Field2 MLA Bibliography
Hegue LOAYSA, Balthasar. n.d. Arte de la lengua hegue. Ms. in the National Library, Paris; copy from W. E. Gates in the Ayer Collection, Newberry Library, Chicago. : .
Historical Linguistics Clasificacion DAVILA GARIBI, Jose Ignacio. 1928. Ensayo de clasificacion de idiomas y dialectos indigenas chimal-huacanos. Guadalajara: .
Historical Linguistics Clasificacion DAVILA GARIBI, Jose Ignacio. 1951. Es el coca un idioma taracahita?. Homenaje al Dr. Alfonso Caso. 143-151. Mexico, D.F: .
Historical Linguistics Clasificacion DAVILA GARIBI, Jose Ignacio. 1967. Prestamos linguisticos e influencias reciprocas nahua-castellanas y castellano-nahuas. Estudios de cultura nahuatl 7. 255-265. : .
Historical Linguistics Clasificacion TROIKE, Rudolph C. 1963. Uto-Aztecan cognates in classical Nahuatl. IJAL 29.1. 72-74 (172?). : .
Historical Linguistics Clasificacion TROIKE, Rudolph C. 1988. Amotomanco (Otomoaco) and Tanpachoa as Uto-Aztecan languages, and the Jumano problem once more. IJAL 52.4. 235-241. : .
Historical Linguistics Classification BEELER, M. S. 1968. Review, Languages, Territories, and Names of California Indian Tribes (Heizer). IJAL 34.1. 59-62 Mono. : .
Historical Linguistics Classification BELMAR, Francisco. 1905. Lenguas indigenas de Mexico, Familia mixteco-zapoteca y sus relaciones con el otomi, familia zoque mixe, chontal, huave y mexicano. Mexico, D.F: .
Historical Linguistics Classification BELMAR, Francisco. 1921. Glotologia indigena mexicana. : .
Historical Linguistics Classification CAMPBELL, Lyle, and MITHUN, Marianne. 1979. Introduction: North American Indian historical linguistics in current perspective. In: The Languages of Native America. Ed. by Lyle Campbell and marianne Mithun, ed.. 3-69. Austin: The University of Texas Pres
Historical Linguistics Classification CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1979. Middle American languages. In: The Languages of Native America. Ed. by Lyle Campbell and Marianne Mithun, ed.. 902-917. Austin: The University of Texas press.
Historical Linguistics Classification DAVILA GARIBI, Jose Ignacio. 1940. Cazcanos y tochos: Algunas observaciones acerca de estas tribus y de su idioma. Revista mexicana de estudios antropologicas, 4.3. : .
Historical Linguistics Classification DAVILA GARIBI, Jose Ignacio. 1945. Los idiomas nativos de jalisco y el problema de filiacion de los ya desaparecido. vii Reunion del Congreso Mexicano de Historia, Guanajuato, September. 105 p. : .
Historical Linguistics Classification HENDRICHS PEREZ, Pedro R. 1946. Por tierras ignotas, viajes y observaciones en la region del Rio de las Balsas. Mexico, D. F.: Pan Americano Instituto de Geografia y historia, Pub. 83. Vol. 2. : .
Historical Linguistics Classification HERVAS Y PANDURO, L. 1800. Catalogo de las lenguas de las naciones conocidas. Vol. I (Lenguas y naciones americanas) . Madrid: .
Historical Linguistics Classification JIMENEZ MORENO, Wigberto. 1936. Mapa linguistico de Norte y Centro America. Mexico: Museo Nacional.
Historical Linguistics Classification LEON, Nicolas. 1902. Familias linguisticas de Mexico. Secretaria de Industria y Comercio. Direccion General de Estadistica. 1972. IX Censo general de poblacion. 1970 . January 28, 1970. Resumen general. Mexico. : .
Historical Linguistics Classification MANRIQUE, Leonardo and GUZMAN, Ignacio B. 1988. Lenguas indigenas. Enciclopedia de Mexico. Vol. 8. Mexico: Secretaria de Educacion Publica.
Historical Linguistics Classification MENDIZABAL, Miguel Othon de and JIMENEZ MORENO, Wigberto. 1939. Clasificacion de las lenguas indigenas de Mexico. : .
