Field2 MLA Bibliography

LAIRD, Carobeth. . Unpublished field notes. : .

LANGDON, Margaret. . . : .
Alaguilac CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1972. A note on the so-called Alaguilac language. IJAL 38.3. 203-207. : .
Alaguilac CAMPBELL, Lyle. 1972. A note on the so-called Alaguilac language. IJAL 38.3. 203-207. : .
Bibliography BUTLER, Ruth Lapham, compilator. 1937. A Check List of Manuscripts in the Edward E. Ayer Collection. Chicago: .
Bibliography Bibliographies AYER, Edward E. . Bibliography of Nahuatl texts in the Ewdward E. Ayer Collection, Vol. II, Newberry Library, Chicago. : .
Bibliography Bibliographies BARLOW, Robert. 1943. Los Manuscritos de la Biblioteca Bancroft que pertenecieron a la antigua coleccion de D. Jose Fernando Ramirez. Memorias de la Academia Mexicana de la Historia II. 189-200. : .
Bibliography Bibliographies CASTANEDA, Carlos Eduardo and AUTREY DABBS, Jack. 1939. Guide to the Latin American Manuscripts in the University of Texas Library. Cambridge, MASS: .
Bibliography Bibliographies CORNEJO FRANCO, Jose. 1935. ‘Introduccion bio-bibliografica’ by Aniceto M Gomez (‘35). Investigaciones linguisticas 3. 81-91. : .
Bibliography Bibliographies GUZMAN BETANCOURT, Ignacio. 1988. Linguistica de Morelos. In: Historia de la Antropologia en Mexico. Ed. by Jesus Monjarras and Juan Garcia Mora, ed.. : .
Bibliography Bibliographies LANGDON, Margaret. 1986. Resena, Bibliography of the Languages of Native California including Closely Related Languages of Adjacent Areas (Bright). IJAL 52. 85-87. : .
Bibliography Bibliographies LASTRA DE SUAREZ, Yolanda. 1973. Panorama de los estudios yutoaztecas. Anales de Antropologia x. 337-386. [Also published in 1975 as ‘Panorama de los estudios de lenguas yutoaztecas’, in Las lenguas de Mexico, edited by Evangelina Arana de Swadesh, Mexic
Bibliography Bibliographies MORENO, Roberto. 1966. Guia de las obras en lenguas indigenas existentes en la Biblioteca Nacional. Boletin de la Biblioteca Nacional XVII.1-2. 21-210. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
Cahita BEALS, Ralph L. 1943. The aboriginal culture of the Cahita Indians. Ibero-Americana 19. Berkeley and Los Angeles: .
Cahita BUELNA, Eustaquio. 1890. Arte de la lengua Cahita por un padre de la Compan*i*a de Jesu*s. Mexico: Imprenta del Gobierno Federal.
Cahita LIONNET, Andre*s. 1978. Elementos de la lengua cahita (yaqui-mayo). Me*xico: Universidad Nacional Auto*noma de Me*xico.
Cahita LIONNET, Andres. 1977. Los elementos de la Lengua Cahita. : Universidad nacional Auto*noma de Me*xico.
Cahita LOPEZ, Gerardo, and MOCTEZUMA, Jose Luis. 1990. Mapas dialectales del cahita. Ms. Presentation to the Annual Reunion of the Friends of Yutoactecan Languages, June 28-29, Mexico. : .
Cahita MOCTEZUMA Z., Jose Luis. 1989. Cahita-castilla. Lealtad y cambio linguistico. Memoria del XIII Simposio de Historia y Antropologia de Sonora. Hermosillo: Universidad de Sonora.
Cahuilla BARROWS, David Prescott. 1967. The Ethno-botany of the Cahuilla Indians of Southern California. Banning, CA: Malki Museum Press.
Cahuilla BRIGHT, William. 1965. The history of the Cahuilla sound system. IJAL 31. 241-244. : .
