7th Annual International Programs Photo Contest

Rice University

Student Category Photos

Alumni Category Photos

The Annual Photo Contest

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Rice University International Programs & Alumni Affairs together in year two of collaboration, welcome you to see the world through the eyes and camera lenses of both Rice students and alumni. Within this website, you can travel the world, not needing a passport in hand, rather just a click of the mouse. Vicariously wonder from the streets of Venice to the shores of Brazil. Experience the sounds of Chinese merchants in a crowded marketplace to cool water turning beneath a bridge in The Netherlands. Smell sacred incense burning as Cambodians gather for prayer. These photos will excite your senses, as does the experience for Rice students and alumni abroad.

It is through sharing these images with the greater Rice community that the photographers themselves express the profound and life-changing experiences they have encountered across the globe. In addition, the contest provides study and work abroad students and alumni the opportunity to contribute to the expansion of international opportunities at Rice. By allowing their photos to be reprinted and purchased through International Programs, they are generating scholarships funds for future Rice students to go abroad.

With over 200 outstanding photos submitted to this year's contest, judging these entries was extremely difficult. We thank each photographer for sharing his or her experiences with us. The Best of Show and other winning photographs can be seen through the links on the right-hand side panel.