Baker Shakespeare Theatre BS Baker Rice
1980: Romeo and Juliet Program

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Pic: Benvolio Benvolio (John Gray) in action (but, alas, somewhat washed-out).
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Romeo and Benvolio Romeo (Robert Caterall) rhapsodizes on Rosaline to the amused Benvolio (John Gray).
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Peter The Nurse's man Peter (Steve Kirkland), alas, doesn't know how to read.
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Juliet Juliet (Karen Chatfield).
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Juliet and Mom Lady Capulet (Diana Van Hooser), Juliet (Karen Chatfield), and the Nurse (Susanne Darnell).
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: 'Heavier Still' Splendid physical comedy: the Nurse (Susanne Darnell) speaks of Juliet as "heavier still by the weight of a man."
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Romeo and Juliet Romeo (Robert Caterall) and Juliet (Karen Chatfield) meet at the Capulets' party.
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Dancers at the masque The dancers at the Capulets' masque.
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: HC Venerable BS actor H.C. Clark, as Capulet.
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: A couple at the dance A couple at Capulet's dance.
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Nurse beckons. The Nurse (Susanne Darnell) beckons Juliet (Karen Chatfield) away from Romeo (Robert Caterall) at the end of the party.
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Friar Francis Friar Lawrence (Joe Rickie) sermonizes on the virtues of his garden.
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Peaceful Benvolio Peaceful Benvolio (John Gray) tries to calm enraged Tybalt (Gilbert Ebarb).
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Nurse and Juliet The Nurse (Susanne Darnell) and Juliet (Karen Chatfield) plan for the future after Tybalt's death.
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Juliet in state Juliet (Karen Chatfield) lies in state in the Capulet tomb.
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Paris and Page Paris (Jim Grigsby) tells his Page (Baker Masters' son Chris Minter) to remain in the churchyard.
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Juliet at the Tomb Juliet (Karen Chatfield) prepares to join her Romeo (Robert Caterall) in death.
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Dead Cast Cast and crew in a humorous comment on the end of the play (check out Friar Francis!).
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Program cover The program cover.
(Source: Baker College archives).
Pic: Feast Invitation An invitation to Baker Shakespeare Feast: one of the earliest known.
(Source: Baker College archives).

Last modified July 29, 1996 by Proteus Internet Information. Send corrections or comments. And if you don't like it, well you can just go get yourself a Shakespearean insult.