2003 RCSSC New President Election

Following is the candidates' resume and motivation (in the order of Last name).

Please reply to lbs@rice.edu with your choice by 6:00PM, Wed., April 23. 2003.

Mr. Tianhong Daia postdoc scholar in  Bioengineering, current committee member.





1992年至1995年于中国农业大学攻读博士学位。 在校期间任校研究生会学术兼外联部长。






19957月至12月受聘于国务院经济体制改革办公室国际合作中心, 参与筹备与组织“1995中国国有企业改革国际研讨会”。










1999年至2000年,佐治亚理工学院 (Georgia Institute of Technology)化学工程学院博士后。


2000年至2002年约翰霍普金斯大学 (Johns Hopkins University) 机械工程系博士后。其间,任约翰霍普金斯大学中国学生学者联谊会理事。


2002年起莱斯大学 (Rice University) 生物工程系博士后。


20024月至今,莱斯大学中国学生学者联谊会理事,  参与02年迎新,中秋联欢,春节联欢的组织活动。


Motivations to be the President:


I love to be involved and to make a difference, and the best way I know to do this is by being an active participant in the community I am part of. I have realized that I can achieve the greatest number of goals in the least amount of time if I am one of the active participants of the group. It will provide me with the chance to contribute more to the agenda of our community and the issues that concern us. Also, I enjoy working with different people, from whom I can learn a lot of different things. I know that it will be a great opportunity for me to nurture my talents and foster a positive environment for our community.


More information can be found at: http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~banvari/tainhong.html



Mr. Jianshun Sheng   a second year graduate student in Mechanical Eng.& Materials Science.

                                                current committee member               



Education Background:

08/2001------  Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Rice University                

09/1996------07/2001       Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Univ. Sci. & Tech. China


Social Activity:


·       Activity Coordinator @ Rice Chinese Student & Scholar’s Club

·       Activity Coordinator @ Student Association of Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering, Uni. Sci. & Tech. China



I still remember the days after I came to Rice in August 2001, though it was quite a long time ago. Families and friends are all far away in the home country, while Houston, to me, was a completely strange city located in a not very familiar country where I am a foreigner. Moreover, jet lag, hot and humid weather, different life style, food, language, transportation and shopping problems… New life, which was expected to be very good, turned out worse than the worst nightmare I have ever had.  

However, I was quite lucky in that I was at Rice, where there is a very warm and well-organized Chinese student association named "Rice Chinese Student  & Scholar's Club", and where there are a lot of nice and warm-hearted Chinese students and scholars who are very kind to new students and very willing to offer any possible help. With their kind help, I got adapted to the new life at Rice very soon.


Looking back at all those unforgettable experiences, I feel so thankful. I always remember all the nice persons who have helped me and all the kind help I have got. I have also decided to try my best to help others as a return of the help I have got. In the past year, I have served in the RCSSC committee as an activity coordinator. I helped organize some activities held by our club during the year, such as helping new students get settled down during 2002 New Students Pick-up & Orientation, helping organize 2002 Mid-Autumn & New Students Welcome Party, and so on.


My current service in the 2002~2003 RCSSC Committee will end very soon. I believe to be a President in the new Committee can give me more chances to give help and serve us Chinese Students, and it is also a good way of getting myself more involved in our Chinese community.


Please give your support by voting for me.


Be part of something great, and together, we can do better!







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