibliography of Uto-Aztecan with a note on biogeography. IJAL 33.2. 148-159. Bibliography Bibliographies


Shaul, D. L.. 1994. The Taracahitic hypothesis. ms.. Taracahita


SHAUL, David. 1989. Piman and Opatan: a northern Mexican linguistic area? Ms. 1 p. Nevome


SHAUL, David L. 1992. A Hopi song-poem in ÔcontextÕ. Brian Swann, ed.. On the Translation of native American Literature. Washington. Smithsonian Institution Press. Hopi


SHAUL, David L. 1985. Azteco-Tanoan *** -l/r-. IJAL 51.4. 584-586. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


SHAUL, David L. 1991. Eudeve morphosyntax: an overview. IJAL 57.1. 70-107. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


SHAUL, David L. 1982. Review, Lessons in Hopi (Kalectaca). IJAL 48. 105-108. Hopi


SHAUL, David L. 1990. Teguima (Opata) inflectional morphology. IJAL 56.4. 561-573. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


SHAUL, David L. 1989. Teguima (Opata) phonology. Southwestern Journal of Linguistics 9. 150-162. Taracahita Eudeve Opata


SHAUL, David L. 1982. The Ave Maria in Piman. IJAL 48.2. 187-89. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


SHAUL David L. 1988. Topic and information structure in a Hopi radio commercial. IJAL 54.1. 96-105. Hopi


SHAUL, David L. 1988. Topics in Nevome Syntax. University of California Publications in Linguistics, No. 109. Berkeley. University of California Press. Nevome


SHAUL, David Leedom. 1996. Medial length in Opacahitan. Zarina Estrada Ferna*ndez, Max Figueroa Esteva, and Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz, ed.. III encuentro de lingui*stica en el noroeste, tomo 1 volumen 2. Hermosillo, Sonora. Editorial Unison. 523-531. taracahita, opacahitan


SHERZER, Joel. 1968. Review, The Current Status of Anthropological Research in the Great Basin (dÕAzevedo, Davis, Fowler, Suttles, eds.). IJAL 34.4. 304-306. Numic Languages


SHIMKIN, Demitri Boris. 1940. Shoshone-Comanche origins and migrations. Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Science Congress 4. 17-25. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Numic


SHIMKIN, Demitri Boris. 1941. The Uto-Aztecan system of kinship terminology. American Anthropologist 43. 223-245. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


SHIPLEY, William F. 1978. Native languages of California. Robert F. Heizer, ed.. Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 8: California. Washington, D.C.. Smithsonian Institution. 80-90. Taquica


SIMEON, R.. 1992. Diccionario de la lengua na*huatl o mexicana. Me*xico. FCE. Nahuatl


SIMEON, Remi. 1885. Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl ou mexicaine, redige dÕapres les documents imprimes et manuscrits les plus authentiques et precede dÕune introduction. Paris. Nahuatl


SISCHO, William R. 1979. Michoacan Nahuatl. In Modern Aztec Grammatical Sketches, edited by Ronald W. Langacker, v. 5. Dallas. Summer Institute of Linguistics-University of Texas at Arlington. 307-380. Nahuatl


SISCHO, William R. 1981. The double causative in Michoacan nahuatl. Frances Karttunen, ed.. Texas Linguistic Forum 18. Austin. Dept. of Linguistics, University of Texas. 215-222. Nahuatl


SMALLEY, William A. 1953. Phonemic rhythm in Comanche. IJAL 19. 297-301. Comanche


SMITH, Buckingham, editor. 1862. Grammar of the Pima or Nevome, a Language of Sonora, from a Manuscript of the xviii Century. [Edicion facimile, New York, AMS Press, Inc., 1970]. New York. Cramoisy Press. 97 p. Nevome


SMITH-STARK, Thomas C. 1988. Las lenguas indomexicanas: el arte colectivo del pensamiento. X Colquio. Lenguaje y Tradicion en Mexico: El Colegio de Michoacan. October 19-21, Zamora, Michoacan. 20 p. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


SMITH-STARK, Thomas C. In press. Mesoamerican calques. In: Investigacion linguistica en Mesoamerica: Trabajos recientes editado por Caroly MacKay y Veronica Vazquez, Seminario de Lenguas Indigenas, Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas, UNAM. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


SMITH-STARK, Thomas C. 1988. ÔPied-pipingÕ con inversion en preguntas parciales. Ms. Paper presented to the reunion of SSILA, Linguistic Institute, Tucson AZ, June 1989. 41 p. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