Cahuilla FUCHS, A. 1970. Morphologie des Verbs im Cahuilla. The Hague: Mouton.
Cahuilla HEATH, Jeffrey. 1979. Review, Cahuilla Grammar (Seiler). IJAL 45.4. 356-358. : .
Cahuilla HIOKI, K. 1973. Die Klitika im Cahuilla (Uto-Aztekisch, Sud-Kalifornien). Doctoral Thesis, Colonia. : .
Cahuilla LEON, Nicolas. 1900. El Cahuillo. Boletin del Museo Nacional de Mexico 7. 273-274. : .
Cahuilla LILJEBLAD, Sven. 1973. Review, Cahuilla Texts With an Introduction (Seiler) and Morphologie des Verbs im Cahuilla (Fuchs). IJAL 39.2. 110-121. : .
Cahuilla SAUVEL, Katherine Siva and MUNRO, Pamela. 1982. Chem’ivullu’ (Let’s Speak Cahuilla). Los Angeles: UCLA American Indian Studies Center and Malki Museum Press.
Cahuilla SEILER, Hansjakob and HIOKI, Kojiro. 1979. Cahuilla Dictionary. Banning, CA: Malki Museum Press.
Cahuilla SEILER, Hansjakob. 1957. Die phonetischen Grundlagen der Vokalphoneme des Cahuilla. Zeitschrift f. Phonetik u. Allgem. Sprachwiss 10. 204-233. : .
Cahuilla SEILER, Hansjakob. 1965. Accent and morphophonemics in Cahuilla and in Uto-Aztecan. IJAL 31. 50-59. : .
Cahuilla SEILER, Hansjakob. 1968. Probleme der Verb-Subkategorisierung mit Bezug auf Bestimmungen des Ortes und der Zeit. Lingua 3-. 337-367. : .
Cahuilla SEILER, Hansjakob. 1970. Cahuilla Texts with an Introduction. Language Science Monographs, 6. 204 p.. Bloomington: Indiana University.
Cahuilla SEILER, Hansjakob. 1974. The principle of concomitance in Uto-Aztecan. Linguistic Workshop II. Structure. 8. Ed. by Hansjakob Seiler, ed.. Munich: Fink.
Cahuilla SEILER, Hansjakob. 1974. The principle of concomitance: Instrumental, comitative, and collective. Linguistic Workshop II. Structure. 8. Ed. by Hansjakob Seiler, ed.. Munich: Fink.
Cahuilla SEILER, Hansjakob. 1977. Cahuilla Grammar. Banning, CA: Malki Museum Press.
Cahuilla SEILER, Hansjakob. 1981. Setting the record straight. IJAL 47.3. 244-248. : .
Cahuilla SEILER, Hansjakob. 1982. Inherent versus established relation, proximity versus obviation, and two types of Cahuilla kinship expressions. IJAL 48.2. 185-196. : .
Cahuilla SEILER, Hansjakob. 1985. Absolutive suffix and reanalysis in Cahuilla. IJAL 51.4. 578-581. : .
Chemehuevi HARRINGTON, John P. . Unpublished field notes. : .
Chemehuevi LAIRD, Carobeth. 1976. The Chemehuevis. Banning: Malki Press.
Chemehuevi PRESS, Margaret L. 1975. A Grammar of Chemehuevi. Doctoral thesis in linguistics, UCLA, Los Angeles. : .
Chemehuevi PRESS, Margaret L. 1979. Chemehuevi, A grammar and lexicon. University of California Publications in Linguistics, V. 92. 203 p. Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Coca DAVILA GARIBI, Jose Ignacio. 1935. Recopilacion de datos acerca del idioma coca y de su posible influencia en el lenguaje folklorico de Jalisco. Investigaciones linguisticas 3. 248-302. : .
Coca, Cahita DAVILA GARIBI, Jose Ignacio. 1942. Algunas afinidades de las lenguas coca y cahita. El Mexico antiguo 6. 47-60. : .