Historical Linguistics Classification MENDIZABAL, Miguel Othon de and JIMENEZ MORENO, Wigberto. 1944. Mapas linguisticos de la Republica Mexicana. Mexico: .
Historical Linguistics Classification SANTOSCOY, Alberto, editor. 1899. Nayarit, coleccion de codumentos historicos y etnograficos acerca de la sierra de este nombre. : .
Historical Linguistics Classification SWADESH, Mauricio. 1954. Perspectives and problems of Amerindian comparative linguistics. Word 10. 306-332. : .
Historical Linguistics Classification SWADESH, Mauricio. 1959. Indian Linguistics Groups of Mexico. Mexico: Escuela nacional de Antropologia e Historia.
Historical Linguistics Classification SWADESH, Mauricio. 1961. The culture historic implications of Sapir’s linguistic classification. In: A William Cameron Townsend in el vigesimoquinto aniversario del Instituto Linguistico de Verano. 663-672. Mexico: ILV.
Historical Linguistics Classification SWADESH, Mauricio. 1968. Las lenguas indigenas del noreste de Mexico. Anales de antropologia 5. 75-86. : .
Historical Linguistics Classification VIVO, Jorge A. . Paper presented to the xxvii Congress of Americanists. : .
Historical Linguistics Classification VOEGELIN, Carl F. and VOEGELIN, Florence M. 1985. From comparative method to phylum linguistics and back again. IJAL 51. 608-610. : .
Historical Linguistics Classification WEITLANER, Roberto J. 1948. Un idioma desconocido del norte de Mexico. Actas del Congreso Internacional de Americanistas 28. 205-227. : .
Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Nahuatl CAMPBELL, Lyle and LANGACKER, Ronald W. 1978. Proto-Aztecan Vowels. IJAL 44. Pt. 1, 85-102, II, 197-210, III, 262-279. : .
Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Nahuatl CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1987. Syntactic change in Pipil. IJAL 53.2. 253-280. : .
Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Northern Uto-Aztecan LAMB, Sydney M. 1958. Linguistic prehistory in the Great Basin. IJAL 24. 95-100. : .
Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Numic GOSS, J. A. 1977. Linguistic tools for the Great Basin prehistorical. In: Models in Great Basin Prehistory, edited by D. D. Fowler. 49-70. Reno: Desert Research Institute Publications in the Social Sciences, 12.
Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Numic NICHOLS, Michael. 1989. Derivation for size in NUA Biotaxonomy. Ms. FUAC-Tucson, June 1989. 2p. : .
Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Takic BRIGHT, William and BRIGHT, Marcia. 1969. Archaeology and linguistics in prehistoric Southern California. University of hawaii Working Papers in Linguistics 1, no. 10. 1-26. : .
Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Taracahita LIONNET, Andre*s. 1985. Relaciones internas de la rama sonorense. Amerindia 10. 25-58. : .
Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Tubatulabal MANASTER RAMER, Alexis. 1984. Kern laws. IJAL 50.3. 325-334. : .
Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan BRIGHT, William. 1992. Names for the quail in native California. California Linguistic Notes 23.2. 29. Fullerton: Dept. of Linguistics, CSU-Fullerton.
Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan HALE, Kenneth and HARRIS, David. 1979. Historical linguistics and archaeology. Handbook of north American Indians, Vol. 9. Edited by Alfonso Ortiz. 170-177. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.
Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan LATHRUP, Donald W. and TROIKE, Rudolph C. 1983. California Historical linguistics and archaeology. Archaeology and Linguistics, Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society, 15.1-2. Ed. by Ann M. Mester and Colin McEwan, eds.. 99-157. : .
Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan STEELE, Susan M. 1975. On some factors that affect and effect word order. In: Word Order and Word Order Change, Edited by Charles Li. 199-268. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Historical Linguistics Reconstruction Proto Uto-Aztecan STEELE, Susan M. 1975. Past and irrealis: Just what does it all mean. IJAL 41.3. 200-217. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact BARTHOLOMEW, Doris. 1980. Otomanguean influence on Pochutla Aztec. IJAL 46.2. 106-116. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact BERMAN, Howard. 1981. Review, The Languages of Native America: Historical and comparative Assessment (Campbell and Mithun, eds). IJAL 47.3. 248-262. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact BRIGHT, William. 1991. The Aztec triangle: Three-way language contact in New Spain. Ms. Paper presented at the congress of the Berkeley Linguistic Society, February, 1991. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact CAMPBELL, Lyle and KAUFMAN, Terrence. 1976. A Linguistic Look at the Olmecs. American Antiquity 41. 80-89. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1976. The linguistic prehistory of the Southern Mesoamerican periphery. XIV Mesa Redonda de la SMA (Tegucigalpa, 1975) 1. 157-183. Mexico, D.F: SMA.