SNAPP, Allen; ANDERSON, John; and ANDERSON, Joy. 1982. Northern Paiute. Ronald W. Langacker, ed.. Studies in Uto-Aztecan Grammar, vol. 3, Uto-Aztecan Grammatical Sketches. Dallas. The Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. 1-92. Western Numic and Northern Paiute


SPICER, Edward H. 1943. Linguistic aspects of Yaqui acculturation. American Anthropologist 45.3. 410-426. Taracahita Cahita Yaqui-Mayo


ST. CLAIR, Harry Hull. 1902. Textos comanches no publicados. National Anthropological Archives #2048-A. Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. Comanche


STEELE, Susan. 1976. Where weÕve been and where weÕll go. Ms. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


STEELE, Susan M. 1976. A law of order: word order change in Classical Aztec. IJAL 42.1. 31-45. Nahuatl


STEELE, Susan M. 1990. Agreement and Anti-Agreement. A Syntax of Luiseno. Dordrecht. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Luisen*o


STEELE, Susan M. 1988. ÔAgreementÕ and syntactic composition: The Luiseno single-possessive condition. Michael Barlow and Charles A. Ferguson, eds.. Agreement in Natural Language: Approaches, Theories, Descriptions. Stanford. Center for the Study of Language and Information Publications, Ventura Hall, Stanford University. 269-286. Luisen*o


STEELE, Susan M. 1985. Changing the theme. IJAL51.4. 5890591. Luisen*o


STEELE, Susan M. 1977. Clisis and diachrony. In: Mechanisms of Syntactic Change, edited by Charles N. Li. Austin. University of Texas Press. 537-579. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


STEELE, Susan M. 1987. Constituency and Luiseno argument structure. Almerino Ojeda, ed.. Syntax and Semantics. Discontinuous Constituency. New York. Academic Press. 3430375. Luisen*o


STEELE, Susan M. 1980. Four syntactic affixes in Luiseno. Ms., University of Arizona. Luisen*o


STEELE, Susan M. 1972. Futurity, intention, and possibility, A semantic reconstruction in uto-Aztecan. Papers in Linguistics 6. 1-37. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


STEELE, Susan M. 1988. Lexical categories and the Luiseno absolutive: Another perspective on the universality of ÔnounÕ and ÔverbÕ. IJAL 54.1. 1-27. Luisen*o


STEELE, Susan M. 1974. On becoming a conjunction in Classical Aztec. Paper presented to the Congreso Anual de la Asociacion de Antropologia Americana, Mexico, D. F. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Nahuatl


STEELE, Susan M. 1975. On becoming a conjunction in Classical Aztec. Ms. Presentation to the Congreso Anual de la AAA, Mexico. 1974. Nahuatl


STEELE, Susan M. 1975. On some factors that affect and effect word order. In: Word Order and Word Order Change, Edited by Charles Li. Austin. University of Texas Press. 199-268. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


STEELE, Susan M. 1975. Past and irrealis: Just what does it all mean. IJAL 41.3. 200-217. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


STEELE, Susan M. 1989. Subject values. Language 65.3. 547-578. Luisen*o


STEELE, Susan M. 1987. The absolutive suffixes in Luiseno. Coyote Papers. 93-104. Luisen*o


STEELE, Susan M. 1989. The relation of morphology to syntax. Annual Review of Anthropology 18. Palo Alto. Annual Reviews, Inc. 157-175. Luisen*o


STEELE, Susan M. 1979. Uto-Aztecan: An assessment for historical and comparative linguistics. In: The Languages of Native America: Historical and Comparative Assessment, edited by Lyle Campbell and Marianne Mithun. Austin. University of Texas Press. 444-544. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


STEELE, Susan M. 1976. Uto-Aztecan: Where weÕve been and where weÕll go. Ms. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


STEELE, Susan M. 1978. Word order variation: a typological study. In: Universals of Human Language, edited by Joseph Greenberg, et al. Stanford. Stanford University Press. 585-624. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


STILES, Neville. 1988. A linguistic bibliography of Hidalgo Nahuatl. J. Kathryn Josserand and Karen Dakin, ed.. In: Smoke and Mist: Mesoamerican Studies in Memory of Thelma D. Sullivan. . Oxford. BAR International Series 402. part ii. 585-590. Bibliography Bibliographies


STILES, Neville. 1982. Nahuatl in the Huasteca hidalguense: A Case Study in the Sociology of Language. Doctoral thesis, University of Saint Andrews, St. Andrews, Escocia. Nahuatl


STILES, Neville, BURNHAM, Jeff, and NAUMAN, James. 1988. Los consejos medicos del Dr. Bartolache sobre las pastillas de fierro: Un documento colonial en el nahuatl del siglo XVIII. Winak: Boletin Intercultural 4.3. 105-133. Nahuatl