Collections ESTRADA FERNANDEZ, Zarina, Max Figueroa Esteva, and Gerardo Lopez Cruz. 1996. III Encuentro de lingui*stica en el noroeste. Hermosillo, Sonora: Editorial Unison.
Collections LOPEZ CRUZ, Gerardo, and Jose* Luis Moctezuma Zamarro*n. 1990. Estudios de lingui*stica y sociolingui*stica . Hermosillo, Sonora, Me*xico: Departamento de Letras y Lingui*stica, Divisio*n de Humanidades y Bellas Artes, Universidad de Sonora.
Comanche ARMAGOST, James L. 1982. Comanche deictic roots in narrative texts. Kansas working papers in linguistics 7. 5-14. Lawrence: University of Kansas.
Comanche ARMAGOST, James L. 1982. The grammar of personal pronouns in Comanche. 1983 Mid-America Linguistics Conference Papers. Ed. by David S. Rood, ed.. 25-35. Boulder: University of Colorado.
Comanche ARMAGOST, James L. 1982. The temporal relationship between telling and happening in Comanche narrative. Anthropological Linguistics 241. 193-200. : .
Comanche ARMAGOST, James L. 1983. Comanche narrative: some general features and a selected text. Kansas working papers in linguistics 8, no. 2. 1-29. Lawrence: University of Kansas.
Comanche ARMAGOST, James L. 1985. Comanche ma-: Undistinguished deictic, narrative obviatiave. IJAL 51.3. 302-320. : .
Comanche ARMAGOST, James L. 1987. Recent advances in predicting Comanche’s voiceless vowels. Papers from the 1987 Hokan-Penutian Workshop and Friends of Uto-Aztecan Workshop, Occasional Papers on Linguistics. Ed. by James E. Redden, ed.. Carbondale: Dept. of Lingu
Comanche ARMAGOST, James L. 1988. Some places where Comanche’s vowel devoicing rule doesn’t work. In Honor of Mary Haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on Native American Linguistics. Ed. by William Shipley, ed.. The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter.
Comanche ARMAGOST, James L. 1989. An interpretation of Comanche names in an eighteenth century Spanish document. Tlalocan XI. 367-374. : .
Comanche ARMAGOST, James L. 1989. The organization of information in St. Clair’s Comanche texts. Presentation to the SSILA Congress, Linguistic Institute, Tucson, AZ, Jun 1989. : .
Comanche ARMAGOST, James L. 1990. Interpreting St. Clair’s Comanche texts: Objective ca. . . king and ‘same subject dependent clauses. Studies in . . .American Languages VI. Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics 15.2. : .
Comanche ARMAGOST, James L., and John E. McLaughlin. 1992. Numic [r] is not a spirant. Presentation to the Annual Congress of the American Anthropological Association, December 5, San Francisco, CA. : .
Comanche ARMAGOST, James L.. 1985 . Comanche phonology: Some comments on Miller's analysis.. In memory of Roman Jakobson: Papers from the 1984 MALC. Ed. by G. Youmans et al.. 259-269. Columbia: Linguistics Area Program [University of Missouri].
Comanche ARMAGOST, James L.. 1986. Three exceptions to vowel devoicing in Comanche.. Anthropological Linguistics 28. 255-265. : .
Comanche BECKER, W. J. 1936. The Comanche Indian and his language. Chronicles of Oklahoma 14. 328-342. : .
Comanche BECKER, W. J. 1951. The Compounding of Words in the Comanche Indian Language: A Thesis. Master’s thesis, University of Oklahoma, Norman. : .
Comanche CANONGE, Elliott D. 1949. Comanche frames. Ms.. : .
Comanche CANONGE, Elliott D. 1957. Voiceless vowels in Comanche. IJAL 23. 63-67. : .
Comanche CANONGE, Elliott D. 1958. Comanche Texts Repub. 1962, 1974. Norman: SIL.