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1977. Quichean Linguistic Prehistory. University of California Publications in Linguistics 81. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1988. The Linguistics of Southeast Chiapas. Provo. Utah: New World Archaeological Foundation and Brigham Young University.
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact DAVIS, Irvine. 1989. A new look at Aztec-Tanoan. In: General and Amerindian Ethnolinguistics: In Remembrance of Stanley Newman. Ed. by Mary Ritchie Key and Henry M. Hoenigswalk, ed.. The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter.
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact DE WOLF, Paul P. n.d. Aculturacion linguistica y expansion lexica en el Pima Bajo de Yecora (Sonora, Mexico). Ms. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact FELDMAN, Lawrence G. 1972. A note on the past geography of Southern Ciapas languages. IJAL 38.1. 57-58. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact FERNANDEZ DE MIRANDA, Maria Teresa; SWADESH, Mauricio, and WEITLANER, Roberto j. 1960. El panorama etno-linguistico de Oaxaca y el Istmo. Revista mexicana de estudios antropologicos 16. 137-57. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact KAUFMAN, Terrence S. 1974. ‘Meso-American Indian Languages’ v. 11. Encyclopaedia Britannica 15th edn. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact KAUFMAN, Terrence. 1973. Areal linguistics in Middle America. In: Current Trends 11. 956-963. The Hague: Mouton.
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact KAUFMAN, Terrence. 1974. Idiomas de Mesoamerica. Guatemala: Editorial Jose de Pineda ibarra, Ministerio de Educacion.
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact KAUFMAN, Terrence. 1980. Pre-Columbian borrowing involving Huastec. In: American Indian and Indo-European Studies: Papers in Honor of Madison S. Beeler. 101-112. The Hague: Mouton.
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact ROSENTHAL, Jane M. 1985. Dogs, pets, horses, and demons: Some American Indian words and concepts. IJAL 51.4. 563-566. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact RUHLEN, Merritt. 1991. A Guide to the World’s Languages. Volume 1: Classification. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact SMITH-STARK, Thomas C. 1988. ‘Pied-piping’ con inversion en preguntas parciales. Ms. Paper presented to the reunion of SSILA, Linguistic Institute, Tucson AZ, June 1989. 41 p. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact SMITH-STARK, Thomas C. 1988. Las lenguas indomexicanas: el arte colectivo del pensamiento. X Colquio. Lenguaje y Tradicion en Mexico: El Colegio de Michoacan. October 19-21, Zamora, Michoacan. 20 p. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact SMITH-STARK, Thomas C. In press. Mesoamerican calques. In: Investigacion linguistica en Mesoamerica: Trabajos recientes editado por Caroly MacKay y Veronica Vazquez, Seminario de Lenguas Indigenas, Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas, UNAM. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact SUAREZ, Jorge A. 1977. La influencia del espanol en la estructura gramatical del nahuatl. Anuario de Letras de la Facultad de Filosofia y Letras xv. 115-164. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact SWADESH, Mauricio. 1954. Perspectives and problems of Amerindian comparative linguistics. Word 10. 306-332. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact SWADESH, mauricio. 1961. The culture historic implications of Sapir’s linguistic classification. In: A William Cameron Townsend en el vigesimoquinto aniversario del Instituto Linguistico de Verano. 663-671. Mexico: ILV.
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact VIVO, Jorge A. 1941. Razas y lenguas indigenas de Mexico. Instituto Panamericano de Geografia y Estadistica, Publicacion 52. Mexico, D.F: Instituto Panamericano de Geografia y Estadistica.
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact VOEGELIN, Carl F. and VOEGELIN, Florence M. 1985. From comparative method to phylum linguistics and back again. IJAL . : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact WEITLANER, Roberto J. 1948. Situacion linguistica del estado de Guerrero. In: El Occidente de Mexico, Cuarta reunion de Mesa Redonda sobre problemas antropologicos de Mexico y Centro America. 129-133. Mexico, D. F: Sociedad Mexicana de Antropologia.
