Field2 MLA Bibliography
Opacahitan SHAUL, David Leedom. 1996. Medial length in Opacahitan. III encuentro de lingui*stica en el noroeste, tomo 1 volumen 2. Ed. by Zarina Estrada Ferna*ndez, Max Figueroa Esteva, and Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz, ed.. 523-531. Hermosillo, Sonora: Editorial Unison.
Opata BALCASTRO, P. 1931. Vocabulario de la lengua opata. Ms. in the Bancroft Library. : .
Opata BARBASTRO, Francisco Antonio. 1860. [Discourses in Opata]. (Shafer) Ayer Collection. : .
Opata DAVILA GARIBI, J. Ignacio. 1950. Algunas observaciones acerca de la Lengua Opata o Teguima. Mexico: Editorial Cultura.
Opata JOHNSON, Jean Bassett and JOHNSON, Irmgard W. de. 1954. Opata: dialect of Tonichi, Sonora. Vocabularies of languages of the Uto-Aztecan family, collected by Harold Key. Microfilm Collection, #38. Ed. by Harold Key, ed.. 390-397. Chicago: .
Opata JOHNSONS, Jean B. 1950. The Opata: An Inland Tribe of Sonora. University of New Mexico Publications in Anthropology, no. 6. Albuquerque: .
Opata LOMBARDO, Natal. 1702. Arte de la Lengua Teguima vulgarmente llamada Opata. . Me*xico: Miguel de Ribera.
Opata LOMBARDO, Natal. n.d., ca. 1702. Arte de la Lengua Teguima vulgarmente llamada Opata. Ayer ms. 1641. Newberry Library, Chicago. : .
Opata PIMENTEL, Francisco. 1863. Vocabulario manual de la lengua Opata. Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica, Boletin 10. 287-313. : .
Opata PIMENTEL, Francisto. 1874. El Opata o Teguima. Cuadro descriptivo comparativo de las lenguas indigenas de Mexico. 91-136. Mexico: Isidoro Epstein.
Opata PINART, Alphonse Louis. n.d. Vocabulario del dialecto Huhue de la lengua Opata, Sinoquipe, Rio de Sonora (Mexico). December 11, 1878 Ms. M-M 486, Bancroft Library, Berkeley. : .
Opata SHAUL, David L. 1989. Teguima (Opata) phonology. Southwestern Journal of Linguistics 9. 150-162. : .
Opata SHAUL, David L. 1990. Teguima (Opata) inflectional morphology. IJAL 56.4. 561-573. : .
Panamint MCLAUGHLIN, John E. 1987. A Phonology and Morphology of Panamint. Doctoral Thesis, University of Kansas. : .
Papago DOLORES, Juan. 1913. Papago Verb Stems. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 10. 241-263. : .
Papago HALE, Ken, and SELKIRK, Lisa. 1987. Government and tonal phrasing in Papago. Phonology Yearbook v. 4. Ed. by C. Ewen and J. Anderson, eds.. 151-183. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Papago HALE, Kenneth and ALVAREZ, Albert. 1970. Toward a manual of Papago grammar: Some phonological terms. IJAL 36.2. 83-97. : .
Papago HALE, Kenneth. 1959. A Papago Grammar. Doctoral dissertation, University of Indiana. : .
Papago HALE, Kenneth. 1965. Some preliminary observations on Papago morphophonemics. IJAL 31. 295-305. : .
Papago HALE, Kenneth. 1970. On Papago laryngeals. Languages and Cultures of Western North America: Essays in Honor of Sven S. Liljeblad. Ed. by Earl H. Swanson, ed.. 56-60. Pocatello: Idaho State University Press.
Papago HALE, Kenneth. 1983. Papago (k)c. IJAL 49. 299-327. : .
Papago KROCH, Anthony S. and ODJIG, Lorraine. 1973. Movement rules and modal expressions in Papago. IJAL 39.2. 80-88. : .
Papago MASON, J. Alden. 1950. The Language of the Papago of Arizona. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum.
Papago MATHIOT, Madeleine. 1962. Noun classes and folk taxonomy in Papago. American Anthropologist 64. 340-350. : .
Papago MATHIOT, Madeleine. 1973. A Dictionary of Papago Usage. Bloomington: Indiana University.
Papago MATHJIOT, Madeleine. 1972. Noun classes and folk taxonomy in Papago. American Anthropology 63. 340-350. : .
Papago PAYNE, Doris. 1984. Information structuring in Papago. Paper read at the FUAC, UCSD, San Diego. : .
Papago SALAMANCA, Danilo. 1984. On Papago vowel deletion. Ms., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. : .
Papago SAXTON, Dean and Lucille Saxton, compilers. 1969. Dictionary. Papago and Pima to English, O’odham-Mil-gahn, English to Papago and Pima, Mil-gahn-O’odham. Second edition/revised and expanded. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press.
Papago SAXTON, Dean. 1963. Papago phonemes. IJAL 29. 29-35. : .
Papago SAXTON, Dean. 1973. Legends and lore of the Papago and Pima Indians. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Papago SAXTON, Dean. 1982. Papago. Studies in Uto-Aztecan Grammar, vol. 3, Uto-Aztecan Grammatical Sketches. Ed. by Ronald W. Langacker, ed.. 93-267. Arlington, TX: Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Papago SWADESH, Mauricio. 1954. Papago stop series. Word 11. 191-193. : .
Papago ZEPEDA, Ofelia. 1983. A Papago Grammar. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Papago ZEPEDA, Ofelia. 1984. Studies in Papago morphology. University of Arizona Ph.D. dissertation. : .
Papago ZEPEDA, Ofelia. 1984. Topics in Papago Morphology. Doctoral Thesis, University of Arizona. : .