Comanche CANONGE, Elliott D.. 1958. Comanche Texts. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 1.. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Comanche CANONGE, Elliott D.. 1959. Mark-ha tsaatu narumu'ipu: The Gospel According to Mark. New York: American Bible Society.
Comanche CANONGE, Elliott D.. n.d.. Unpublished Comanche texts, in possession of John E. McLaughlin. : .
Comanche CARLSON, Gustav A. and Volney H. Jones. 1939. Some notes on the uses of plants by the Comanche Indians. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science; Arts and Letters 25. 517-542. : .
Comanche CASAGRANDE, Joseph B. 1948. Comanche baby language. IJAL 14. 11-14. : .
Comanche CASAGRANDE, Joseph B. 1954. Comanche linguistic acculturation I. IJAL 20. 140-151. : .
Comanche CASAGRANDE, Joseph B. 1954. Comanche linguistic acculturation II. IJAL 20. 217-237. : .
Comanche CASAGRANDE, Joseph B. 1955. Comanche linguistic acculturation III. IJAL 21. 8-25. : .
Comanche CHARNEY, Jean Ormsbee. 1989. A Grammatical Sketch of the Comanche Language. Doctoral Thesis, University of Colorado. : .
Comanche Charney, Jean.. n.d.. Unpublished Comanche texts.. : .
Comanche ESPINOSA, Aurelio Macedonio, ed. 1907. Los Comanches. University of New Mexico Bulletin; (Language Series I) 1. 1-46. : .
Comanche GARCIA REJON, Manuel. 1866. Vocabulario del idioma comanche, escrito por el Sr. Lic. D. Mexico Impr. de I. Cumplido. : .
Comanche HOEBEL, E. Adamson. 1940. Political organization and law-ways of the Comanche Indians. American Anthropologist Memoir 54 (supplement). : .
Comanche HOFFMAN, W. J.. 1886. Remarks on Indian tribal names. Papers of the American Philosophical Society 23. 299-301. : .
Comanche LEON, Nicolas. 1903. Los comanches y el dialect cahuillo de la Baja California. Anales del Museo Nacional de Mexico la epoca, 7. 263-278. : .
Comanche MARCH, Randolph B [with remarks by W. W. Turner]. 1853. Vocabularies of words in the languages of the Comanches and Wichitas. U.S. Senate Doc. Ex. No. 666 (Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana); Appendix H307-311. Washington, D.C.: .
Comanche MCLAUGHLIN, John E. 1982. From aspect to tense, or what's -nuh in Comanche. 1982 Mid-America linguistics conference proceedings. 412-27. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas.
Comanche MCLAUGHLIN, John E. 1982. From aspect to tense; or what’s -nuh in Comanche. 1982 Mid-America Linguistics Conference Proceedings. 412-427. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas.
Comanche MCLAUGHLIN, John E.. 1983. 'Say' and hse': the firmal structure of comanche oral narrative. Paper presented at the American Culture Association, Wichita, Kansas.. : .
Comanche MILLER, Wick R.. 1973. Some problems in Comanche historical phonology. Paper presented before the Linguistic Society of America, San Diego.. : .
Comanche NEIGHBORS, Robert S. 1852. Comanche (nauni) vocabulary. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, Information respecting the History, Conditions and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States, 2. 494-505. : Filadelfia.
Comanche OSBORN, Henry and SMALLEY, William A. 1949. Formulae for Comanche stem and word formation. IJAL 15. 93-99. : .
Comanche RIGGS, Venda. 1949. Alternate phonemic analyses of Comanche. IJAL 15. 229-231. : .
Comanche SCHOEN, Lawrence M., and James L. Armagost. 1992. Coyote as cheat in Comanche folktales. Western Folklore 51. 202-207. : .
Comanche SMALLEY, William A. 1953. Phonemic rhythm in Comanche. IJAL 19. 297-301. : .
