Field2 MLA Bibliography
Descriptive Studies GARZA CUARON, Beatriz y LASTRA, Yolanda. 1991. Endangered languages in Mexico. Endangered Languages. Ed. by Robert H. Robins & Eugenius M. Uhlenbeck, eds.. 93-134. Oxford & New York: Permanent International Committee of Linguist, BERG.
Descriptive Studies GRAY, Judith A. and SCHUPMAN, Edwin J. Jr., editors. 1990. The Federal Cylinder Project. Vol. 5: California Indian Catalogue, Middle and South American Indian Catalogue, Southwestern Indian Catalogue-I.. Washington, D. C.: American Folklife Center, Libr
Descriptive Studies GRAY, Judith A., editor. 1988. The Federal Cylinder Project. Vol. 3: Great Basin/Plateau Indian Catalog, Northwest Coast/Arctic Indian Catalog. Washington, D. C.: American Folklife Center, Library of Congress.
Descriptive Studies Harrington, John P.. . s/f. Apuntes de campo no publicados. Depositados en el Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.. : .
Descriptive Studies ZEPEDA, Ofelia, and Hill, Jane H.. 1991. The condition of native American languages in the United States. Endangered Languages. Ed. by Robert H. Robins and Eugenius M. Uhlenbeck, eds.. 135-156. Oxford & New York: Permanent International Committee of Lingu
Eastern Numic Baker, Theodor. 1882. Uber die Musik der nordamerikanischen Wilden. Songs of the Comanche. 10-13, 37-41, 50-51, 59-79.. : .
Eastern Numic MARCY, Randolph B [with remarks by W. W. Turner]. 1853. Vocabularies of words in the languages of the Comanches and Wichitas. U.S. Senate Doc. Ex. No. 666 (Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana.), Appendix H, pp. 307-11. Washington: .
Eudeve Anonymous. 17th century. Arte y vocabulario de la lengua dohema, heve o eudeva (Campbell W. Pennington edition). Mexico: Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
Eudeve LIONNET, Andre*s. 1979. A Sample of Eudeve From a Manuscript in Buckingham Smith’s Papers. Work presented at the Seventh Annual Workshop on Yutoaztecan Languages, June 22-23. : .
Eudeve LIONNET, Andre*s. 1979. Apuntes para un bibliografia del eudeve. Anales de Antropologia xvi. 527-530. : .
Eudeve LIONNET, Andre*s. 1979. El lexico del eudeve. Mimeography. Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, June 23. : .
Eudeve LIONNET, Andre*s. 1979. Eudeve, la fone*tica; la fonologia. Mimeograph. Friends of Uto-Aztecan Working Conference, Albuquerque, June 22. 30 p. : .
Eudeve LIONNET, Andre*s. 1986. El eudeve, un idioma extinto de Sonora (Study based on materials of J. Johnson, Loaysa, Bartlett, and Smith). Mexico: Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
Eudeve PENNINGTON, Campbell W., editor. 1981. Arte y vocabulario de la lengua dohema, heve o eudeva (Anonymous, 17th century). Mexico: Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
Eudeve SHAUL, David L. 1991. Eudeve morphosyntax: an overview. IJAL 57.1. 70-107. : .
Gabrielino ANDERSON, Geraldine. 1974. First notes on Gabrielino phonology. Ms.. : .
Gabrielino BEAN, Lowell John and SMITH, Charles R. 1978. Gabrielino. Handbook of North American indians, Vol. 8, California. Ed. by Robert F. Heizer, ed.. 539-549. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution.
Gosiute MCLAUGHLIN, John E. 1989. A note on the change of strident to nonstrident in Gosiute. IJAL 55.2. 240-247. : .
Gosiute MCLAUGHLIN, John E. 1989. A note on the change of strident to nostrident in Gosiute. IJAL 55.2. 240-247. : .
Guariji*o MILLER, W. R. 1993. Guariji*o de Arechuyvo, Chihuahua. Me*xico: El Colegio de Me*xico.
Guarijio BARRERAS AGUILAR, Isabel J. 1991. Esbozo gramatical del guarijio de Mesa Colorada. Tesis de licenciatura en linguistica, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo. : .
Guarijio ESCALANTE HERNANDEZ, Roberto. 1965-1967. Fonemica del guarijio. Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia 18.47. 53-67. : .
Guarijio ESCALANTE HERNANDEZ, Roberto. 1992. Los dialectos del guarijio. Presentation to el II Encuentro de Linguistica en el Noroeste, Universidad de Sonora, October 18-20, Hermosillo. : .
Guarijio JOHNSON, Jean Basset and JOHNSON, Irmgard W. de. 1947. Un vocabulario Varohio. Revista mexicana de estudios antropologicos 9. 27-45. : .
Guarijio JOHNSON, Jean Bassett. 1954. Varohio. Vocabularies of languages of the Uto-Aztecan family, collected by Harold Key. Microfilm Collection, #38. Ed. by Harold Key, ed.. 366-373. Chicago: .
Guarijio MILLER, Wick R. 1977. Consonant lenition and accent in Guarijio and Tarahumara. Ms. Presentation to the Annual Congress of the American Anthropological Association, Houston. : .
Guarijio MILLER, Wick R. 1979. Guarijio Cognates. Work presented at the Septimo Taller de Trabajo sobre Lenguas Yutoaztecas, June 22-23, Mexico. : .
Guarijio MILLER, Wick R. 1988. Componential analysis of the Guarijio orientational system. In Honor of Mary Haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on Native American Linguistics. Ed. by William Shipley, ed.. The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter.
Guarijio MILLER, Wick R. 1991. Agent in passive sentences in Yaqui and Guarijio. IJAL 57.4. 519-523. : .
Guarijio MILLER, Wick R. In press. La lengua guarijio: gramatica, vocabulario y textos. : Instituto de Investigaciones Antropological, UNAM.
Guarijio MILLER, Wick R.. 1990. Los dos dialectos de Guarijio. Estudios de Lingui*stica y Sociolingui*stica. Ed. by Gerardo Lo*pez Cruz and Jose* Luis Moctezuma Zamarro*n. 206-219. Hermosillo, Sonora, Me*xico: Departamento de Letras y Lingui*stica, Divisio*n de Hu
Guarijio MILLER, Wick. 1984. Situacion sociolinguistica de los guarijios. Memoria del VIII Simposio de Historia y Antropologia de Sonora. 113-119. Hermosillo: .
Guarijio, Tarahumara, Mayo HAGBERG, Larry. 1992. Una comparacion del acento en el mayo, el tarahumara y el guarijio. Ms. Presentation at el II Encuentro de Linguistica en el Noroeste, November 18-20, Hermosillo. : .