STILES, Neville S. s.f. A Huasteca nahuatl (Hidalgo) FieldworkerÕs Vocabulary. Centre for Latin American Linguistic Studies Working Paper, University of St. Andrews 13. St. Andrews. University of St. Andrews. Nahuatl


STOLL, Otto. 1958 (1889). Vocabulario del idioma pipil del Salama [obtained in 1883]. 19-30. Nahuatl


SUAREZ, Jorge A. 1977. La influencia del espanol en la estructura gramatical del nahuatl. Anuario de Letras de la Facultad de Filosofia y Letras xv. 115-164. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


SULLIVAN, T. 1963. Nahuatl proverbs, conundrums, and metaphors collected by Sahagu*n. Estudios de cultura na*huatl IV. Me*xico. IIH-UNAM. Nahuatl


SULLIVAN, T. 1974. The rhetorical operations, or huehuetlahtolli, collected by Sahagu*n. Sixteenth century Me*xico: the work of Sahagu*n ed by Munro, S. Edmonson. Albuquerque. University of New Mexico Press. Nahuatl


SULLIVAN, Thelma D. 1976. Compendio de la gramatica nahuatl. Mexico. Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico . Nahuatl


SULLIVAN, Thelma D. 1988. Compendium of Nahuatl Grammar. Translated from the Spanish by Thelma D. Sullivan and Neville Stiles. Edited by Wick R. Miller and Karen Dakin. Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press. xxxi + 324 pp. Nahuatl


SULLIVAN, Thelma D. 1986. Documentos tlaxcaltecas del siglo xvi en lengua nahuatl, con introduccion, notas e indices. Mexico. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Nahuatl


SULLIVAN, Thelma D. 1986. Introduccion, advertencias, paleografia y apendices. Arte de la lengua mexicana y Vocabulario, de fray Andres de Olmos. Mexico. Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Nahuatl


SULLIVAN, Thelma D. 1974. Las Huehuetlatolli, oraciones retoricas, como instrumento de control social. Presentation to the Annual Reunion of the American Anthropological Association, November 20-25, Mexico. Nahuatl


SULLIVAN, Thelma D. 1980. Reconstruccion de las consonantes del protonahuatl: estudio preliminar y el origen del conectivo -ka:-. Cuadernos de la Casa Chata 31. Mexico. Centro de Investigaciones Superiores del Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia. Nahuatl


SULLIVAN, Thelma D. 1980. Tlatoani and tlatocayotl in the Sahagun manuscripts. Estudios de cultura nahuatl 14. 218-237. Nahuatl


SULLIVAN, Thelma D. 1982. Tlazolteotl-Ixcuina: the great spinner and weaver. Elizabeth Boone, ed.. In: Art and Iconography of the Late Post Classic Period in Central Mexico. A Conference at Dumbarton Oaks, October 22nd and 23rd, 1977. Washington, D.C. Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees for Harvard University. 7-35. Nahuatl


SULLIVAN, Thelma D. and DAKIN, Karen. 1980. Dialectologia del nahuatl de los siglos xvi y xvii. xvi Mesa Redonda de la Sociedad Mexican de Antropologia, Coahuila, 1979. Rutas de intercambio en Mesoamerica y norte de Mexico. Mexico D. F. 291-300. Nahuatl


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SWADESH, Mauricio. 1954. Algunas fechas glotocronologicas importantes para la prehistoria nahua. Revista mexicana de estudios antropologicos 14. 173-192. Nahuatl


SWADESH, Mauricio. 1955. Algunas fechas glotocronologicas importantes para la prehistoria nahua. Revista mexicana de estudios antropologicos 14. 173-192. Historical Linguistics Clasificacion


SWADESH, Mauricio. 1959. Indian Linguistics Groups of Mexico. Mexico. Escuela nacional de Antropologia e Historia. Historical Linguistics Classification


SWADESH, Mauricio. 1954. La variacion entre /a/ & /e/ en los dialectos nahuas. Archivos nahuas 1.1. 3-17. Nahuatl


SWADESH, Mauricio. 1954. La variacion entre /a/ ~ /e/ en los dialectos nahuas. Archivos nahuas 1.1. 3-17. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Nahuatl


SWADESH, Mauricio. 1968. Las lenguas indigenas del noreste de Mexico. Anales de antropologia 5. 75-86. Historical Linguistics Classification


SWADESH, Mauricio. 1962. Nuevo ensayo de glotocronologia yutonahua. Anales del Instituo Nacional de Antropologia e Historia 15. 263-302. Historical Linguistics Clasificacion