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact WHORF, Benjamin L. 1943. Loan words in ancient Mexico. New Orleans. Reprinted in Language, Thought and Reality p. 661-684: .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact WICHMANN, Soren. 1993. On the relationship between MixeZoquean and UtoAztecan (conceived of as a study in MacroPenutian). Paper presented at CICAE, July 29, Mexico. : .
Historical Linguistics Relations External Contact WISTRAND-ROBINSON, Lila. 1983. Sample cognate list and preliminary sound correspondences toward a North and Southern American Indian language relationship. Paper presented at the Southeastern Conference on Linguistics XXVII Meetings, University of Marylan
Hopi ALBERT, R. and David L. Shaul. 1985. A Concise Hopi and English Lexicon. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Hopi BENNETT, Michael Eric. 1980. Aspects of grammatical number in Hopi. The Sixth LACUS Forum. Ed. by W. C. McCormack and H. J. Izzo, eds.. 271-281. : .
Hopi BENNETT, Michael Eric. 1982. Aspects of reflexive/reciprocal expressions in Hopi. The Ninth LACUS Forum. Ed. by J. Morreall, ed.. 291-298. : .
Hopi BENNETT, Michael Eric. 9181. Aspects of the imperative in Hopi. The Seventh LACUS Forum. Ed. by J. E. Copeland and P. W. Davis, eds.. 359-367. : .
Hopi FREEZE, Ray A. 1989. Mayo de los capomos. Archivo de Lenguas Indigenas de Mexico 14. 168 p. Mexico, D.F: El Colegio de Mexico.
Hopi FREEZE, Ray. n.d. On naturalness and Hopi internal reconstruction. Ms. : .
Hopi HILL, Kenneth C. 1989. Hopi loanwords from Spanish (and Nahuatl). Presentation to the FUAC--Tucson, june 1989. 2 p. : .
Hopi HILL, Kenneth C. et al. in preparation. Diccionario Hopi computarizado. Tucson: University of Arizona.
Hopi HILL, Kenneth C.. 1990. The Hopi dictionary project. Estudios de Lingui*stica y Sociolingui*stica. Ed. by Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz and Jose* Luis Moctezuma Zamarro*n. 107-122. Hermosillo, Sonora, Me*xico: Departamento de Letras y Lingui*stica, Divisio*n de Hum
Hopi JEANNE, LaVerne Masayesva, and HALE, Ken. 1989. Argument obviation and switch-reference in Hopi. General and Amerindian Ethnolinguistics: In Remembrance of Stanley Newman. Ed. by Mary Ritchie Key and Henry M. Hoenigswalk, eds.. The Hague: Mouton de Gruyt
Hopi JEANNE, LaVerne Masayesva. 1978. Aspects of Hopi Grammar. Doctoral Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. : .
Hopi JEANNE, LaVerne Masayesva. 1982. Some phonological rules of Hopi. IJAL 48. 245-270. : .
Hopi KALECTECA, Milo, and LANGACKER, Ronald W., editors. 1978. Lessons in Hopi. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press.
Hopi LIST, George. 1933. Stability and variation in Hopi song. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 204. : .
Hopi MANASTER RAMER, Alexis. 1986. GENESIS OF HOPI TONES. IJAL 52.2. 154-160. : .
Hopi SHAUL David L. 1988. Topic and information structure in a Hopi radio commercial. IJAL 54.1. 96-105. : .
Hopi SHAUL, David L. 1982. Review, Lessons in Hopi (Kalectaca). IJAL 48. 105-108. : .
Hopi SHAUL, David L. 1992. A Hopi song-poem in ‘context’. On the Translation of native American Literature. Ed. by Brian Swann, ed.. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Hopi VOEGELIN, Carl F. 1956. Phonemicizing for dialect study (with reference to Hopi). Language 32. 116-135. : .
Hopi VOEGELIN, Carl F. and Florence M. Voegelin. 1957. Hopi domains: a lexical approach to the problem of selection. Supplement, IJAL 23 (2). : .
Hopi VOEGELIN, Carl F. and Florence M. Voegelin. 1967. Passive transformations from non-transitive bases in Hopi. IJAL 33.2. 276-281. : .