Pima BENZ, fray Antonio. 1774. Vocabulary of the Pima Language, with Grammatical Notes. Ms. Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. : .
Pima DEVENS, Monica S. 1979. Pima /c&im/. IJAL 45.4. 349-352. : .
Pima LANDAR, Herbert. 1976. Review, Piman Shamanism and Staying Sickness (Bahr et al.). IJAL 42.3. 280-282. : .
Pima MUNRO, Pamela. 1984. Floating quantifiers in Pima. The Syntax of Native American Languages (=Syntax and Semantics 16). Ed. by Eung-Do Cook and Donna Gerdts, eds.. 269-287. New York: Academic Press.
Pima MUNRO, Pamela. 1989. Postposition incorporation in Pima. Southwest Journal of Linguistics 9. 1. Bellingham, WA: Linguistic Association of the Southwest.
Pima SHAUL, David L. 1982. The Ave Maria in Piman. IJAL 48.2. 187-89. : .
Pima SMITH, Buckingham, editor. 1862. Grammar of the Pima or Nevome, a Language of Sonora, from a Manuscript of the xviii Century. [Edicion facimile, New York, AMS Press, Inc., 1970]. New York: Cramoisy Press.
Pima Bajo DE WOLF, Paul P. . Aculturacion linguistica y expansion lexica en el Pima Bajo de Yecora (sonora, Mexico). Ms. : .
Pima bajo ESCALANTE HERNANDEZ, Roberto. 1962. El pima bajo. Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia 14. 249-252. : .
Pima bajo ESCALANTE HERNANDEZ, Roberto. 1964. Material linguistico del oriente del oriente de Sonora: Tonichi y Ponica. Anales del Instituto nacional de Antropologia e Historia (1963). 149-78. : .
Pima bajo ESCALANTE HERNANDEZ, Roberto. In press. Cuentos pimas. Hermosillo: Universidad de Sonora.
Pima Bajo ESTRADA F., Z.. 1991. Dos conectivos en pima bajo. Amerindia, revue d'ethnolinguistique ame*rindienne. 17.. 283-296. : A.E.A. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique..
Pima Bajo ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1984. Pima alta?. Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, San Diego. : .
Pima Bajo ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1985. El orden de palabras en pima bajo. Presentation to the Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, Tucson, Arizona, June 29. : .
Pima Bajo ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1985. Observaciones fonolo*gicas en el pima de Ye*cora. Presentation to the FUAC, Tucson, Arizona. : .
Pima Bajo ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1989. Clitics in Tepiman languages, an historical development. Ms. Presentation to the Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, June, Tucson, Arizona. : .
Pima Bajo ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1990. Aproximacio*nes al estudio del sistema pronominal del Pima Bajo. Estudios de Lingui*stica y Sociolingui*stica. Ed. by Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz and Jose* Luis Moctezuma Zamarro*n. 141-155. Hermosillo, Sonora, Me*xico: Departamen
Pima Bajo ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1990. Conectivos en pima bajo. Ms. Presentation at the reunion of the FUAC, June 28029, Mexico, D.F.. : .
Pima Bajo ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1990. Conectivos en Pima Bajo. FUAC - IIA-UNAM, June 1990. 9 p. : .
Pima Bajo ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1990. Gramatica categorial unificada y sus aplicaciones en lenguas indigenas (en particular a pima bajo). Ms. : .
Pima Bajo ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1991. Arguments and Clausal Relations in Pima Bajo. Doctoral Thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson. : .
Pima Bajo ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1992. Features of the grammar of Pima Bajo. Ms. Presentation to the Annual Cogress, American Anthropological Association, December 5, San Francisco, California. : .
Pima Bajo ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1993. El pima bajo de Onavas: Sus diferencias con respecto al pima del la montana. Presentation to the Second International Linguistic Congress, AMLA, August 24-26, Mexico, D.F.. : .
Pima Bajo ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina. 1996. Conectivos en construcciones subordinadas del pima bajo. III encuentro de lingui*stica en el noroeste, tomo 1 volumen 1. Ed. by Zarina Estrada Ferna*ndez, Max Figueroa Esteva, and Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz, ed.. 321-338. Hermosi
Pima Bajo HALE, Kenneth. 1977. Breve vocabulario del idioma pima de Onavas desde materiales proporcionados por las siguientes personas: Agustin Estrella, Pedro Estrella, Maria Fierro, Maria Cordova. Mimeograph. : .
Pima Bajo JOHNOSN, Jean Bassett. 1954. Pima Bajo: dialect of Onabas, Sonora. Vocabularies of languages of the Uto-Aztecan family, collected by Harold Key. Microfilm Collection, #38. Chicago: .
Pima, Opata, Ceri BANCROFT, Hubert Howe. 1886. The Pima, Opata and Ceri languages. The Native Races, vol. 3, Myths and Languages. 694-705. San Francisco: History Co.
Pima-Papago HERZOG, George. 1982. On the phonemic status of Pima-Papago w versus v, with a note on orthography. IJAL 48.1. 86-87. : .
Pima-Papago ZEPEDA, Ofelia. 1982. O’odham ha-Cegitodag/Pima and Papago thoughts. IJAL 48. 320-326. : .
Pima-Papago (Tohonno o’odham) BAHR, Donald M. 1986. Pima-Papago -ga, ‘ALIENABILITY’. IJAL 52. 161-171. : .
Pima-Papago (Tohonno o’odham) BAHR, Donald M. 1992. Translating Papago legalese. On the Translation of native American Literature. Ed. by Brian Swann, ed.. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Resena DAKIN, Karen. 1990. Resena, The Pipil Language of El Salvador by Lyle Campbell. IJAL 56.3. 434-445. : .