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Econ 504 / Stat 604
Computational Economics

Fall 2018


Professor: Mahmoud A. El-Gamal

Classes: MW 11:00-12:30, Room BKH 271

TA: Ibrahim Emirahmetoglu

Course Description:
This course introduces second-year Economics PhD students to the essential elements of numerical and Monte Carlo analysis methods for use in Economics and Finance. No prior programming experience is required, although, of course, such experience can be of value. Mostly, the course assignments and exams will be Matlab based, with links to AMPL and Knitro solver for large scale optimization, and to STAN for MCMC Bayesian methods. The last module of the course is more statistically oriented, and will thus be R based.

We will not have a formal textbook for the course, but elements of the following books will be used:


Part 1: Basics, static solutions and optimization for equilibrium and estimation (Matlab based)

Part 2: Dynamic and Stochastic Modeling (Matlab based)

Part 3: Bayesian Methods and Machine learning (R based)