Hopi VOEGELIN, Carl F. and Florence M. Voegelin. 1970. Our knowledge of semantics and how it is obtained. IJAL 36.4. 241-246. : .
Hopi VOEGELIN, Carl F. and Florence M. Voegelin. 1975. Hopi /-qa/. IJAL 41.4. 381-399. : .
Hopi VOEGELIN, Carl F., and Florence M. Voegelin. 1969. Hopi /?as/. IJAL 35.2. 192-202. : .
Hopi WHITELEY, Peter. 1992. Hopitutungwini: ‘Hopi names’ as literature. On the Translation of Native American Literature. Ed. by Brian Swann, ed.. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Hopi WHORF, Benjamin L. 1946. The Hopi language, Toreva dialect. Linguistic Structures of Native America. Ed. by H. Hoijer et al, eds.. 158-183. New York: Viking Fund.
Huasteco MCQUOWN, Norman A. 1990. Relacionnes historicas del huasteco con los idiomas y las culturas adyacentes . In: Homenaje a Jorge A. Suarez, Linguistica indoamericana e hispanica. Ed. by Beatriz Garza Cuaron and Paulette Levy, ed.. 351-366. Mexico: El Colegi
Huichol COMRIE, B.. 1982. Grammatical relations in Huichol. Syntax and semantics 15. 95-115. : .
Huichol DIGUET, Leon. 1911. Idiome Huichol: Contribution a l’etude des langues Mexicaines. Journal de la Societe des Americanistes de Paris 8. 23-54. : .
Huichol FOSTER, Mary L. 1966. Review, Huichol Syntax (Grimes). IJAL 32.3. 290-291. : .
Huichol GOMEZ LOPEZ, Paula. 1996. La reduccio*n morfolo*gica del habla maternal en huichol. III encuentro de lingui*stica en el noroeste, tomo 1 volumen 1. Ed. by Zarina Estrada Ferna*ndez, Max Figueroa Esteva, and Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz, ed.. 337-358. Hermosillo, S
Huichol GOMEZ, Paula, y ITURRIOZ, Jose Luis. 1989. Las marcas de INDIVIDUACION en huichol y su participacion en el establecimiento de la coherencia referencial. Homenaje a Jorge Suarez. Ed. by Beatriz Garza Cuaron y Paulette Levy, eds.. 251-274. Mexico: El Colegi
Huichol GOMEZ, Paula. 1990. La escala de las estructuras atributivas en huichol. Funcion 11-12. 147-284. : .
Huichol GONZALEZ, Maximino y ANGUIANO, Marina. 1989. Toponi*mica huichol. Tlalocan XI. 129-148. : .
Huichol GRIMES E, Jose con DE LA CRUZ AVILA, Pedro; CARILLO VICENTE, Jose; DIAZ, Roman; DE LA ROSA, Antonio y RENTERIA, Toribio. 1981. El Huichol, Apuntes sobre el lexico. Ithaca: Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Cornell University.
Huichol GRIMES, Joseph E. 1980. Huichol life forms classification II: plants. Anthropological Linguistics 22. 264-274. : .
Huichol GRIMES, Joseph. 1955. Style in Huichol structure. Language 31. 31-35. : .
Huichol GRIMES, Joseph. 1964. Huichol Syntax. The Hague: Mouton. Janua linguarum. Series practica, 11.
Huichol GRIMES, Joseph. 1974. The Thread of Discourse. The Hague: Mouton.
Huichol GRIMES, Joseph. 1980. Huichol life forms classification I: animals. Anthropological Linguistics 22. 187-200. : .
Huichol ITTURIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis; Gomez Lopez, Paula; LEAL CARRETERO, Silvia, y RAMIREZ DE LA CRUZ, Rritakame. 1986. Individuacion en huichol II: Aspectos morfologicos y sintacticos de las clases nominales. Funcion 1.3. 422-462. : .
Huichol ITTURIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis; GOMEZ LOPEZ, Paula; LEAL CARRETERO, Silvia, y RAMIREZ DE LA CRUZ, Rritakame. 1987. Individuacion en huichol III: Las series sufijales. Funcion II.1. 154-163. : .