Comanche ST. CLAIR, Harry Hull. 1902. Textos comanches no publicados. National Anthropological Archives #2048-A. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution.
Comanche THOMAS, Alfred B. 1929. An eighteenth century Comanche document. American Anthropologist 31. 289-298. : .
Comanche WADE, Morris. 1988. Being Comanche: The Organization and Maintenance of an American Indian Community, 1700-1986. Doctoral Thesis, Yale University. : .
Comanche WISTRAND Robinson, Lila, and James Armagost. 1990. Comanche dictionary and grammar. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas as Arlington Publications in Linguistics 92. XVIII + 342 p. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and The Uni
Comanche WISTRAND-ROBINSON, Lila. 1985. Bi-directional movement in historical change Shoshone: Comanche. Presentation to the Annual Congress of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Proceedings. Washington, D.C: .
Comanche, Shoshone MOEBEL, E. Adamson. 18661939. Comanche and Hekandika Shoshone relationship systems. American Anthropologist 41. 440-457. : .
Cora ANONYMOUS. 1989. Primeros apuntes que acerca de la lengua cora tomo el sacerdote encargado actualmente de la administracion de los sacramentos en la Sierra de “Nayarit”, publicadas por Alberto Santoscoy, “Nayarit”. Guadalajara: Coleccion de Documentos.
Cora CASAD, Eugene H. 1992. Cognition, history, and Cora yee. Cognitive Linguistics 3.2. 151-186. : .
Cora CASAD, Eugene H. and LANGACKER, Ronald W. 1985. ‘Inside’ and ‘outside’ in Cora grammar. IJAL 51.3. 247-281. : .
Cora CASAD, Eugene H.. 1982. Cora locationals and structured imagery. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, San Diego.. : .
Cora CASAD, Eugene. 1977. Location and direction in Cora discourse. Anthropological Linguistics. 19.5. 216-241. : .
Cora CASAD, Eugene. 1985. Cora. Uto-Aztecan Grammatical Studies, vol. iv. Ed. by Ronald W. Langacher, ed.. 151-459. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and The University of Texas-Arlington.
Cora CASAD, Eugene. 1988. Post-Conquest influences on Cora (Uto-Aztecan). In Honor of Mary Haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on Native American Linguistics. Ed. by William Shipley, ed.. The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter.
Cora CASAD, Eugene. 1989. Toponimos coras. Tlalocan xi. 101-128. : .
Cora CASAD, Eugene. 1990. Corachol locative verbal prefixes. Ms. Presentation to the Language Workshop (FUAC)-UNAM-IIA, June, Mexico, D. F. : .
Cora CERVANTES, N. C. de. 1732. Vocabulario en lengua castellana y cora. Reproducido en Radin, 1931. : .
Cora DIAZ FLORES, Raymundo. 1945. Textos en idioma cora. Escuela Nacional de Antropologia, Pub. 3. Mexico, D. F: .
Cora GOMEZ, Aniceto M. 1935. Estudios gramaticales de la lengua cora que se habla en el territorio de Tepic. Investigaciones linguisticas 3. 79-142. : .
Cora MCMAHON, Ambrose. 1967. Phonemes and phonemic units of Cora (Mexico). IJAL 33.2. 128-134. : .
Cora MCMAHON, Ambrosio y AITON DE MCMAHON, Maria. 1959. Cora y espanol, Serie de Vocabularios Indigenas Mariano Silva y Aceves, 2. Mexico, D. F.: Instituto Linguistico de Verano en cooperacion con la Direccion General de Ausontos Indigenas de la Secretaria de
Cora ORTEGA, Jose de. 1732. Vocabulario en lengua castellana y cora [Reimpreso en el Boletin de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica, 1a epoca, 8:561-605, 1860; reimpreso tambien en Tepic, 1888]. Mexico, D. F: .
Cora PREUSS, Karl Theodor. 1932. Grammatik der Cora-Sprache. IJAL 7. 1-84. : .