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TUGGY, David. 1977. Notes on Tetelcingo Nahuatl. Ms. Nahuatl


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VOEGELIN, Carl F. 1935. Tubatulabal texts. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 34. Berkeley and Los Angeles. University of California Press. 191-246. Rio Kern (Tubatulabal +) Tubatulabal


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VOEGELIN, Carl F. and Florence M. Voegelin. 1977. Is Tubatulabal de-acquisition relevant to theories of language acquisition?. IJAL 43.4. 333-338. Rio Kern (Tubatulabal +) Tubatulabal


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VOEGELIN, Carl F., and Morris Swadesh. 1935. A problem in phonological alternation. Language 15. 1-10. Rio Kern (Tubatulabal +) Tubatulabal


VOEGELIN, Carl F. and VOEGELIN, Florence M. 1985. From comparative method to phylum linguistics and back again. IJAL 51. 608-610. Historical Linguistics Classification


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WEITLANER, Roberto J. 1948. Un idioma desconocido del norte de Mexico. Actas del Congreso Internacional de Americanistas 28. 205-227. Historical Linguistics Classification


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WEITLANER, Roberto J. 1954. Vocabulario pipil del Golfo, de Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. Archivos nahuas 1:1. 91-99. Nahuatl


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WHORF, Benjamin L. 1936. Notes on the Tubatulabal language. American Anthropologist n.s., 38. 341-344. Rio Kern (Tubatulabal +) Tubatulabal


WHORF, Benjamin L. 1930. Pitch, tone, and ÔsaltilloÕ in modern and ancient Nahuatl. Boas Collection, University of Pennsylvania, U76.2.31.661-684. Nahuatl


WHORF, Benjamin L. 1935. The comparative linguistics of Uto-Aztecan. American Anthropologist 37. 600-608. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan


WHORF, Benjamin L. 1946. The Hopi language, Toreva dialect. H. Hoijer et al, eds.. Linguistic Structures of Native America. New York. Viking Fund. 158-183. Hopi


WHORF, Benjamin L. 1946. The Milpa Alta dialect of Aztec. In: The Linguistic Structures of Native America, edited by harry Hoijer, Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology V. New York. Nahuatl


WHORF, Benjamin L. 1937. The origin of Aztec tl. American Anthropologist 39. 265-274. Nahuatl


WHORF, Benjamin L. 1937. The origin of Aztec tl. American Anthropologist 39. 265-274. Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Nahuatl


WICHMANN, Soren. 1993. On the relationship between MixeZoquean and UtoAztecan (conceived of as a study in MacroPenutian). Paper presented at CICAE, July 29, Mexico. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


WILLETT, Elizabeth. 1981. Noun phrase components in Southeastern Tepehuan. Workpapers of the SIL, University of North Dakota 25. Huntington Beach. SIL. 31-58. Southeastern Tepehuan Tepecano


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WILLETT, T. 1991. A reference grammar of southeastern Tepehuan. Dallas. Summer Institute of Linguistics and University of Texas at Arlington. Tepehuan


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WILLETT, Thomas L. 1988. A cross-linguistic survey of the grammaticization of evidentiality. Studies of Language 12. 51-97. Southeastern Tepehuan Tepecano


WILLETT, Thomas L. 1980. Clause types in Southeastern Tepehuan. Workpapers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 24. Huntington Beach. SIL. 51-72. Southeastern Tepehuan Tepecano


WILLETT, Thomas L. 1981. Marking Grammatical Relations in Southeastern Tepehuan. Masters thesis, University of North Dakota. Southeastern Tepehuan Tepecano


WILLETT, Thomas L. 1980. Sentence components in Southeastern Tepehuan. Workpapers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 24. Huntington Beach. SIL. 73-96. Southeastern Tepehuan Tepecano


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WISTRAND-ROBINSON, Lila. 1983. Sample cognate list and preliminary sound correspondences toward a North and Southern American Indian language relationship. Paper presented at the Southeastern Conference on Linguistics XXVII Meetings, University of Maryland at College Park, April 8, 1983. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


WISTRAND-ROBINSON, Lila. 1989. Uto-Aztecan affinities with Panoan of Peru 1: Correspondences. Mary Ritchie Key, ed.. In: Language Change in South American Indian Languages. Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact


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ZEPEDA, Ofelia. 1987. Desiderative-causatives in Tohonno OÕodham. IJAL 53.3. 348-361. Northern Tepimano Pima-Papago (tohonno oÕodham)


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ZEPEDA, Ofelia. 1984. Studies in Papago morphology. University of Arizona Ph.D. dissertation. Tepimano, Pima-Papago


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