Huichol ITTURIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis; GOMEZ LOPEZ, Paula; RAMIREZ DE LA CRUZ, Julio, y LEAL CARRETERO, Silvia. 1986. Individuacion en huichol I: Morfologia y semantica de las clases nominales. Funcion 1.2. 309-354. : .
Huichol ITURRIOZ LEZA, J. L., P. Go*mez Lo*pez, S. Leal Carretero, Rrita*kame Rami*rez de la Cruz.. 1987. Individuacio*n en Huichol. III: Las series sufijales. Funciuo*n II, nu*m. 1. 154-163. Me*xico: Universidad de Guadalajara.
Huichol ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis, GOMEZ LOPEZ, Paul; RAMIREZ DE LA CRUZ, Rritakame. 1988. ‘Entwurf einer operationalen morphologie’ / Traduccion: ‘Esbozo de una morfologia operacional. Akup (Arbeiten des Kolner Universalienprojekts) 69. 43-72. : .
Huichol ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis. 1984. La funcion de -a y de -ta- a la luz de la dimension de aprehension. Euskera 30. 175-213. : .
Huichol ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis. 1986. Las variables como tecnica de individuacion. Sobre las relaciones entre los lenguajes formales y los naturales. Tiempos de ciencia; Revista de difusion cientifica 3. 31-40. Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara.
Huichol ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis. 1987. De la gramatica particular del huichol a la tipologia: una contribucion a la morfologia operacional. Funcion II.2. 239-296; II.3.297-380. : .
Huichol ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis. 1987. De la gramatica particular del huichol a la tipologia: Una contribucion a la morfologia operacional. Funcion II/23. 239-380. : .
Huichol ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis. 1989. Variation und Invarianz be der formalen und semantischen Beschreibung von grammatischen Morphemen, akup 81. Colonia: .
Huichol ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis. 1990. Die Nomen-Adjektiv/Verb-Adverb Distinktion im Huichol im Lichte der operationalen Morphologie. Funcion 11. : .
Huichol ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis. 1991. La jerarquia de dominios funcionales de (ti/r)/te. En preparacion. : .
Huichol ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis; GOMEZ LOPEZ, Paula; RAMIREZ DE LA CRUZ, Rritakame. In Press. Observaciones generales acerca de la estructura morfologica del verbo huichol. Funcion III.2. : .
Huichol ITURRIOZ LEZA, Jose Luis; GOMEZ LOPEZ, Paula; RAMIREZ DE LA CRUZ, Xitikame. . Localization en Huichol: jerarquias de paradigmas y series funcionales [Estudios sobre lenguas amerindias, editado por Paula Gomez Lopez, Jose Luis Iturrioz Leza, y Fernando L
Huichol LEAL CARRETERO, Fernando y RAMIREZ DE LA CRUZ, Xitakame. 1987. De la interaccion entre las dimensiones de individuacion y participacion en huichol. I: Relaciones gramaticales. FuncionII.2. 197-238. : .
Huichol MCINTOSH, J.B.. 1945. Huichol phonemes. IJAL XI No. 1. 31-35. : .
Huichol MCINTOSH, Juan F. y Grimes, Jose. 1954. Niuqui iquisicayari, vixarica niuquiyari, Telvariniuquiyari hepaisita, Vocabulario huichol-castellano, castellano-huichol. Mexico: Instituto Linguistico de Verano en cooperacion don la Direcion General de Asuntos In
Huichol PALAFOX VARGAS, Miguel. 1978. La llave del huichol. Mexico, SEP-INAH, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia: .
Huichol RAMIREZ FLORES, Jose. 1980. Lenguas indigenas de Jalisco . Guadalajara : Gobierno de Jalisco, Unidad Editorial.
Huichol SUMMER INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTICS. 1965. Hablemos Espanol y Huichol [microform]. : .
Huichol, Nahuatl KNAB, Tim. 1976. Huichol-Nahuat borrowings and their implications in the ethnohistory of the region. IJAL 42.3. 261-264. : .
Huichol, Nahuatl KNAB, Tim. 1976. Huichol-Nahuatl Borrowings and their Implications in the Ethnohistory of the Regions. IJAL 42. 261-264. : .
Huichol, Navaho LANDAR, Herbert. 1967. Syntactic patterns in Navaho and Huichol. IJAL 33.2. 121-127. : .