Cora VAZQUEZ SOTO, Guadalupe Veronica. 1991. Las vocales laringeas del cora de Presidio de los Reyes, Ms. : .
Cora VAZQUEZ SOTO, Guadalupe Veronica. In Press. Los adjetivos en cora. Estudios sobre lenguas mesoamericanas. Ed. by Carolyn MacKay and Veronica Vazquez, eds.. : Seminario de Lenguas Indigenas, Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas, UNAM.
Cora VAZQUEZ SOTO, Guadalupe Veronica. In Press. Temas fonologicos del cora. Mexico: Seminario de Lenguas Indigenas, Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas, UNAM. : .
Cora VAZQUEZ SOTO, Vero*nica. 1996. El participante no-sujeto en cora: orden de palabras, codificacio*n y marcacio*n de nu*mero. III encuentro de lingui*stica en el noroeste, tomo 1 volumen 2. Ed. by Zarina Estrada Ferna*ndez, Max Figueroa Esteva, and Gerardo
Corachol Cora CORNEJO FRANCO, Jose. 1935. ‘Introduction bio-bibliografica’ para Aniceto M. Gomez (‘35). Investigaciones linguisticas 3. 81-91. : .
Corachol Huichol Centro de Investigacion de Lenguas Indigenas, Universidad de Guadalajara. 1986. Proyecto de investigacion de lenguas indigenas. Funcion 1.1. 145-156. : .
Cuitlatec ARANA OSNAYA, Evangelina. 1959. Afinidades linguisticas del cuitlateco. Actas, 33re International Congress of Americanists, v. II. 560-572. : .
Cuitlatec DRUCKER, Susan; ESCALANTE, Roberto, and WEITLANER, Roberto J. 1963. The Cuitlatec. In: Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. 7, Ethnology, Part One, Robert Wauchope, Editor general, Evon Z. Vogt, volume editor. 565-576. Austin: University of Texas Pr
Cuitlatec ESCALANTE HERNANDEZ, Roberto. 1962. El cuitlateco. Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Departmento de Investigaciones Antropologicas, Publicaciones 9. Mexico: INAH.
Cuitlatec LEON, Nicolas. 1903. Vocabulario en lengua cuitlateca de Totolapam, Estado de Guerrero. Anales del museo Nacional de Mexico, 1a epoca, 7. 304-307. : .
Cuitlatec MCQUOWN, Norman A. 1941. La fonemica del cuitlateco. El Mexico antiguo 5. 239-254. : .
Cuitlatec WEITLANER, Roberto J. 1939. Notes on the Cuitlatec language. El Mexico antiguo 4. 363-373. : .
Cupan JACOBS, Roderick Arnold. 1972. Syntactic Change: A Cupan (Uto-Aztecan) Case Study. University of California Publications in Linguistics 79. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Cupan MUNRO, Pamela. 1990. Stress and vowel length in Cupan absolute nouns. IJAL 56. 217-250. : .
Cupano ELLIOT, Eric. 1993. The indefinite prefix m- in Cupan and Yuman. Presentation to the Hokan-Penutiana Congress, July 3, Columbus, Ohio . : .
Cupano HILL, Jane H. and HILL, Kenneth C.. 1968. Stress in the Cupan (uto-Aztecan) Languages. IJAL 34.4. 233-241. : .
Cupeno BRIGHT, William and HILL, Jane. 1967. The linguistic history of the Cupeno. Studies in Southwestern Ethnolinguistics, edited by Dell Hymes. 351-371. The Hague: Mouton.
Cupeno HILL, Jane H. 1972. Cupeno lexicalization and language history. IJAL 38.3. 161-172. : .
Cupeno HILL, Jane H.. 1966. A Grammar of the Cupeno Language, Doctoral thesis, University of California-Los Angeles. : .
Cupeno HILL, Jane H.. 1971. To cause to die in Cupeno. Presentation at the Annual Congress of the American Anthropological Association, November, New York. Ms.. : .